Sunday looked at him, and there seemed to be a gleam in his eyes.

Luo Ming showed a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth, and was about to continue speaking.

Ji Zi beside him stepped forward and stood shoulder to shoulder with him,"Mr. Sunday, even if everyone in the Oak family cannot completely agree with the arrangement regarding the star core, now is probably not the time to talk about the past and future of Pinocchio, right?"

"The star core issue concerns the life and death of all Pinocchio. If you have a better proposal, the train team is willing to listen. Why not tell us the whole story of the meeting?"

"This way we can also know what happened to Walter and Miss Robin that caused them to not show up as promised."

Walter and Miss Robin are missing, and now is not the time to directly conflict with Sunday.

Luo Ming turned his head to look at the steady and mature elder sister Ji Zi, smiled and said nothing more.

It must be said that with Ji Zi around, it really makes people feel very safe and can put down all the burdens. He almost likes this feeling.

Sunday smiled,"Navigator, that's what I meant. Now that we are all here, let's start with that meeting."

"Let's talk about our predicaments and choices, our own ideals and beliefs.......And the only way we should go in the end."

There are still a few systems before the Harmony Ceremony.

Sunday undoubtedly wants to delay time. He slowly opens his mouth and tells the whole process of meeting the dream master, exposing the order he believes in, and imprisoning Walter and the robin in the consciousness space.......

After hearing this, even Ji Zi was shocked by the news,"It's unbelievable that Pinocchio actually exists.......The remnants of order."

March Seven asked angrily:"What did you do to Uncle Yang and Miss Robin?!"

Sunday smiled with order,"Please rest assured, I just gave them some time to ponder their fate alone."

Ji Zi looked at him:"You should understand that doing this means being an enemy of the Star Train."

"Even if we must make enemies with all of you nameless guests, it will only be me and the Oak family, but we haven't reached that point yet, have we?"

"Everyone has seen that you are running around for justice for Pinocchio."

Xing glared at him:"Give Uncle Yang back to us!"

Sunday nodded:"I will, but it depends on the outcome of this negotiation."

Ji Zi replied:"If it is the order that drives you to imprison Walter and Robin, and use it to force us to obey, then I think there is no need for us to sit down and negotiate."

After that, she turned her head and glanced at Luo Ming.

Luo Ming nodded slightly at her.

Ji Zi was relieved, but she didn't show it on the surface.

As a tacit understanding between companions, she learned from Luo Ming that Walter and Robin would not be in any danger.

Naturally, she would not be too passive when facing Sunday.

"You misunderstood, Miss Jizi. Sunday explained:"They are safe, just as the family has always promised, no one will be harmed in the dream, let alone the beautiful new world of order."

"Brave New World?"Luo Ming looked at Zhou Ri with a bit of strangeness. I didn't expect you to be such a brother-in-law.

"Pinocchio and the universe have witnessed too much innocent blood, the strong slashing at the weak, the winner pushing the loser's life to the end......."

"Natural selection - the world follows this law, and builds the welfare of all mankind on the remains of the weak. Only we, the fate walkers of order, or I, have the ability to end this absurd farce."

Ji Zi was a little unbelievable:"You plan to revive a dead star god? No one has ever done this."

Order Star God Taiyi died because his fate was assimilated by harmony. If you want to revive him, you have to make the fate of order broader than harmony. Let's first say whether Sunday can do it. If he is really resurrected, is he really the"Taiyi" he used to be?

Sunday doesn't care.

"Since Miss Jizi is interested, let's talk frankly. I always believe that people can understand each other in a peaceful way."

"I would like to tell you the aspirations of the Order Walkers truthfully so that you can make a better judgment about the Star Train, Pinocchio, and this universe. Prophecy is pale and powerless and it is difficult to describe the ideal appearance......."

"So follow me, everyone, let's go back the way we came and see where this road will lead to."

As soon as the voice fell ,

Sunday's figure disappeared out of thin air.

March 7 was startled and looked around hurriedly, fearing that the guy would suddenly appear and cause harm to everyone.

At this time,

Sunday's voice came again,"Welcome, this is not any corner of Pinocchio's dream, but my inner world. The reason why the scene in front of us has not changed is because your consciousness has extracted similar concepts to complete them."

Xing folded his arms across his chest and pouted,"Who would show their inner heart?......"

Sanyueqi also agreed speechlessly:"That is to say......"

As a practitioner of order, Sunday's heart is undoubtedly strong, and he was not moved by the two's"taunting".

Jizi guessed something,"Did you do the same thing to Walter and Miss Mockingbird?"

Sunday's voice was calm:"This is a rate adjustment, the effect is stronger, and it is more troublesome. Xing has experienced it before, she should understand"

"Through tuning, you can understand my emotions more intuitively, which also means that I will not hide anything from you."

"Next, I would like to ask everyone to look at the big screen. The road we came here starts from here."

Sunday seemed very sincere, showing his mind and consciousness to everyone without reservation.

At this time, if Luo Ming took action, he could completely shatter his consciousness space, severely injure him, or even directly wipe him out.

But this is meaningless. The shadow of order has already completely infiltrated more than 100,000 members of the Oak Family.

Unless all these members are killed, the shadow of order will eventually be reborn.

And doing so will be an indiscriminate massacre.

The star gods of harmony will definitely end. Under the tolerance of harmony, Luo Ming and even the Star Dome Train will be reasonably wiped out.

Only when people with different destinies, even including the envoys, work towards the goal of saving this planet, can it be a true harmony.

Luo Ming seriously suspected that the harmony looked at Pinoconi, who was"invaded" by order at this time, and his heart was already blooming with joy.

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