While Luo Ming was thinking, Sunday's peaceful voice continued.

The hot sand audition scene played on the big screens on both sides also turned into a picture of a person holding a bird.

"From here on, you will see many choices I have made. I have selected some of them to share with you. I think that after experiencing the same dilemma, you will definitely understand my thoughts."

"Let's start. The first decision is about a story of a young bird."

Sunday began to tell the story of what he had experienced.

This was meant to delay time. After all, there was still some time before the Harmony Ceremony was held, and the Qixiang Choir had not yet arrived. Sunday naturally could not usurp the power of"Same Wish".

Another purpose was to try to persuade the Starry Sky Train, which was famous throughout the universe, to join his great cause.

"This story happened when Robin and I were very young. We were victims of the star core disaster. Mr. Gophermu of the family - who would later become the Lord of Pinoconi - saw that we were helpless and adopted us."

"After that, I spent a relatively carefree time with the robin. One day after dinner, my sister and I accidentally found a lonely little harlequin pigeon in the courtyard of Gopherwood."

"The baby bird was still very young, its feathers had not even fully grown, and it could not sing. When we found it, it lay in the grass, dying, as if it had been abandoned by its parents."

"We immediately decided to build a bird's nest for it, but after much thought, we realized that the winter was very cold, the wind was very strong at night, and there were many poisonous insects and wild animals roaming around......."

"There was no doubt that if the chick was left in the yard, it would never survive until spring, so I suggested taking it back and placing it in the......"......

Sunday finished telling this story.

Then he threw the question to everyone in the train group,"Now, I will give you the power to choose. Faced with this situation, what will you choose?"

"Should we adopt our original plan and build a bird's nest for the little pigeon with soft cushions on the original site, or should we choose to build a birdcage for it and raise the bird carefully in a warm house?"

"I look forward to your answers."

After hearing the question,

Xing answered without hesitation:"I will directly prepare star anise and peppercorns and stew them into my stomach!"

"Hey, you want to eat a pigeon that hasn't even grown all its feathers?" Sanyueqi looked at her with some disdain.

Xing said as a matter of course:"It's just right to roast the pigeon. Anyway, this guy didn't ask any questions properly, so why should we take it so seriously?"

Luo Ming smiled and agreed:"Xing is really smart for once"

"What, what do you mean? I feel like I'm the only one who didn't understand?"

Sanyueqi touched his head and felt that his IQ seemed to be insufficient.

Liuying kindly explained:"This is a false proposition of black and white. The young pigeon cannot survive in the cold night. It does need to be taken back and protected in a warm cage, but this does not mean that it will be locked up forever. When it recovers, it can be released to live outside."

"That's right!"

March Seven understood instantly.

With her hands on her hips and staring at the sky, she said:"Fortunately, I am smart and clever. You almost tricked me. We have to choose both of them!"

Sunday did not answer, as if he no longer existed, but the two screens were still waiting for the choice.

"Just pick one, Xing, I leave it to you."

After hearing what Luo Ming said,

Xing stepped forward confidently and chose to build a bird's nest for the little pigeon on the spot, instead of taking it back to its warm home to build a birdcage.

Seeing her rebellious behavior, neither Ji Zi nor March Seven were surprised at all, as they had long been accustomed to it.

Sunday's voice also rang out, as if he hadn't heard the previous black-and-white ridicule of him:"Interesting, since you have made up your mind, let me reveal what fate this choice will bring to the young bird."

"From what I have observed, there are at least three kinds of wild animals that feed on small birds in that courtyard. Although they cannot harm humans, these creatures are still the top predators in this small courtyard."

"In such a place, there is only one fate waiting for the little Harmony Pigeon - a painful death."

"For the choice you made......I deeply regret this. Next, let's move on to the second choice.......It is the story of a dream chaser."

Luo Ming listened to Sunday's second story with a calm expression.

As a believer in order, Sunday might really want to create a paradise without disputes, but he was too idealistic and put himself in too high a position - the only sober person.

So he would never succeed.

Many of his remarks were too subjective, and only gave a definite prediction, which was very misleading.

But in fact, from a small courtyard to the entire galaxy, everything has countless possibilities.

For example, the probability of a comet suddenly destroying the entire Pinocchio in the next second is very small, but it is by no means zero.......

Sunday quickly finished the second story.

It was when he was working as the bellmaster of the Oak Family, and he heard the story of a dream chaser who gave up everything, including selling his two children, and finally smuggled to Pinocchio.

The gambler planned to redeem his children after he became rich, but was soon caught by the hounds.

Sunday rescued him from the claws of the hounds and ordered them to stop the pursuit, thinking that he would be able to live in peace, but who knew it would lead to bitter consequences in the future.

Sunday's voice was filled with a trace of compassion:"The answer will be announced later. Now, I hope you will make a choice - to make the same decision as me and persuade the hound family to stop the search so that the dream chaser can survive and realize his wish."

"Or should we remain silent and let him linger under the pursuit of the hounds until the destined judgment comes?"

"I look forward to your choices, maybe you can reverse the tragedy."

"Is there any need to say this?"

Sanyueqi said angrily:"He sold all his property and turned his two children into slaves just to come here to pursue the illusory dream of getting rich. This kind of person should not be rescued and should bear the consequences he deserves!"

Jizi had the opposite opinion:"If the precondition is true, then the two children who were unable to support themselves would be able to survive after becoming slaves. Out of kindness, I should ask the Hound Family to stop the search and give him a hand."

"However, what kind of bitter fruit will this choice bring? I think Sunday must have deeply realized the limitations of using the strong to support the weak through this incident."

After choosing the answer from the perspective of an observer, she threw the question to Sunday again.

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