Because the two of them were together, Xiaochun no longer called him Mr. Mighty Dai, but changed to a more intimate name"Adai"."

"Wow, I didn't expect Brother Dai to have such courage! But it's true, who wouldn't want to marry a girl as good as Sister Xiaochun? As long as you know Sister Xiaochun a little bit, I'm afraid everyone will want to marry you."

Hinata Shinichi said with a smile

"Shinichi, please don't say these embarrassing things."

Xiaochun's face turned even redder, and she gently pushed Hinata Shinichi

"Hahaha, Sister Xiaochun is just too shy. You have to be more proactive with a slow-moving man like Brother Dai!"Hinata Shinichi smiled mischievously.

After confirming that Hinata Shinichi would come, Xiaochun also said that she had to go back early to prepare, so the two separated.

Hinata Shinichi walked slowly on the way home, with a thousand thoughts in his mind. He could never have imagined that he would attend two weddings and eat two meals in one day.

Then he thought that Brother Dai was getting married, so the child to be born in the future should be Might Guy. However

, the original book did not describe it in detail, and Might Guy's mother did not appear. It is estimated that he died young, but it is unknown why she died young.

However, thinking of Hinata Shinichi couldn't help but have some guesses in his mind, considering the financial situation of Brother Dai and the seemingly poor family situation of Sister Xiaochun.

It is possible that the family was financially constrained and could not provide good enough nutrition for the pregnant Sister Xiaochun, which led to her deteriorating health after giving birth to Might Guy, and she eventually passed away.

This situation is not uncommon in this era. In this era, such tragedies happen from time to time, and there are even tragic cases of mother and child dying together.

In the final analysis, it is because the medical conditions in this era are too poor, and people still look for midwives to help them give birth.

Thinking of this, Hinata Shinichi also realized the importance of hospitals.

There are few entertainment activities in this era, and everyone can only make children at home at night.

The emergence of hospitals can reduce the mortality rate of pregnant women and infants, and reducing the mortality rate will ensure the population.

Hinata Shinichi walked and thought along the way, and unknowingly returned to the Senju clan.

After arriving home, he first explained to his family that he had to attend a friend's wedding banquet tonight, and told them to solve the dinner problem by themselves, and then stepped out of the house and began to prepare the wedding gifts for Might Guy and Xiaochun. After careful selection

, Hinata Shinichi decided to buy some exercise equipment for Might Guy as a gift, after all, he knew Might Guy's love for exercise.

As for Kotsubaki, he bought a batch of exquisite kitchen utensils, because he knew that this kind-hearted lady loved to cook delicious food.

After all the gifts were purchased, Hinata Shinichi used the sealing technique to seal them all into a bundle of scrolls, and then walked towards Kotsubaki's house.

When he arrived at the door of Kotsubaki's house, an alluring aroma came to his nose. Hinata Shinichi couldn't help but take a deep breath and whispered to himself

""It smells so good!"

Then he raised his hand and knocked on the door gently. After a while, footsteps were heard in the room, and then the door was slowly pushed open. The one who opened the door was an old lady with a kind face and a kind smile on her face.

Hinata Shinichi looked at the old lady in front of him and thought that this should be Xiaochun's grandmother.

Although he guessed so in his heart, he still greeted her politely.

"Hello, are you Xiaochun's grandmother?"

The old lady smiled kindly at the polite Hinata Shinichi and said

"Well, I am Xiaochun’s grandmother. Child, are you the guest invited by Xiaochun?"

"Yes, grandma, Sister Xiaochun invited me to attend her wedding banquet with Brother Dai today."

"Come in quickly, child."

The old lady greeted Hinata Shinichi warmly and continued

"Xiaochun and Adai are busy in the kitchen."

Hinata Shinichi could feel that the old lady was in a very happy mood, with a happy smile on her face, as if she was happy because her granddaughter was getting married.

Hinata Shinichi nodded slightly to the old lady and stepped into the room gently.

Looking around, he found that although this house was just an ordinary old-style house, it was well cleaned and tidied.

Although the wooden structure of the house was a little old, and some corners had mold spots due to long-term moisture, these did not affect the warmth of the whole house.

At this time, Xiaochun came out of the kitchen with steaming dishes in her hands. When she saw Hinata Shinichi, a bright smile immediately broke out on her face, and she greeted her warmly.

"Shinichi, you're here at the right time! The food is almost ready, please sit down and wait for a while."

After saying that, Xiaochun placed the dishes in her hands neatly on the dining table, then turned around and walked into the kitchen again to serve other dishes.

Hinata Shinichi looked into the kitchen, only to see Might Dai preparing the ingredients for the next dish in the kitchen.

The cooperation between the two people in the kitchen was quite tacit, and they would exchange a few words with each other from time to time, and laughter continued to be heard.

Witnessing this harmonious and beautiful scene, Hinata Shinichi couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth and reveal a knowing smile.

At this time, the old lady walked to Hinata Shinichi and looked at the scene with a smile on her face.

Soon the dishes were ready, and Hinata Shinichi also helped the old lady sit in the main seat, and he sat alone on the other side, while Might Dai and Xiaochun sat opposite Hinata Shinichi.

During this period, Hinata Shinichi also learned that the two of them had only invited himself to this wedding banquet, mainly because both of them had no one else to invite.

Might Dai has been training for so many years, and he is still just a Genin, so���No one would pay attention to him.

Xiaochun is just too introverted, so he doesn't have many friends.

So the two only invited Hinata Shinichi, the witness of their love. This is why Xiaochun has been planning to invite Hinata Shinichi today. The main reason is that they are afraid that Hinata Shinichi will refuse to attend their wedding banquet.

At the beginning of the wedding banquet, Hinata Shinichi kept praising Xiaochun's cooking skills and even teased Mighty Dai.

""Brother Dai, you are so lucky to have such a good wife like Sister Xiaochun."

As soon as he said this, Xiaochun, who was sitting next to Matt Dai, said

"That's not the case. I should be lucky because I met the kind and strong Adai."

Xiaochun also told her about their encounter, and Hinata Shinichi finally understood why she was so brave in pursuing Might Dai.

It was a quiet early morning, and Xiaochun's grandmother suddenly became ill, but because Xiaochun was shy and introverted, she didn't know how to seek help from others to send her grandmother to the clinic for treatment.

Just when Xiaochun felt helpless, Might Dai, who happened to be exercising outside, saw the helpless Xiaochun.

Might Dai extended a helping hand without hesitation, carrying his grandmother to the clinic, so that his grandmother received timely treatment.

Afterwards, Might Dai did not ask for anything in return, but only left a heartwarming word.

"Take good care of grandma. If you need anything, you can always come to me."

Then he left quietly. It was this selfless act that was deeply imprinted in Xiaochun's heart.

Later, Xiaochun accidentally saw Might Dai exercising on the side of the road. At that time, he was being laughed at by others, but he still had a smile on his face and responded frankly to the"support" of others.

This scene shocked the introverted Xiaochun. From then on, Might Dai's image became taller and taller in Xiaochun's heart, and her feelings for him became deeper and deeper.

Every time she saw Might Dai facing the ridicule of others, still smiling and insisting on his exercise, Xiaochun's introverted personality slowly changed.

This is also the reason why Xiaochun called Might Dai"Mr. Hard Work". In fact, she is also slowly trying to change her inner personality.

…… ps: After writing so much, the author actually also dug a lot of holes. The next thing is the Second Ninja World War. Please use your love for free, and please leave more comments. Thank you.

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