The old man was so angry that he was not happy.

Hyuga Shinichi's eyes fell on the newly appeared Shimura Danzo.

Is this old man really here to support the elder of the Hyuga family?

In his opinion, it is not necessarily the case?

With Orochimaru's reminder, he knew that there was a fortress in the base of the root specifically targeting the Hyuga family, just to prevent the Hyuga family from rebelling.

Not only is he wary of the Uchiha family, but also of every big family.

In any case, those who came here today are all restless.

Shimura Danzo also noticed Hyuga Shinichi, this rising star, who will soon become his subordinate.

This time, his real purpose is to get Hyuga Shinichi.

Only by forcing Hyuga Shinichi to despair, he can show his favor and let him become a tool to protect "Konoha"!

"Hiashi, Lord Hokage has something for me to tell you.

It just so happens that during this clan meeting, the children of the Hyuga clan of appropriate age will be branded with the seal of the bird in the cage.

Recently, the Thunder Hidden Village has been restless again and sent spy ninjas to Konoha.

The target is the Byakugan of your Hyuga clan, which is the top priority.

Hyuga Shinichi's eyes, is the seal loose? Strengthen the seal again."

Shimura Danzo's only remaining eye flashed a sharp light.

The last sentence directly exposed his true purpose, which was indeed aimed at Hyuga Shinichi.

When it comes to conspiracies and tricks against people's hearts, he has to admire the third generation Hokage, who handed the knife well.

Every time he makes him the one who is willing to take the blame.

When the Third Hokage said that Orochimaru might stop them, Shimura Danzo began to investigate. Orochimaru was a guy who could be moved by something very special.

Finally, he saw something amazing.

In this way, he and the Third Hokage were two people with their own ulterior motives.

Sarutobi Hiruzen wanted the Hyuga clan to become a nearly retainer like the Ino-Shika-Cho family.

Shimura Danzo wanted the genius Hyuga Shinichi.

The two hit it off!

Each got what they needed, it was perfect.

Holding a piece of information in his hand, which also included the seal of the Third Hokage.

Hyuga Shinichi's heart was shaken.

Judging from the current situation, the Third Hokage and Shimura Danzo have been linked together.

He didn't know that while he was supported by Orochimaru, he was also targeted by Shimura Danzo, a dark-minded guy.

These two old guys who attack people's hearts are really disgusting.

In their hearts, they thought that they were not affected by the bird in the cage because their seal was loose?

How ridiculous!

They can't even wait for two months. The two clan meetings are combined together. Isn't it just to catch me off guard?

But it just so happens that I can't wait.

This family is a bit too dirty. Clean it up as soon as possible and make my father's wish come true as soon as possible.

Hyuga Hiashi and the elder just looked at each other and made a decision in their hearts.

They also noticed the cleverness of this plan.

Now Shimura Danzo has given a good excuse, which is to prevent the outflow of the White Eyes.

"In view of this information, the engraving of the caged bird will be advanced by two months. Do you have any objections?"

Hyuga Hiashi asked symbolically. He couldn't wait to see Hyuga Shinichi submit to the authority of the main family again.

In order to strengthen his majesty, he once again used the pressure of the caged bird.

Some people can no longer hide their resentment in their eyes, but under the control of the caged bird and the influence of the main family, they all lower their heads.

The older generation of ninjas have become accustomed to it, just like the trained lions and tigers in the circus, and dare not resist.

The young ninjas who were close to Hinata Shinichi's age had the biggest reaction.

They themselves had a deep understanding of the viciousness of the caged bird, just like now, they didn't even have a chance to speak equally.

Even worse, they could be tortured.

In extreme cases, they might even be tortured to death.

They were young and yearning for freedom, but they were tortured by this vicious curse.

Now they are putting their children in this cage again?

Now they have to change their plans. They could have lived happily for two months, and they also wanted to accompany their children well in these two months.

Now even the last two months are gone!

After a commotion, everyone's eyes fell on Hinata Shinichi.

They thought of Hinata Shinichi's father, the elder who had proposed to abolish the caged bird plan.

In the eyes of some people

, all of them radiated light.

They all recalled the legend circulating in the village. At the wedding of the Fourth Hokage, Hyuga Shinichi, a branch family, suppressed the main Hyuga family!

Only Hyuga Shinichi can save them, and can save the Hyuga clan!

Hyuga Shinichi was also thinking that it was time for this decadent family to be renewed.

"Hyuga Shinichi, are you okay?"

The elder of the Hyuga family noticed the strange scene on the field. Why did these people from the branch families all look at Hyuga Shinichi? This made him feel a little uneasy.

When his eyes fell on the caged bird mark on Hyuga Shinichi's head, he felt extremely confident.

These branch families are just their tools!

No matter what, they can't resist the main family.

As soon as he said this, the old man Shimura Danzo and Hyuga Hiashi both looked at him.

They seemed to be laughing at him.

"I have no problem, but Elder Shimura, your child is calling you home for dinner!"

Hinata Shinichi chuckled, raised his head, and said something inexplicable.

"Isn't he a family extinct?"


The originally tense scene became strange.

Everyone didn't understand why Hinata Shinichi would say such a thing at this time.

Without waiting to continue asking questions.

Tap tap ~

A burst of hurried footsteps came from far away.

"Danzo, the Shimura family was attacked and needs your support!"

A root ninja with an animal mask on his face used the instant body technique to come directly to the door of the ancestral hall, but was stopped by the guard ninja of the Hyuga clan.

He could only stand at the door and shout this sentence.


Shimura Danzo's gloomy face first looked at the root ninja, and then cursed directly.

"It's you!"

He shouted at Hinata Shinichi!

The anger on his face squeezed his wrinkles together, like a chirping old dove.

He exuded a dark aura and rushed straight towards Hyuga Shinichi.

Although there was no evidence, his inner intuition told him that this matter was inseparable from Hyuga Shinichi.

But how dare he?

In Konoha Village, attacking an elder's family?

"Elder Danzo, how can you slander someone's innocence out of thin air? Although you don't have children, you still have your clan members! Go quickly, there's still time."

Hyuga Shinichi's body was still lazy, and Shimura Danzo's aura was a bit too childish, and he began to stimulate Shimura Danzo.

It seemed like advice, but this attitude was admitting that he did it!

There were only a few idiots in Konoha Village who might have participated. Unexpectedly, the Sarutobi family did not jump out, but let Shimura Danzo jump out instead.

Now the black ghost Conan is playing with the Shimura clan, and I don't know what consequences it will cause.

Conan, that guy, has been restrained by himself for long enough.

He needs to vent his inner feelings.

"Hinata Shinichi, you can't escape from my palm, just wait for Konoha's judgment!"

Shimura Danzo was more certain that it was Hinata Shinichi who did it, and he still kept the last bit of rationality, said harsh words, and left directly.

Without the support of a powerful family, how could he become Hokage? Could it be relying on the Root?

He needs to protect his family.

Shimura Danzo came and went in a hurry.

Like a disgusting pile of feces!

"Irrelevant people, have already withdrawn, the meeting has begun."

Hinata Shinichi turned his head and looked at the elder and Hinata Hiashi who were obviously disappointed.

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