The two sides held a press conference.

"Don't you object to starting the two meetings together?"

Hinata Hiashi was a little surprised that Hinata Shinichi didn't object?

He began to doubt his own judgment. Wasn't there something wrong with the bird in the cage?

"Why object? I can't wait! What a good opportunity to make our Hyuga family stronger!"

Hinata Shinichi walked towards Hinata Hiashi, replaced the original position of Shimura Danzo, and stood in the middle of the three people.

While clapping his hands, he controlled his pupil power to penetrate into the ground, engraved into an invisible bird in a cage.

In this position, the elder and Hinata Hiashi seemed to be foils.

The black lines on their faces continued to spread.

Hinata Hiashi stepped aside, took a few steps away, and immediately announced the start of the clan meeting, unlike an emcee.

He wanted Hinata Shinichi to pay for his actions.

"The position of the Hidden Vein Family has been vacant for several years.

Now that the war is over, we can re-elect a Hidden Vein Family to maintain the stability of the family!

The current participants include Hinata Shota from the lineage of the Great Elder.

Hinata Shinichi from the lineage of the Second Elder.

I hope everyone will choose carefully.

Personally, I support the lineage of the Great Elder!

Originally, the Hidden Vein Family was held by the son of the Great Elder, but he died in the war."

Hinata Hiashi's voice echoed in the ancestral hall. At the beginning, the content was normal.

But the last few sentences were no longer hints.

It became naked favoritism.

This reminded Hinata Shinichi of the election in his previous life. The top leader had spoken?

Still not obedient, waiting to be bullied?

Do you have any other choice?

Hyuga Hiashi looked at Hyuga Shinichi provocatively, trying to see a little fear from him.

"Ha! Ha! Ha!

Patriarch, what a wonderful opening. You are worthy of being a prominent family from generation to generation."

Hyuga Shinichi laughed, he wanted to applaud Hyuga Hiashi, but he couldn't do it!

One of his arms was always reminding himself that the Hyuga family was too corrupt!

This speech made him feel like he was recalling his past life. The difference between the leader's words and a dog's fart was just that they were more rhythmic.

He praised him in a weird way, especially a few laughs, which were full of irony!

The Great Elder and Hyuga Hiashi were both confused, and they were guessing what Hyuga Shinichi wanted to do.

"Then, let's start the vote!"

Hyuga Shinichi seemed impatient and directly interrupted Hyuga Hiashi.

This caught Hyuga Hiashi and the Great Elder off guard. Are they so impatient?

Now this meeting is getting more and more out of control.

"Now raise your hands to vote! Those who choose the lineage of the Great Elder raise your hands!"

Hinata Hiashi frowned, took the initiative, and announced loudly.

He walked to the side of the Great Elder and raised his hand without hesitation.

Then his eyes fell on the senior ninjas in the ancestral hall.

His face changed, his eyes were solemn, and emotions of incomprehension and anger appeared on his face at the same time.

The expected scene of a hundred responses did not appear, only a dozen people raised their hands.

These dozen people were all senior ninjas who were old, had no worries, and had no juniors.

The others lowered their heads and remained silent, which was enough to express their attitudes.

"Master, I think your method is wrong. Our Hyuga clan has good eyesight, but not necessarily good hearing. They may not have heard your words clearly.

How about this!

Those who support me, stand behind me.

Those who support the great elder, stand on the side of the clan leader!"

Hinata Shinichi acted as if he was considering Hyuga Hiashi, and said slowly.

The only remaining hand pointed behind him.


Hinata Hiashi heard a strong sense of sarcasm in this sentence.

Wanting to start the caged bird and teach these branch jonin a lesson, is this disobeying him?

I thought it was just a formality, but I didn't expect that he was the clown.

But what about those who once firmly supported him?

Hua La La~

The sound of bodies moving.

The people in the ancestral hall swarmed behind Hyuga Shinichi.

Only a dozen jonin who had raised their hands were left, looking at each other and standing where they were.

Finally, he slowly stood behind Hinata Hiashi.

"You guys!"

Hinata Hiashi's face was full of disbelief, his eyes widened.

He didn't believe it, could there really be such a big gap?

He just glanced at them,

Just as Hyuga Shinichi said, the Hyuga family has very good eyesight. With a glance, he knew the difference in the number of people on both sides.

Behind him, including him, the number of people cannot reach 20.

And behind Hyuga Shinichi, there are more than 100 people!

This is completely opposite to the speculation before the meeting! He should be the one with more than 100 people, right?

"Patriarch, now, the result is obvious, isn't it? Announce the result quickly!"

Hyuga Shinichi laughed contemptuously.

This is thanks to the caged bird research notes sent by Orochimaru.

After careful research, he got the method to remove the caged bird mark, that is, the powerful Byakugan pupil power directly erases the mark!

No wonder the second generation Hokage put the caged bird research on the shelf, he doesn't have Byakugan.

Only the pupil power of Byakugan can fight against the caged bird.

Far beyond the Byakugan pupil power of the main family.

These senior ninjas may not care about themselves, but they will care about their families.

The caged bird has lasted for thousands of years and has gradually deteriorated.

Become a means for the main family to enslave the branch family.

They have been servile all their lives and don't want their children to become slaves of the main family again!

The method of winning them over is simpler. If they can free their children and wives from the caged birds, they will have the courage to change the Hyuga clan together.

Even if they risk their lives!

What's more, the future of the Hyuga clan built by Hyuga Shinichi is very bright and worth their struggle.

"It's time to announce the results!"

Hyuga Shinichi's voice was full of coercion. He wanted to see if the clan leader would still abide by the rules.


Hyuga Hiashi, hasn't spoken yet.

The elder couldn't stand it anymore. He shouted out this result loudly, attracting all the attention!

He prepared so much for this meeting! Why did the final result turn out like this?

That shitty Third Hokage, the shit-eating Shimura Danzo, is useless.

The gap in expectations made him completely lose his mind.

Falling from the altar, will the main family, which was once in a dominant position, also become a slave-like branch family?

His pride cannot accept it!

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