The two of them were so close that they had to face each other.

Hinata Shinichi used the force of the recoil to roll in the air and land on the ground.

He walked towards Qing's body.

Even though he was dead, his eyes were wide open, and he refused to believe what he saw before he died.

He used this move to skin a ninja from the Hyuga clan alive, and then he got this white eye.

Why did the same move have completely different effects?

With doubts, his soul went to the Pure Land.

Hinata Shinichi shook his head. Qing was indeed an elite jonin.

It was a pity that he was not the former clan, those who had not experienced the battlefield.

He never believed that the clan boasted that the return of the sky was the strongest defense.

An old saying goes, there is no strongest ninjutsu, there is only the strongest person.

Are Uchiha Madara's Great Fireball Technique and Uchiha Sasuke's Great Fireball Technique the same ninjutsu?

"Leave your body to warn greedy people!

Dad died indirectly because of you, and it is only natural that your body contributes to Dad's wish."

Hinata Shinichi was attracted by Qing's sealed white eye, which contained pure pupil power.

Now he is sure that Qing must have a more outstanding six-path bloodline, and this white eye has been well nurtured by him.

Now he is dead, and the white eye is still absorbing the energy in his body.

"White Eye Devour!"

Hinata Shinichi opened his only remaining eye and converged with Qing's eye on a line.

Forming a pupil power channel.

The light blue light kept flashing in the bottom of Hinata Shinichi's eyes, interweaving blue and white light.


Hinata Shinichi exhaled a foul breath and groaned uncontrollably.

Around Qing's eyes, meridians burst out, and the optic nerves in the Byakugan burst out.

This Byakugan that was left outside became a decoration.

Qing's body, absorbed by the Byakugan, became a dry corpse without any moisture.

A cool feeling came from Hinata Shinichi's eyes, and his soul was itching, as if it was about to rush out of his body.

At this moment, his Byakugan was more blue, and it was almost close to the Samsara Eye.

Hinata Shinichi had a hunch that after absorbing the chicken he specially created, his eyes would be able to transform.

A commotion reached Hinata Shinichi's ears.

People from the Hidden Mist Village.

Rushed to the battlefield.

Opening the Byakugan, a dozen ninjas wearing the same masks as themselves were dispersing the fog.

"Has the Hidden Mist Village been infiltrated so badly? Obito is really good at it!"

These figures all look like the Hidden Mist Village's Anbu.

Actually, they are the elite White Zetsu!

If it weren't for his Byakugan's impending transformation, he would have thought that these Anbu were not right.

"Newborn! It's coming!"

Hinata Shinichi took out the detonating tags that had been prepared long ago and pasted them all over his body.

Finally, he did not forget to stay away from Ao's body and put a shield on the body.

Only then did he ignite the detonating tags!


A loud noise!

It came from the thick fog, and the fog was blown away by the huge shock wave.

Hinata Shinichi has lost consciousness.


In the border of the Land of Fire.

The abandoned port was originally an important passage to the Land of Water.

After the Land of Water announced its isolation.

This place was abandoned.


At the bottom of an abandoned boat tied to the mooring, there was an unknown piece of meat wrapped in waste cloth.

It began to shake continuously, and a black particle was spinning and interfering with the space of this world.

From the piece of meat, gradually, the outline of a black figure became clear, turning into a naked man.

Hyuga Shinichi woke up again, greedily sucking the surrounding air.

"Is it that piece of thigh meat? Is this the reconstruction of the sub-human? It's amazing!"

Hyuga Shinichi opened his eyes and looked around.

He had prepared a lot of such resurrection points.

He quickly turned his attention back to himself.

The original incomplete parts of the body have been completed, with a hint of disharmony, but this is his body.


A human-shaped gap appeared at the bottom of the boat, where Hyuga Shinichi was originally lying.

This is the hull of the boat where the particles melted when the sub-human was reconstructed.

Putting on the clothes prepared in advance, Hyuga Shinichi began to check his body.

All indicators are at their peak.

The imperfection is the white eye that has long been broken. It has not undergone transformation and is just an ordinary

's Byakugan.

He had already made plans for this eye.

He wanted to try to follow the path of the Six Paths Sage and transform into the Samsara Eye.

Just as the Six Paths Sage practiced immortal arts and absorbed natural energy under the guidance of Gamamaru, he also had a black ghost.

To evolve into the Ten Magatama Samsara Eye, he needed to absorb the Chakra Fruit, that is, the Tailed Beast.

The Byakugan that he had kept was also in its peak state, close to the Samsara Eye.


Hinata Shinichi couldn't help laughing.

The immortality of the sub-humans was particularly useful on him.

All negative effects were eliminated, and his peak body was retained.

In this way, he could test his conjectures many times.

With a big jump, he jumped to the mooring port.

Looking at the location of Konoha.

Who would eat the bait he had put out?


The two Byakugans were activated, especially the one that was close to the Samsara Eye.

A wave of fluctuations was emitted.

In the ninja world, he searched for the mark he had planted.

After a long time.

Sweat dripped down Shinichi Hyuga's forehead.

Such a search was also a burden for him.

"Four Byakugans in Kumogakure!

Two Byakugans in Iwagakure!

One Byakugan in Sandagakure!

Three Byakugans in Konohagakure!"

The approximate location of the ten Byakugans appeared in Shinichi Hyuga's mind.

There was a sense of weirdness in his heart.


Is he really poor?

Don't buy it if you can't afford it.

Buy one, and run so far.

He began to outline his route in his mind.


One month later.


In the training room of Shinichi Hyuga, the Hyuga clan.

He was experimenting with his Samsara Eye.

No one noticed his disappearance for a month.

Because Black Phantom Conan has completely mastered the application of chakra.

It is equivalent to a real clone of him.

This clone always shows up at the critical moment.

Hyuga Shinichi's real body came back ten days ago.

He successfully found the four Byakugan in Konoha Village.

They were transplanted into his own eyes by the ninjas of the Anbu and the Root.

Hyuga Shinichi showed no mercy and turned them all into mummies.

After he successfully absorbed these Byakugan, his Byakugan, which was close to transformation, completely turned into a Samsara Eye.

His Samsara Eye.

It is a Samsara Eye transformed by integrating the pupil power of many Byakugan.

After the experiment, the most outstanding are three abilities.

First: the ability to control gravity and repulsion, especially the trajectory of the moon. At this time, he has already felt that there is another Samsara Eye on the moon.

Second: the ability to extract the chakra of others. Ninjas with special bloodline limits are immune. These include Byakugan and Sharingan, as well as bloodline limit ninjas with sage bodies.

Third: Enter the Samsara Eye Chakra Mode. This mode is a pseudo-Six Paths Mode, which can emit beads similar to the Way-Seeking Jade.

According to memory, there is another trick, the Golden Wheel Samsara Explosion, which is powerful enough to destroy the planet.

Hinata Shinichi stroked his eyes gently, feeling the terrifying power contained in them.

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