The old man was very happy.

At this moment, he mastered the Samsara Eye and had the ability to defeat the heavens.

His strength was no less than any living ninja.

The only thing he was worried about was the old coin in the ninja world.

The Otsutsuki clan hidden in various places, the Six Paths Sage hidden in the Pure Land.

And the sealed Otsutsuki Kaguya.

These people would cause some troubles to his life.

He didn't want the world to change too much, otherwise his advantage as a prophet would disappear.

Thinking carefully, he was the one who hid the deepest.

Hidden in the dark, using his prophetic advantage to harvest souls and materialization points, he could obtain more templates.

Accumulate strength to ensure that he lives in a relatively stable environment.

Gaining the chakra of the nine tailed beasts, his other Byakugan transformed into the Ten Magatama Samsara Eye.

In the days ahead, harvesting special souls in Shippuden, he summoned more templates of the heavens.

But before that, he needed to calm down the Third Hokage who was thinking about him.

Walking out of his exclusive training room and crossing the backyard of the Hyuga clan, there were constantly smiling members of the Hyuga clan greeting him.

He responded one by one.

Now the Hyuga clan is like a harmonious big family.

People of a family live together in the clan land and help each other.

Compared with the previous family, there is a warm feeling.

After walking for more than ten minutes, he finally arrived at the meeting room of the Hyuga clan.

In the meeting room, there were already people waiting, whispering to each other.

This time, there were only a dozen people, less than the last time, and most of them were people with disabilities.

Those senior ninjas with strong mobility were sent to protect the casino, which has been doing so much business recently.

These people have their own mission today.

Hyuga Shinichi pushed the door open and entered.

The most central position had already been reserved for him.

The scene suddenly became quiet, and the previous noisy sound disappeared.

Hyuga Shinichi looked around and nodded secretly. These people, due to their old age, could not go out to perform military missions, but their love for the Hyuga clan was equally strong.

"Master, your body?"

Hyuga Hizashi cried out in surprise when he saw the current Hyuga Shinichi.

The eyes and arms that were supposed to be missing were restored, and the aura on his body was also a bit stronger.

The ninjas present looked at each other.

Only then did they realize that except for Hyuga Hizashi, the third elder, and Hyuga Jizu, these few people.

The others all had more or less disabled parts on their bodies.

The original soft fist of the Hyuga clan, and the initial fighting method, were often close combat, which also caused the Hyuga clan to have too high a disability rate.

So, would they be called here today to treat them?

"As you can see, my body has recovered.

Some of the abilities I have now can also restore your health."

Hyuga Shinichi saw the excitement in these people's hearts and gave them a positive answer.

In the future, he will move in Konoha with a complete body, which will cause some people to be wary.

In order to prevent his sub-human abilities from being exposed too early, he thought of a way to cover up his abilities.

Use cell cultivation to restore the disabled ninjas of the Hyuga clan to health.

All this is based on the abnormal talent of Huiyuan Ai in biology. In Conan's low-magic world, he can research drugs close to immortality.

Now combined with the chakra of the ninja world, which is almost omnipotent, a new technology has been developed.

It can quickly clone and grow replacement limbs.

This technology is also an ability he uses to stabilize Konoha Village and the Land of Fire.

It can not only win people's hearts, but also improve his status.

Wars cause so many cripples.

He wants to establish a medical center that transcends the world in this world.

Hyuga Shinichi's plan needs to be implemented slowly.

His eyes fell on the Hyuga clan ninjas in the conference room. These people had different expressions.

Most of them were excited. They could finally recover and become more useful to the family.

A few were sad. Some of their comrades became disabled and could not take care of themselves. In the end, they quietly waited for death. In extreme cases, they committed suicide.

"Master, is this true?"

An old man's eyes were already filled with tears.

Sockets, asking questions from the heart.

One of his palms was cut off by the Third Raikage with the Three-Handed Hand during the Second Ninja World War.

Since then, he has become a logistics ninja.

In the war, there are people who are worse off than him, and there are many people who lack legs and arms.

This is war.

"Of course. The technology I have mastered now. As long as the cells are extracted, an arm can be grown within a month."

Hyuga Shinichi raised his right arm high and spoke with this [fact].

Everyone looked at it, trying to see some differences from it, and some people even opened their Byakugan.

After a thorough investigation, no difference was found.

Whether it is the meridians or the bones, they all belong to Hyuga Shinichi's own blood.

Now they finally believe it completely, and the look of expectation in their eyes is even stronger.

With hope for the future in their hearts, can they do it too?

"After the meeting, you stay and draw blood. When you are healthy again, go to the village more often. You are my living signboards."

Hinata Shinichi smiled and gave them the confirmed news.

Once these people are healthy again.

Then the whole Konoha, the whole Land of Fire, and the whole Ninja World will become the object of everyone's pursuit.

His status will even exceed Tsunade, the medical saint recognized by the Ninja World.

These people clenched their palms, and some pinched a purple mark on their legs. The pain told them that they were not dreaming.

Hinata Shinichi then looked at the third elder and asked, "What is the current rumor about the Byakugan in the Ninja World?"

He had killed the chicken, so he would see the monkey's reaction.

"Master, the effect is very good. Every person who transplanted the Byakugan did not survive for more than a month. Their bodies turned into mummies, as if they were drained by the Byakugan.

It is enough to serve as a warning to those people. In the short term, no one should want to plunder the Byakugan."

Hinata Hiashi smiled, and his tone showed more respect for Hinata Shinichi, but there was still a trace of worry in his heart.

In his heart, he already had a guess.

But he never wanted to say this guess.

Hinata Shinichi nodded slightly, but he didn't care.

His eye has evolved into a reincarnation eye, which can absorb the chakra of others. As long as it locates the Byakugan that is not self-generated, it will absorb his chakra and pupil power.

There is no need to be present in person like this time.

As long as his reincarnation eye is there, this backlash is real.

"Very good, so the tribesmen are relatively safe, but it is not enough.

The development direction of the Hyuga clan needs to change.

The original method of being used as a scout and combined with soft fists for close combat is simply a stupid idea.

In the future, every member of the clan must learn bows and arrows, and be able to attack from a distance in the dark. Why do we have to fight in close combat? We should make use of the advantages of the Byakugan and the wealth of the wealthy families.

A detonating tag is attached to each arrow to become a long-range attack ninja.

Also, don't make use of the real purpose of the Byakugan, which is medicine.

In the future, our Hyuga clan will surpass the Senju clan and become the largest medical family."

Hyuga Shinichi slowly told his plan for the Hyuga clan.

The original Hyuga clan cooperated too much with Konoha, and developed in a position that they seemed to be good at but had to sacrifice their own interests.

Now Hyuga Shinichi has found a better position for them.

A medical family is his expectation for the Hyuga clan.

In Hyuga Shinichi's vision, the Hyuga clan will be a family that is superior to all ninja villages.

As soon as these people woke up from their joy, they fell into shame.

Digesting Hyuga Shinichi's words in their minds was like an epiphany. The Hyuga clan was previously treated as a consumable.

Now the new fighting method planned by Hyuga Shinichi allows the Hyuga clan to save their lives to the greatest extent.

This makes these people respect Hyuga Shinichi even more.

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