The old man was in a hurry to get out of bed.

His eyes fell on Hyuga Hiashi, who seemed to be in agony.

His performance was out of tune with everyone else's.

His face was still hesitant, as if he was worried about something?

Hyuga Shinichi wanted to grind Hyuga Hiashi to make him see the darkness of Konoha clearly.

It seems that Hyuga Hiashi is facing the darkness of Konoha at this time.

When he retracted his Byakugan, those Anbu and Root were carrying out actions against the Hyuga clan, and some of them wanted to rebel against Hyuga Hiashi.

He wanted to see Hyuga Hiashi's choice.

"Hiashi, is there any trick in Konoha?" Hyuga Shinichi asked, his eyes passing over Hyuga Hiashi's face.

Hyuga Hiashi's eyes flickered, and after a long silence, he raised his hand and said.

"Master, a lot of things have happened in Konoha recently.

There are rumors that because the Hyuga clan did not actively carry out the mission, Konoha suffered great losses.

Several clan leaders came to me to ask for an explanation, and their words were all dissatisfied with the Hyuga clan.

But I am no longer the clan leader.

The third generation Hokage even sent someone to help me become the clan leader again.

What I am worried about is that more and more people among the civilians have a bad impression of the Hyuga clan."

Hyuga Hiashi became more and more angry as he spoke, and finally became calm.

Some people always habitually look for him to understand the dynamics of the Hyuga clan, and recently this understanding has turned into questioning.

It made him very uncomfortable.

He can already think about the problem from the perspective of Hyuga Shinichi's subordinates.

The surrounding Hyuga clan ninjas heard such words and set off an uproar.

"Damn it, it was Konoha that forbade us to accept the mission, but now they are framing us!"

"Don't those people have eyes?"

"Hiashi, don't have any contact with those people in the future!"


A wave of indignant words came from the mouth of the Hyuga ninja next to him.

Such a low-credibility complaint, but there are still people who believe it.

The words are all directed at the top leaders of Konoha, but they have a good impression of Hyuga Hiashi.

They have accepted Hyuga Hiashi again and are on the same front.

Hyuga Shinichi looked calm, one hand pressed in the air, and everyone looked at him.

"We have already revealed that those who are causing trouble now are people with bad intentions.

It's really the same old trick, using the methods used on Hatake Sakumo on us.

Next, it's your turn!

Someone will come to the door of the Hyuga clan soon, don't be soft."

As he said, he looked at Hyuga Hiashi with an oppressive look in his eyes.

These few words also completely awakened them.

They finally recalled why they felt that such a thing was very familiar.

How similar this was to the scene where Hatake Sakumo was forced to lose his reputation!

Something that obviously did not happen was spread more and more excessively.

In the end, Hatake Sakumo, known as the White Fang of Konoha, actually died to apologize!

They are not so "stupid".

"Master, we can't be in a passive defensive position. We must fight back." Hyuga Hizashi raised his hand, feeling indignant.

Such Konoha made him very disappointed.

"Everyone, remember the dilemma you are facing now. Some people are not worthy of being forgiven. If there is a first time, there will be a second time." Hyuga Shinichi swept his eyes over the people present one by one. "Remember the process of Hatake Sakumo's death? Don't make the same mistake again!"

These people fell into memories.

Regarding Hatake Sakumo's death, they all had an expression of watching a play at the beginning, and never thought that there would be such serious consequences.

Now they are facing the same problem as Hatake Sakumo.

What is their choice?

"Remember, once family members are involved, no mercy will be given!

Hizashi, you come to form a guard team. Once someone, whether civilian or ninja, is involved, kill them directly on the charge of trying to steal the Byakugan!"

Finally, his eyes fell on Hizashi's face, and he spoke word by word!

The solemnity in his voice infected everyone present.

They are not self-touched people like Hatake Sakumo.

Sacrifice yourself for Konoha?

How ridiculous!


Hinata Hizashi nodded neatly, and he agreed with Hinata Shinichi more in his heart.

"I'll join too!" Hinata Hiashi's eyes flickered slightly, and finally turned into determination.

Hinata Shinichi saw Hinata Hiashi's performance and nodded secretly.

This is the result he wants.

Hinata Hiashi needs to transform, and can no longer be the indecisive one who was killed by the third generation.

The nail that the Third Hokage mentally controlled and nailed to the Hyuga clan.

Seeing this scene, the other Hyuga ninjas were also eager to try.

"You, I have other arrangements." Hyuga Shinichi tapped the table to stop all of them.

"Konoha, it's time to face up to its own darkness! Some truths of the past should also be echoed!"

Although these people's combat effectiveness is not good, they are still good in terms of influence.

Hyuga Shinichi wants them to fight in the position they are good at.

He will treat them with their own methods.

Completely smash the golden body that the Third Hokage has built for himself for so many years!

Three scrolls appeared in his hand and began to circulate among the people.

[Uchiha clan extermination, a plan of extermination that has been passed down for four generations! ]

[Hatake Sakumo, a hero who died in rumors, the initiator of the three Ninja World Wars! ]

[The truth of the demise of the Senju clan! 】

The entire conference room fell silent again, and everyone was attracted by the information released by Hyuga Shinichi.

My heart kept getting colder, even if such information could not be confirmed.

The Third Hokage, Shimura Danzo, Utatane Koharu, Mitomon En, and their families will never have a chance to rise again.

Combined with the current situation of Konoha Village, these people are indeed abusing their power.

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