The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two sides were in a state of panic.

Hinata Shinichi walked over and snatched the Byakugan from Orochimaru. The pupil power and all the tissues were completely destroyed, but some of the patterns should have been studied by Orochimaru.

He has mastered some of Haibara Ai's research talents, but he is still not as good as Orochimaru in the mysterious test research that he just came into contact with.

After conquering Orochimaru with the low-profile version of Conan's transformation pill and strength, he got some support from Orochimaru.

Part of this support is to help him study the bird in the cage, but most of it is Orochimaru's connections and influence.

In any case, Orochimaru is also a Konoha Sannin, who once had the opportunity to compete for the Hokage, and has commanded wars, and has a good influence in the Hyuga clan.

An exchange of political resources.

Now Orochimaru no longer touches power, but is full of yearning for technology.

At that time, Hyuga Shinichi also tried to change the Hyuga clan in a way of abiding by the rules.

Now I think I am too naive.

Some of Orochimaru's free thoughts awakened faster than in memory.

Orochimaru smiled and responded to Hyuga Shinichi. He was particularly respectful to people with real knowledge and equal strength. Hyuga Shinichi's research on human genetics was even better than his.

The most typical representative is cloning technology.

When Hyuga Shinichi took out the bottle of medicine, after a conversation, he was inspired in some aspects.

He has noticed that Hyuga Shinichi's research talent in some aspects is higher than his.

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and he walked to the control console on the side, took out a thick stack of information from it, raised it and said.

"It seems that you have already made your own plans, so let me tell you about my research.

At present, I have found several ways to remove the mark of the caged bird.

The first one: kill the caster, which requires killing all those who can manipulate the mark of the caged bird, so the caged bird is equivalent to a decoration. But there is a risk, the caster can take your life at any time. The reason why the caged bird is safe is that the caster can quickly destroy the mark of the caged bird.

The second one: use the sealing technique to block the operator, so that the caged bird cannot take effect, but it still exists. Once the seal is loosened, it will still be killed. This sealing technique requires a higher level of sealing technique.

The third one: reincarnate into another body. I have a good technique here. Do you want to try it?"

After Orochimaru finished speaking, he put down the information in his hand and looked straight at Hyuga Shinichi.

This research is what Hyuga Shinichi hoped Orochimaru would help him research before he obtained the sub-human bloodline.

Now he no longer needs it, but the members of the Hyuga clan still need it.

The research results hide some of Orochimaru's little thoughts.

None of these methods are what Hyuga Shinichi wants.

The first two can be achieved, but there are great risks. The last one is that Orochimaru wants to control Hyuga Shinichi through reincarnation.

Now that he has obtained the blood of the sub-human, he doesn't have to care about the caged bird on his body. What he really cares about is to minimize the consumption of the Hyuga clan.

The character of the elder may do something crazy.

He needs to be more cautious. He frowned and took the report from Orochimaru, and was very dissatisfied with the result.

"Is this the result of your past few months?

It seems that you have not paid attention to the things I gave you at all!"

Hyuga Shinichi looked straight at Orochimaru, and with a clenched hand, the white eye turned into slag, and the pupil power in it was replenished in his white eye.

Orochimaru took his own benefits, but only got these laughable and useless research results.

"The bird in the cage is the most important curse seal of the Hyuga family. It is still very difficult to study it."

Orochimaru's eyes were a little evasive, and his slender tongue stuck out from the corner of his mouth to defend himself.

He really didn't take the curse seal of the bird in the cage seriously, because it didn't affect him much.

At the same time, this curse seal was of little reference value to him. The only reward was the research reward given by Hyuga Shinichi.

The main purpose of that reward was to make the Hyuga clan ninja under his command support Hyuga Shinichi at the clan meeting, so Orochimaru thought he didn't owe Hyuga Shinichi a favor.

Now that the Third Hokage has intervened in the Hyuga family's clan meeting, his former connections have been out of control.

It depends on the considerations of the two people and the importance of value to determine the future cooperation

way of working.

Both think they don't owe each other anything.

"Really? It seems you've found a new topic!

Let me guess, it's Wood Release? Is your partner Danzo?"

Hinata Shinichi started to move around, looking around.

After not seeing each other for a few months, there are many more experimental subjects here. The smell of fresh active agent in the air, following the smell to find several experimental subjects that Orochimaru often fiddles with.

And those experimental subjects, one by one, have white pustules similar to tumors on their bodies, which are still growing even in nutrient solution and active agent.

Combined with his own memory, he understood that at this time, Orochimaru had already begun to study the first generation of cells.

Combined with Orochimaru's performance, Orochimaru still took the original path.

"Why are you interested?"

Seeing that Hinata Shinichi made it clear, Orochimaru no longer concealed it.

If Hinata Shinichi participated, his experimental progress and bottlenecks would be broken through. Judging from Hinata Shinichi's previous performance.

His research on human genetics is more talented than his, and his angle is more peculiar.

"I will not cooperate with a partner who does not keep his promise for the second time."

Hinata Shinichi looked at Orochimaru with a light in his eyes, and had some guesses in his heart that Orochimaru's current changes might be related to the Third Hokage.

He suppressed his apprentice and chose the younger Namikaze Minato to become the Third Hokage.

Orochimaru should have received some compensation from the Third Hokage.

These compensations are some research materials of the Second Hokage, and some tacit consent on other rights, including research on the cells of the First Hokage and the human body of the Senju family.

The Third Hokage thought that everything was within his control, but he would eventually be backfired.

Hinata Shinichi turned around and prepared to leave.

Orochimaru was a little stunned. He didn't understand why Hinata Shinichi was so decisive.

He had seen the former Hinata Shinichi. Although he was very talented, he was still a little hesitant in his character.

"Wait, my reputation is well-known."

Orochimaru's mouth curled up slightly. The current Hyuga Shinichi was more to his liking, so he stopped Hyuga Shinichi.

He summoned a big snake and took out a box from the snake's mouth. It looked quite old.

He threw it out directly.

Hyuga Shinichi's only remaining hand slapped out a palm, and the palm wind acted on the box. The box flipped in the air and was cleaned. The disgusting liquid on it disappeared.

Although he was a little confused, he still opened the box.

A strange smell rushed into his nostrils. It was the smell of a medicine that preserved objects from decaying in the Warring States Period.

Inside was a stack of yellowed research materials, and the materials recorded the caged bird technique.

After flipping through a few pages, Hyuga Shinichi's eyes lit up, and he was even more delighted.

A smile appeared unconsciously at the corner of his mouth. With this technique, he could control all the Hyuga branches and unlock the caged birds of everyone.

Even the main Hyuga clan is not as strong as his control.

In the end, it depends on the strength of the pupil power and the purity of the Byakugan.

"In that is the research of the second generation Hokage on the caged bird. I believe it can meet your requirements." Orochimaru looked at Hyuga Shinichi with a smile.

The two laughed tacitly, and the unpleasantness of the past disappeared.

This is the way smart people cooperate, everything is for the benefit.

"Master of forbidden techniques, what an amazing person?"

Hyuga Shinichi put away the box in his hand, and he had to admire the second generation Hokage. No one can match him in forbidden techniques.

The technology he left behind will provide technical support for several future wars.

I am afraid that Hyuga Shinichi has a guess that Orochimaru may have started to study the Impure World Reincarnation at this time.

Stopped and turned to the protective suit on the side.

He had to show some attraction to make Orochimaru still stand on his side, so that future plans would be smoother.

Orochimaru's original perfunctory attitude was that he seemed to have become a substitute, so Orochimaru was weighing the pros and cons of the project he proposed.

Orochimaru had already shown his sincerity, so he had to let Orochimaru see the proper value.

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