The first step was to make the experiment more complete.

Hinata Shinichi carefully folded his coat and put it in the locker.

He walked to the side of the experimental equipment.

He began to wash one of his hands and prepare for the experiment.

Soon, the preparations were completed and protective clothing appeared on Hinata Shinichi's body.

His temperament changed and he became a meticulous researcher.

He came to the experimental table and observed the data on the experimental table to ensure that it was normal and prepare for the experiment.

Orochimaru observed every step of Hinata Shinichi with interest.

At the beginning, it was this rigorous experimental preparation that made Orochimaru believe that Hinata Shinichi was a brilliant researcher.

This preparation procedure for preparing experiments has been engraved in his bones.

"I'm really interested in the first generation of cells. Let's try?"

Hinata Shinichi raised his only remaining hand and made a request that Orochimaru would not refuse.

"What do you need? The main material can provide the first generation of Wood Release cells that have been weakened for three generations." Orochimaru also wanted to see what Hinata Shinichi was capable of.

With the question, but the action in his hand did not stop.

Press a red button, and a test subject appeared.

On another small table, there was a group of white Wood Release cells that were still wriggling!

This was originally the experimental material he wanted to operate, and now this opportunity was given to Hinata Shinichi.

A folder also appeared below, with the specific information of the test subject written on it.

[Chunin of the Hidden Rain Village, own attributes of water, earth...]

Hinata Shinichi just glanced at it, and roughly read the information of the test subject. He was just a civilian ninja, with only chakra attributes and Wood Release.

"It seems that your preparation is not sufficient? You haven't done a good background check!" Hinata Shinichi smiled and glanced at the newly added test subjects around him.

As before, the experimental subjects here are marked with the blood and chakra attributes of each experimental subject.

The experimental subjects that can accommodate the cells of the first generation of the eye, in addition to having water, earth, and other attribute chakra.

They must also have the blood of the Six Paths Sage. The stronger the blood, the easier it is to fuse the cells of the first generation of the eye.

In this laboratory, no bloodline limit ninjas were found, nor were there ninjas from Konoha.

Orochimaru has not yet discovered the truth and uses the people of the Senju family to complete the experiment.

Now this body may be a good material in the eyes of Orochimaru!


Orochimaru was surprised and doubted. From Hyuga Shinichi's words, a piece of information was revealed. Hyuga Shinichi knew more about the cells of the first generation of the eye of the eye than he did.

Hyuga Shinichi has already started to move. The light of chakra appeared on the only remaining hand, the veins around his eyes bulged, and the white eyes were also activated, and began to explore various details of this experimental subject.

"I don't know much about bloodline limits, but I have my own opinions.

There are several types of bloodline limits.

The first type is formed by the fusion of several chakras. For example, the Four-Tails Jinchuriki Lao Zi, who fought with us, used the Lava Release, which is a fusion of Earth Release and Fire Release, probably inspired by the Four-Tails.

There is also the Dust Release, which is called Bloodline Elimination, which is a fusion of the three chakra attributes of wind, earth, and fire.

The second type is the body inherited from the Six Paths Sage, such as my Byakugan, the Uchiha family's Sharingan, and the Kaguya family's bones. The special ability is manifested in a certain organ of the body.

This is a sage body with sage attributes.

And the Senju family and the Uzumaki family have hidden sage bodies. Even ordinary Uzumaki family and Senju family ninjas have good self- Healing ability.

The two families even intermarried!

The third type is the combination of the first two situations, which is also a special existence, and it is exactly what we are studying now-Wood Release!

Wood Release is the three types of chakras of earth attribute, water attribute, and yang attribute, plus the sage body of the Senju clan, and perhaps the sage body of the Uzumaki clan, which are fused and transformed into bloodline limits.

This is also the special reason why Wood Release is so powerful!

There are other types of bloodline limits, which are mutations! For example, the natural synthetic sage chakra physique, the physique that can communicate with all things, this kind of is not referenceable. "

While speaking, Hinata Shinichi did not stop the action in his hands, and explored the details of the experimental subject itself. In the end, he was a little disappointed. This experimental subject only had two types of chakras of earth attribute and water attribute, and no other characteristics.

His words were like a hammer

, constantly knocking on Orochimaru's head.

Orochimaru stood still and fell into deep thought.

Just a few words made Orochimaru's mind keep rolling, as if he had touched a mysterious forbidden area. He had found the key.

But to open the door, more accumulation is needed, and this accumulation is the understanding of ninja superstition.

At this moment, he found the truth of ninja bloodline, but he was still a little short of it.

In his eyes, at this time, Hyuga Shinichi's body exuded a mysterious light.

As Hyuga Shinichi's voice stopped and he regained his consciousness, his eyes shone with light, which was a frenzy of seeking the truth.

The slender and forked tongue showed exploration, which was what he wanted.

Rather than the position of Hokage that was controlled by others.

He was glad for his decision.

"Shinichi, your knowledge is beyond my imagination. You are really a person full of secrets!"

Orochimaru walked to the front of the test bench, wanting to be an assistant to Hyuga Shinichi and observe Hyuga Shinichi closely.

"This is just a little bit you saw. If I say that I have reproduced Wood Release, do you believe it? My partner!"

Hinata Shinichi did not refuse Orochimaru's assistance. One of his hands was a little slow in some aspects.

With a joking tone, the following words were particularly heavy.

Then he enveloped the experimental subject on the experimental table in his chakra.

The chakra scalpel appeared and cut out the heart from the chest.

A little bit of the first generation Wood Release cell was directly applied to the heart.

The heart, which was originally bright red, began to spread white. This trend will soon turn into a group of Wood Release cells.

Orochimaru was on the side, originally observing Hinata Shinichi's actions carefully.

Suddenly hearing the news that Hinata Shinichi had reproduced Wood Release, his heart was full of doubts.

In his mind, he instantly recalled what Hinata Shinichi said at the beginning. Hinata Shinichi's understanding of Wood Release was too detailed, and it seemed that this possibility really existed.

The next operation fell into Orochimaru's eyes, but it cut off his thoughts.

Hyuga Shinichi's operation was too rough, and there was not even any medicine to cooperate with it. How could it succeed!

Such fusion was too childish. He even suspected that Hyuga Shinichi was playing a trick on him. Such operation was not as good as his assistant.

It was not at Hyuga Shinichi's level at all!

Hyuga Shinichi noticed the changes in Orochimaru.

"Don't worry!"

The chakra attribute knife in his hand was directly inserted into the heart, and the chakra belonging to Hyuga Shinichi was injected.

Controlling the chakra attribute ratio in the heart.

The changes in the heart were actually curbed and turned bright red again.

"How is it possible! It can really curb the phagocytosis of the Wood Release cells?"

Orochimaru's pupils shrank into the shape of a pinhole. Hyuga Shinichi actually did it!

Then there seems to be a possibility, that is, Hyuga Shinichi is familiar with the composition of Wood Release, and what he said just now is true!

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