Early the next morning, Lei Luo found that the heavy snow outside had stopped, which was really a rare good weather for the country of snow.

And yesterday, the bodies of the three snow ninja were also buried deep in the snow, and there was no trace.

Relo is now in the best condition and can begin to resurrect Watergate.

Immediately afterwards, Lei Luo took out a sealing scroll from his body, which sealed the required Shinigami mask.

"Seal! Solution!" The

sealing scroll was opened by Relo and took out the mask of death.

Then Relo did not hesitate to put the mask of death on his face.

"The next thing is the ghoul

seal!" "巳-hai-wei-卯-戌-子-酉-noon-巳

!" "Ghoul ban!"

Lei Luo's fingers flew over the seal, successfully releasing the ghoul seal, and suddenly a huge god of death appeared behind Lei Luo, with two horns on his head, holding a rosary, and a sword in his mouth.

Then Death's gaze was fixed on Relo, as it didn't find a target to deal with.

But the next moment, Lei Luo made a move!

As soon as Lei Luo's right hand was held in the void, the ice wheel pill appeared in his hand.


Leiluo's control, the Ice Wheel Pill directly entered the Healing State, and a pair of huge Frost Wings spread out behind Leiluo, while 12 ice lotus flowers floated around the Frost Wings.

The Frost Wings flapped its wings and flew up with Lei Luo.

"Guangdun, Judgment!" A

holy light flowed out from Lei Luo's hand, covering the entire Great Red Lotus Ice Wheel Pill.

Then Lei Luo's figure flashed and appeared in front of the God of Death, and directly swung his knife to cut at the God of Death.

Death looked at Lei Luo who rushed towards him, and a hint of mockery and disdain flashed in his eyes.

But the next moment, the face of the God of Death changed instantly, turning into anger.

Because Lei Luo's knife went down and directly broke his abdomen, making him feel a feeling that he had never felt before.


just when Lei Luo broke through the belly of the god of death, the soul of the water gate flashed out instantly.

"Lei Luojun?!"

Watergate looked at Lei Luo who was confronting Death in surprise.

Relo smiled at Watergate, "Shidaime, you can rest long enough, Naruto is almost in the ninja school, you should come back."

Then Relo raised his hand, and an indescribable light enveloped the water gate.

"Light of Awakening!" The

water gate shrouded in light, his body gradually solidified, he successfully resurrected!

The water gate felt his body in disbelief, and said: "Lei Luojun, this... What the hell is going on here?!" Lei

Luo looked at the successfully resurrected Watergate and sighed in relief, and then said: "Watergate-kun, what do you want to ask later, now I will send this god of death back to the Pure Land first." "

The ghouls are sealed, solve!" The

Grim Reaper unwillingly attacked Relo, wanting to hook out Relo's soul, but did not cause any harm to Relo.

After all, Leiluo's soul is already bound to the system, and it is impossible for death to pull it out.

As Lei Luo lifted the ghoul seal, the Grim Reaper could only disappear unwillingly and return to the Pure Land.

But both Relo and Watergate could feel the unwilling roar of death.

Relo finally relaxed when he saw the Grim Reaper disappear.

"Watergate-kun, long time no see!" Bofeng

Shuimen came back to his senses when he heard Lei Luo's greeting, although the scene just now shocked him a little, he still clearly knew that Lei Luo had successfully resurrected himself.

Because the blood flowing in the body, the strong heartbeat, and this real touch undoubtedly show that he is really resurrected

! "Lei Luojun, thank you very much! Thank you very much for resurrecting me!" Bo

Feng Shuimen's voice couldn't help but tremble.

Relo smiled and looked at Watergate and replied, "Watergate-kun, there's no need to be too polite, after all, Naruto is just like my son."

"And Watergate-kun, you have to be clear about one thing. Bo

Feng Shuimen quickly calmed his mood and replied, "Lei Luojun, please say anything if you have anything."

Lei Luo then spoke: "Watergate-kun, although you are resurrected now, you can't expose the news of your resurrection.

"Even if you go back to the village to see Naruto, you have to transform and hide your identity.

"Do you remember the enemy who appeared when Jiu Xinnai gave birth?" Hearing

Leiluo's words, Bo Feng Shuimen's expression became serious and he nodded slightly.

He already understood what Relo meant, the enemy was still in the shadows, and he should also hide it.

And he still remembers clearly how the guy was, he will definitely bring bloody storms to the ninja world.

Lei Luo immediately said: "After so many years, I searched everywhere and found that the person should be some organization.

Although Lei Luo himself knew that the original masked man should be Obito, he couldn't be sure, after all, anything could happen.

And he can't say the source of his intelligence, so it's best to let Bofeng Shuimen investigate it himself.

So he continued: "After my investigation, the most likely organization is to have two goals. When

Bo Feng Shuimen heard this, he nodded and replied, "Lei Luojun, please say."

Lei Luo replied, "The first organization is called the Xiao Organization, and the people of this organization are wearing the same clothes as Red Cloud on a black background, and the members of this organization I met are all S-class rebels from various villages.

"The second organization is called the Shell Organization, but I just know that this organization exists, but I don't have any intelligence." "

What Relo said to Bofeng Shuimen was carefully thought out by himself, and the Xiao organization runs through the entire plot of Naruto Shippuden, and Obito is also behind the Xiao organization.

The shell organization was only exposed in the new generation of Naruto Boruto, and Relo does not know whether they exist now, but there is no loss in letting Watergate check by the way.

Bofeng Shuimen nodded after listening to Lei Luo's words, and replied: "Don't worry, Lei Luojun, I will find out about this matter, and they don't know that I have been resurrected, which is my advantage."

"But I want to go back to the village first, I want to see Naruto.

Relo replied with a smile: "Of course it's no problem, Naruto lives with me now, usually Rin is taking care of him, and he has now begun to learn to refine Chakra." When

Bofeng Shuimen heard Lei Luo's words, a smile unconsciously appeared on his face.

"Oh, by the way!" Lei Luo suddenly thought of something, "Watergate-kun, I want to ask where are the bodies of you and Jiu Xinnai?"

Bofeng Shuimen shook his head and replied: "After I used the ghoul to seal the Nine Tails, I lost my awareness of the outside world and didn't know what happened. "

And where will the bodies of Watergate and Kyusinnai be?" thought to himself, as he was pretty sure that Watergate and Joshinna's bodies were definitely not in Konoha.

Bofeng Shuimen looked at the pensive Lei Luo and asked, "Lei Luojun, what's wrong?"

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