Lei Luo came back to his senses when he heard Bofeng Shuimen's question, and opened his mouth to reply: "Watergate-kun, it's nothing, I was thinking about the resurrection of Jiu Xinnai just now. Bo

Feng Shuimen instantly became excited when he heard

Lei Luo's words, "Lei Luojun, can you resurrect Jiu Xinnai?!" Lei Luo replied: "I can't resurrect Jiu Xinnai now, the fastest thing will be three years later, and to revive Jiu Xinnai, you must complete two conditions." "

Because the cooldown period of Relo's Awakening Light is as long as three years, these three years must wait.

Hearing this, Bo Feng Shuimen asked, "What conditions are needed?" Lei

Luo opened his mouth and replied: "The first condition, you must find Jiu Xinnai's body, and at least some of Jiu Xinnai's cells.

"The second condition is that there must be a forbidden technique between you and me who has to master the rebirth of dirt. Wave

Feng Shui Men asked, "Filthy Earth Rebirth, is it the forbidden technique developed by the second-generation Hokage-sama that can recall the dead from the Pure Land of the Underworld?"

"That's right!" Relo nodded and replied, "The reason why I say I need Jiu Xinnai's body or cells is also because of this forbidden technique, and only by recalling Jiu Shinnai's soul from the Pure Land can I resurrect her."

Bo Feng Shuimen said in a deep voice: "Leave this matter to me, these things should have been done by me, this is my responsibility." "

Thank you so much for taking care of Naruto for so many years, and for finding a way to resurrect me and Jiu Shinnai.

Relo waved his hand, "There is no need to say more about this kind of thing, now that you have successfully resurrected, then we can return to Konoha now." Bo

Feng Shuimen nodded and didn't say anything more, but he would definitely remember this kindness of Lei Luo.


Two months passed quickly, and both Relo and Wave Feng Shuimen were fast, and now they were once again in the Land of Grass, this was back to the last stop in front of Konoha.

When Relo came out of Konoha before, he didn't stay much in the country of grass, but just went straight through, but now Relo suddenly remembered something.


Vortex Phosphorus!" "The Vortex Phosphorus at this time should be in the Land of Grass!" thought to Leiluo.

Relo remembers that when Uzumaki Kafu first appeared in the original book, he took the Chūnin exam as a ninja of the country of grass.

And the memories of Uzumaki Kakyoto in the original book also mentioned that when she was a child, she and her mother were in the country of grass, like a medical kit, healing the injured ninja of the country of grass, and her body was full of bite wounds.

Uzumaki's mother even died as a result.

Thinking of these things, Lei Luo walked around the Kusanagi Village, and also turned on the five-sight omnipotence, observing everything in the Kusanagi Village to see if he could find the whirlpool incense phosphorus.

Unconsciously, Lei Luo walked near Kusanagi Hospital.

Kusanagi Hospital was busy everywhere, and injured ninjas were sitting on the ground casually, which was completely different from Konoha Hospital.

However, Lei Luo can also be completely understood, after all, the strength of the country of grass is weak, and there are not many medical ninjas in the country, and they can basically only heal some simple injuries.

"Over there, deliver more chakra

!" "Forget it, it's not saved, go save the next door!" "Don't

rub it

, come here!" "That medicine can be saved

!" "Very good, go on!" The

voice inside Kusanagi Hospital was noisy, like a vegetable market.

And Relo also successfully discovered the goal of his trip - Vortex Phosphorus.

Now Uzumaki Xiangphos is only a child about six or seven years old, her long bright red hair indicates her identity, and she already has brown glasses on her face at a young age.

In Leiluo's observation, the whirlpool incense phosphorus was now being grabbed by the arm of a strong grass ninja, and then bitten down.

"Ah!" The

pain in his arm made Uzumaki Xiangphos couldn't help but exclaim.

"Next over here, come quickly

!" "Waste! even this little injury can't be cured!" Uzumaki

Xiangphos was like a marionette, dragged by a doctor to walk through the wards, bitten everywhere, and scolded as waste.

Lei Luo looked at this scene, and the anger in his heart continued to accumulate.

Although Lei Luo has been in the ninja world for so many years and knows that he should treat the enemy by any means, but Uzumaki Kabu can now be regarded as his own person in the Kusanagi Village, and he is treated like this.

"These guys in Kusanagi Village are a bunch of scum!" said Lei Luo through gritted teeth in his heart.

Then Relo watched as Uzumaki Kakari walked out of the back door of Kusanagi Hospital, squatted down against the wall, and buried his head in his knees, as if he was constantly sobbing.

Relo sighed and walked over.

"Little girl, how are you?" asked Relo as he spoke to the whirlpool phosphorus.

But Uzumaki Kakari heard Leiluo's voice, but as if she had been pricked by a needle, she stood up abruptly, wiped away her tears, and replied: "I'm okay! Ninja-sama, do you want to heal your injuries?" and

then Uzumaki Kakari stretched out her arm towards Relo.

Looking at the arm that stopped in front of his eyes, looking at the remaining tooth marks on it, Lei Luo's heart welled up with a pang of sourness, and he couldn't bear it.

"Light Therapy!"

Lei Luo reached out and grabbed Uzumaki Xiangphos's arm, and Uzumaki Xiangphos closed her eyes in fear, thinking that Lei Luo was going to bite her, but there was no imaginary pain, but a very warm and comfortable feeling.

Uzumaki Xiangphos couldn't help but open her eyes, only to find that the tooth marks on her arm had all disappeared, and she realized that the man in front of her did not want to heal her injuries, but to help her heal.

Lei Luo said gently: "Little girl, is it better now?"

Uzumaki Xiangphos listened to Lei Luo's gentle tone, and her heart warmed, and she couldn't help but shed tears.

"Thank you, thank you, ninja-sama!" Looking

at the crying Uzumaki Kakami in front of him, Relo felt that he should take her out of here, such a young child should not have to suffer so much.

But Lei Luo first had to understand the current situation of Uzumaki Xiangphos, so Lei Luo then asked: "Little girl, can you tell me your name, what about your family, why are you here?" Hearing Leiluo's

question, Uzumaki Xiangphos wiped his tears, raised his head and said: "My name is Uzumaki Xiangphos, my family is gone, and my mother died not long ago, because she died of exhaustion of physical strength for treating their injuries." Hearing

Uzumaki Xiangphos's words, Lei Luo sighed in her heart, if she had thought of Uzumaki Xiangphos when she came to the Grass Country before, her mother might not have died.

It can only be said that this is fate, but the fate of Uzumaki Xiangphos, he is bound to change, he can no longer watch Uzumaki Xiangphos stay here and suffer.

Lei Luo reached out and touched Uzumaki Xiangphos's head, and said: "Whirlpool Xiangphos, my name is Lei Luo, are you willing to follow me out of here?"

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