"What a powerful power!" Although the earthen wall in front of him did not give Kai much protection, it also dragged him some time, allowing him to dodge this frozen slash and continue to rush towards Leiluo.

Seeing this, Lei Luo made a "prismatic ice array", and a thick ice wall was instantly erected in front of Lei Luo, reflecting light under the sunlight.

But under Kai's fist, the ice wall was directly shattered like fragile paper.

At this moment, Lei Luo had already used his last strength to make the "Six Clothes Ice Formation".

"Six-clothed ice formation: Set up 6 ice freezing points on the ground to form a formation, freezing everything in it. And

Kai, who just rushed in front of Lei Luo, just crashed into the ice formation, and he was already dodging, unable to avoid, and was directly frozen into ice.

Looking at the hideous hunter in the icicle, Lei Luo stretched out his hand, and a golden light shot out, hitting the icicle steadily.

In an instant, the icicles turned into countless ice cubes, and those who were already dead could no longer die.

"Whew..." Relo gasped deeply, the explosion of hunting was difficult to entangle, coupled with decades of battlefield experience, Relo did everything he could to solve him.

Pity...... Kato broke.

Kato, who was half of his body blasted off, had begun to gradually lose his breath of life, and he was vomiting blood weakly.

Even though Lei Luo used "Light Escape Light Therapy" to treat Kato, it was also a drop in the bucket and difficult to save.

Previously, when Kato had just encountered Iwa Shinobu, he sent news to the Konoha front base.

And now the personnel sent by the Konoha front finally arrived, and the people sent collected the corpses all over the ground, picked up the three of Relo and Sarutobi Conan, and rushed to the base with the supplies.

Return to the Konoha Frontline base.

After Lei Luo and the others handed over the materials, they were arranged to go down for treatment and rest.

The current commander of the Konoha frontline base is still Orochimaru.

Kato is the boyfriend of Tsunade in the Three Shinobi, and is also an upper Shinobu with a special secret technique spiritual transformation, and he naturally knows Orochimaru.

After hearing the news of Orochimaru's death, he only regretted it, lamented the fragility of life, and then sent news to Tsunade.

What made him even more interested was hearing that the team that survived this mission turned out to be the fourth squad he led before, and there were traces of ice remnants at the battle site.

"Will it be Lei Luojun?" the big snake pill licked the corner of his mouth, his eyes strange.


Tsuchino-kuni, Tsuchikage Building.

A black shadow appeared in Tsuchikage's office, half-kneeling on the ground, it was Iwahito's dark ninja.

"Lord Tsuchikage, Captain Kai's mission has failed this time!" Looking

up from the document in front of him, the third generation of Tsuchikage Onoki looked gloomy.

"Waste!" Let

him roll over me!"

Iwahide looked at the gloomy Onoki and looked down and said, "Tsuchikage-sama, Captain Kai has died. "

What?!" Onoki was instantly furious, but Kai has an explosive blood succession boundary, generally even if he is a Shangnin of the same level, he is not his opponent, he did not expect to die in a simple mission to destroy Konoha's supplies.

"Who killed Kai?!"

"According to intelligence, it was a special bloodstained ninja in Konoha. What

is the Blood Boundary?"

"According to intelligence, this ninja is able to use ninjutsu of the light attribute class, which has never been seen before.

Only those who survive are geniuses, and those who die are nothing!"

After resting for a long time, Relo finally felt a little more restored.

After waking up, he got up and sat up, crossed his legs and knees, entered the state of blade meditation, and adjusted his spirit.

On the battlefield, you can always maintain good condition to have a greater chance of surviving.

This mission made Relo feel that his strength was still very lacking.

So he decided to use the remaining lottery points to strengthen his strength.

Leiluo: "System, I remember that I still have a god-level lottery point, right?" "

Dingdong, detected that the host currently has the remaining god-level lottery points*1."

"Okay, I'm going to draw a prize"

Soon, the six prize carousels reappeared in Relo's mind.

S-level skills: Smell domineering

S-class props: Devil Fruit * Shock Fruit

S-level pets: Magic cat Yumi

S-class pets: River King Tam

S-class props: Poison dragon killing magic crystal S-class props

: Reincarnation eye

prizes are still so tempting.

Seeing and smelling color domineering is an ability from the One Piece world, one of the tricolor domineering. It can make people's five senses become acute, can detect the breath and emotional changes of surrounding creatures, can also be used to foresee and avoid danger, and can even predict the future when they see and smell domineering cultivation to the extreme.

Devil Fruit * Shock Fruit, also from the One Piece world. It is a type of Devil Fruit Superhuman line, known as the ability to destroy the world, and is also known as the strongest Superhuman Devil Fruit. It can cause vibration at will, but the degree of vibration can be adjusted, and the vibration place not only includes the ground and space, but also fills part of the space with strong vibration power.

Magic cat Yumi, this one appeared in the last draw, from the League of Legends world.

Tam, the king of the rivers, is also from the League of Legends world. Tam traveled the various waterways of Valoran, feeding his insatiable appetite with the misery of the unsuspecting. This gourmet with bizarre charm indulges every moment of his prey's suffering. A deal with him may take you wherever you want to go, but your journey will almost certainly end in the abyss of despair.

The Poison Dragon Killing Magic Crystal, from the world of Fairy Tail, can be obtained by integrating it into the body to obtain the power of the poison attribute Dragon Killing Magic.

As for the reincarnation eye, it is a native product of the Hokage world. It is a pupil technique that has the power to destroy the creation of the world, and it needs to be opened by combining the bloodline of the Otsuki clan with the white eyes of the Hyuga clan, and it is the final form of the white eye.

"Then start the lottery!" Relo ordered, and the turntable began to turn.

"Ding... Congratulations to the host for obtaining an S-class pet: Tam, King of the River. After

the lottery, Relo immediately felt that his soul was connected to something, it should be Tam.

And he also had specific conditions about this pet in his head.

When Tam appears, he will maintain a data mode like in League of Legends games, as long as the health bar is not zero, Tam will not die and there will be no physical injuries. When the health bar reaches zero, Tam disappears and can only be resummoned after 24 hours. Usually when he doesn't summon Tam, Tamu will still be its river king in Valoran.

And Relo's mind actually appeared in Tam's data panel.

King of the River: Tam Kench


: MAX HP: 1,000,000

Skills: Giant Tongue Whiplash MAX, Eat MAX, Thick Skin MAX, Abyss Dive MAX


It's a little exciting to think about meeting a real Tam, I was the Phantom Lick King back then, and Tamu must be a very reliable partner.

"So how do you summon it reasonably?"

"Looks like I need to learn psychic!"

"Relo, Relo, are you awake?" came

the shout of Sunset Red from outside the tent, calling Relo's consciousness out of his mind.

"Well, Red, you come in,"

Relo replied casually, and let Sunset Hong in.

Sunset Hong opened the curtain of the tent door and walked in, followed by Yue Xiyan.

"Leiluo, Orochimaru-sensei is looking for us to gather, let's go quickly."

"What is the matter with the big snake pill looking for us, surely it can't be a simple reminiscence, or be careful!"

Lei Luo thought to himself, but did not show anything, but opened his mouth to accept.

"Well, okay, let's go. Lei

Luo got up and followed Xi Rihong and Yue Xiyan out of the tent and walked towards the camp.

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