When the three of Lei Luo walked into the camp, Orochimaru was looking at the sand table in the tent.

"Long time no see! My lovely subordinates.

Orochimaru looked at the three, and the expression on his face was very interested.


like to talk to you about this mission.

Orochimaru's eyes couldn't help but narrow, looking at Relo.


Lei Luo cleared his throat and said

, "Lord Orochimaru, on this mission we were attacked by Iwa Shinobu, and Iwa Shinobu's leading ninja is a Kami-Shinobu with explosive blood succession boundaries, although in the end we completely annihilated the enemy and completed the mission, but we also suffered heavy losses.

"Our leader Kami Kato and his squad were wiped out, and Sarutobi Conan Kami-Shinobu's squad was left alone.

"We were all injured in the fourth shift, but thankfully no one died.

Orochimaru nodded when he heard this, and then asked.

"So what's going on with Bingdun?" Lei

Luo listened to the words of the big snake pill, and had already thought of answering in his heart.

"The power of that ice escape comes from this knife in my hand.

Lei Luo said holding the ice wheel pill.

"This knife is the loot I got from a mission when I encountered the ninja of the Mist Hidden Water Moon clan.

"I originally thought it was just a good ninja knife, but I didn't expect that this knife turned out to have spirituality.

"By chance, it was compatible with my soul, only to discover that this knife had the power of ice. "

Oh?" Orochimaru listened to Relo's words, and was very interested.


sorry, Lord Orochimaru, Orochimaru, Orochimaru is already compatible with my soul, and I can't give it to you to study." Lei Luo said positively.

I can exchange whatever you want," Orochimaru said faintly.

Relo didn't explain much and rejected the big snake pill again.

"Well, in that case, Lei Luojun, I want to ask you one last question, are you willing to be my disciple?" said Orochimaru with a regretful expression.

Listening to the big snake pill question, Lei Luo thought in his heart.

Although the big snake pill can have a lot of ninjutsu and is very strong in ninjutsu research, but he is still too dangerous after all, if he worships the big snake pill as a teacher, it is likely that one day it will directly become the experimental product of the big snake pill.

Moreover, he has a god-level lottery system, and the prize is not weaker than the research of the big snake pill.

Ten thousand steps back, the big snake pill really wants to do it to himself.

With shining fruits, you can't beat it, you can always run away.

On the whole, the big snake pill who has only mastered a few half-hanging forbidden techniques is really not worthy of being his master!

If the big cow Tsunade accepts him as a disciple, he will definitely agree.

So Lei Luo scratched his head, "Lord Orochimaru, I already have a master. "

Oh, okay then, then forget it" The big snake pill naturally didn't have a dead face, but his eyes were unconsciously cold again.

"Now that you've recovered, I'm going to give you a new mission.

"Together with another squad, you escorted the seriously wounded and returned the bones of the dead to the village.

"Yes!" replied the trio.


The Land of Fire, outside the Konoha Ninja Village.

Because of the need to escort the wounded, the march is slow, and you have to be vigilant along the way to prevent the enemy from sneaking attack.

After half a month, Relo and his group finally came to the gate of Konoha,

and the two Naka Shinobi guarding the door saw this group and quickly came out to inquire about the situation.

Relo gave the certificate of leaving the village to the gatekeeper ninja, and after checking it, he entered the village.

First, the wounded were taken to Konoha Hospital, then they went to the mission center to submit the mission report and handed in the scroll that sealed the corpses of the war dead.

Everyone dispersed and went home to rest.

Lei Luo walked on the street, looking at the busy scene of the shops on both sides

, "It's still good Konoha, it would be uncomfortable to cross into the poor backcountry of Shayin Village!"

Regardless of the darkness of intrigue, the prosperous village of Konoha is the most suitable place to live in Hokage.

Relo had just returned home and was about to clean up.

At this moment, a black shadow flashed and appeared in Leiluo's window.

The person wears black clothing and a fox mask.

When Lei Luo saw this, a name flashed in his heart: "Dark Part

!" "Leiluo, Naruto-sama summoned, I hope you will go to the Hokage Building as soon as possible!"

The dark part voiced low, and after speaking, he left directly in an instant, without the slightest drag.

"Huh~ is the summoning of the three generations?


Hokage Building Relo came to Hokage's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" came

an old but breathy voice from inside, and he pushed open the door and walked in.

In the office, an old man in a royal robes sat on the middle chair with a pipe, and a few chairs and a wooden table in the room constituted a simple office space.

And a woman standing next to the old man caught Leiluo's attention, she was probably in her twenties, blonde hair and brown eyes, willow eyebrows and nose, but her red eyes were obviously just crying, and the frowning look made her look stubborn and strong.

"Tsunade, you go down first, don't be too sad, the fate of the ninja is to die on the battlefield, and he sacrificed his life for Konoha, he is the hero of Konoha. Sarutobi said with a puff of smoke.

"Did you bring it back?"

who knew that Tsunade did not leave, but walked up to Relo and said with red eyes.

"Uh, yes, Tsunade-sama. Lei Luo Lei said for a moment.

"Thank you..." Tsunade said sadly, "I heard that you have a healing ninjutsu similar to palm cactus?"

Lei Luo nodded: "This is an ability that I developed by relying on the Light Blood Succession Limit, but my healing ability is limited, and I can't save Kato's broken senior." "

Broken..." Hearing this, Tsunade's eyes darkened again, but he still turned and left, leaving only Lei Luo stunned.

Senju Tsunade, the granddaughter (or granddaughter) of the original Hokage Senjukuma and his wife Uzumaki Mito, is also the big fat sheep in the legendary "Three Shinobi", who loves gambling, and the most important person is his lover Kato and his younger brother Senjutsu Ropetree, who is good at physical and medical ninjutsu, and has the "strange power" of killing a blow.

In the original book, after the death of Broken and Ropeki, she suffered from hemophobia, and then left Konoha, wandering around with Shizune, who was broken, and also taught Shizune the medical ninjutsu of Ichigo. After the death of the third generation, at the request of Jiraiya, he returned to the village to become the fifth Hokage.

At this time, the three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun Chopper put aside the documents in his hand and looked at Lei Luo with a kind face.

"You're Relo.

"Yes, Naruto-sama!" replied Relo.

At this time, Ape Flying Sun Chopper did not see the momentum of being a Hokage at all, but looked more like an ordinary kind old man.

"Don't be nervous, Orochimaru is very optimistic about you.

"It's because he is optimistic about me that I am nervous, and I don't know when I will be used as experimental material by him." Lei Luo thought in his heart, but his expression did not change, and he replied respectfully, "Yes!" "

Lei Luo, I heard the big snake pill say that you have a blood stain boundary called Guangdun, which is very fast and powerful" Ape Fei Ri Chop had a gentle smile on his face, looked at Lei Luo and said: "Old man, I also want to see it, maybe I can give some advice on the development of your blood succession boundary, what do you think?"

Lei Luo's heart moved, thinking that the three generations of ape flying sun slash is known as the "ninjutsu professor", should have a lot of experience in the development of ability, if you get some guidance from the three generations, maybe there will be more inspiration, and then Lei Luo nodded and agreed.

"Is it right here?" asked Relo, glancing around the office.

"Hehe" The third generation put down his pipe and smiled: "It's really inconvenient here, go to the exercise ground!"

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