On the way, all the villagers who saw the three generations bowed respectfully in greeting, and Sarutobi responded with a smile, their faces full of gratification, and they could see the prestige of Ape Feiri Chopping in Konoha.

Ape Fei Ri seemed to feel something, and suddenly turned his head and asked: "Lei Luo, I know that you are an orphan, it must not be easy to live alone since you were a child, right?"

Following behind the three generations, Lei Luo shook his head when he heard this.

"The village gave me a lot of care, if it weren't for the village I would have died a long time ago, the people in the village are warm and I love, I love it here. Listening

to Leiluo's words, the three generations said with some relief: "It's good to like here, it's good to like here~"

The dark parts around him are like puppets, just following closely along the way, but not saying a word.

Unconsciously, the three of them had already arrived at the third training ground of Konoha, and when they walked to a clearing, Sarutobi stopped and said with a smile: "Right here, I hope you don't disappoint this old man, Relo." The

three generations of "Tudun.Tucheng Wall" directly sealed and summoned a thick stone wall.

"Unleash a few spells on it, try the power!" Lei

Luo nodded, and then a laser light shot out when he raised his hand.

A deep hole appeared in the stone wall.

"Eight Qiong Gou Yu" countless dazzling light bombs appeared, crackling and hitting the stone wall.

The stone walls were potholes and crumbling.

In the end, it did not hold on, and the stone wall collapsed, stirring up dust.

"Okay, stop," Sarutobi was slightly surprised, "It's all Muji ninjutsu?"

Relo nodded.

"Very amazingly powerful, the light bullet is very small, but there are extremely many of them, and they have both high temperature and penetrating properties," Ape Fei Ri's eyes were full of admiration, "A strong blood line, Leiluo."

"Okay, Relo, let's go back. Picking up his pipe and taking another puff, the ape flew toward the village.

"Yes. After thinking about it, Lei Luo understood the intention of Ape Flying Sun Slash's behavior, and answered quietly.

He understood that the purpose of the three generations summoning him this time was only to see his blood lineage and his attitude towards Konoha.

In short, the three generations only need to understand that Relo is a blood genius who loves Konoha.


Return to the Hokage office.

"Leiluo, the old man has an idea, would you like to hear it?" Sarutobi sat behind his desk with a kind face.

Hearing this, Lei Luo's eyebrows jumped unconsciously, and he squeezed a smile out: "You said."

Sarutobi Hinata: "I want you to join the Dark Division, what do you think?" The Dark Division

, as the name suggests, is the Assassination Tactical Special Force, created by the second generation Hokage, mainly to protect the shadow and prevent foreign enemies from invading the ninja village, and sometimes responsible for reconnaissance of the enemy and assassination and other tasks, the nature of the mission is generally extremely dangerous.

"Join the Dark Division?" thought to himself, "Joining the Dark Division will be more difficult, but it will also give you better experience. Moreover, adding the dark part will also avoid the exposure of new abilities in the future, not only can the props for future training be provided for free, but you can also freely read all ninjutsu of B level or below, and you can also contact some more secret things.

"However, Sarutobi is not as good as he is now, and the decline of the major families such as Senju and Uchiha in the original book is inseparable from him, after all, he used to be a person known as Shinobi.

"In general, it is more appropriate to join the dark department, as long as you are strong enough, you are not afraid of any conspiracy, but you have to be careful." Thinking

of this, Relo looked up and said to the three generations: "Naruto-sama, I am willing to join the Dark Division, but what about Red and Yuyan?"

"Don't worry, I'll arrange your two little girlfriends. I will place them in a very reliable squad led by Shinobu. Lei

Luo nodded, "In that case, then I will join the dark part, thank you Hokage-sama!" "

Black Crow", the voice of the ape flying sun slash just fell, and a dark part with a crow mask appeared instantly.

"Take him to the dark department to register, get something, and he will be a member of your squad from now on." "

Yes, Naruto-sama!" Relo

and the man with the crow mask left the Hokage Building without saying a word on the way.

Soon, he came to a hidden place.

"Here is the entrance, write down the technique, otherwise don't blame others for being killed." The black crow said coldly to Lei Luo.

After speaking, he began to seal the seal, the speed was not very fast, it was estimated that he was afraid that Lei Luo could not see clearly.

After entering the Dark Division, he took Relo to the registration office.

"Newcomer registration!" said the black crow to the ninja in the registration window.

"Name?" "Relo

" "Codename?" "Black Shark

" "Pick a mask," the registered ninja said, pointing to a row of masks hanging on the wall.

The masks on the walls are varied, but they are all animal-like.

Relo looked around and selected a shark face mask, which can be regarded as matching the codename.

"Okay, take your clothes and mask, and you can leave!" said the registered ninja to Relo.

"The rules of the Dark Division, and any questions you need to know, just go back and ask your captain. "

Let's go!" said the black raven to Relo.

"Put on the mask first. He watched Lei Luo put on his mask before he said solemnly: "When the dark part performs a mission, you can't reveal your real name, nor can you take off your mask, this is the iron rule handed down by the second generation of Hokage. "

Hide your identity, it seems that in the future, when performing tasks, you will use as little light ninjutsu as possible, and only use sword art and physical skills..."

Hearing the dark ninja say this, Lei Luo also thought secretly.

Then he took Relo to the squad room.

"Hey, the captain is back, is this a new team member?"

said a ninja with a cat-faced mask as he looked at the black crow and Relo who came in.

"That's right, this is Black Shark, and he will be a member of our squad in the future.

Then the black crow turned to Lei Luo and said: "In the dark part, everyone's name is codename, and this guy is a night owl."

Lei Luo nodded when he heard this.

The black crow immediately said: "There is another member of our squad, his name is Hummingbird, he has a mission now, and I will introduce it to you later."

"As for the rules of the dark part, the most important thing is mission first. "

Whenever we get things done is our main purpose." As for the rest, I will introduce you to it later.

"I heard that you just came back from outside the village, give you a day off tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow you will come to the dark department to officially report for duty."

"If there is no problem, you can go back first."


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