Lei Luo beckoned Bo Feng Shui Men to sit down and personally brewed tea for Bo Feng Shuimen.

Although Lei Luo has the ability of the Six Ku Immortal Thief, he can steal the vitality of heaven and earth and live forever.

But after so many years, Relo's mentality cannot always maintain the feeling of youth.

Now he likes the tea ceremony more and more, calming his health.

"Watergate, please!" Lei Luo handed a cup of tea to Bofeng Shuimen, and the back end took a sip of the teacup in front of him, and asked: "Shuimen, you should not only come this time to send Boruto to school, but also to reminisce." Bo

Feng Shuimen took the teacup and took a sip, and said with a low sigh: "Lei Luojun, you are right.

"This time I came mainly because of something, or an organization!"

"Oh?" Lei Luo was a little puzzled, "What organization?" Bo

Feng Shuimen said softly: "Do you remember the intelligence you asked me to investigate after resurrecting me?"

"At that time, you said that there are two organizations, one is the Xiao organization and the other is the unknown organization."

"And now something has happened in the ninja world, and there is a nameless organization behind it."

When Lei Luo heard Bofeng Shuimen say this, he suddenly remembered that there seemed to be a mysterious organization in his previous life memory, called Shell!

But this organization is very mysterious, and Relo only has some vague memories.

And for so many years, there seems to be no trace of it in the ninja world, which makes Lei Luo think that because of his butterfly effect, the shell tissue has disappeared.

I didn't expect that after so many years, this shell organization actually emerged.

This also made Lei Luo vaguely remember that the leader of the shell organization seemed to be related to the Otsuki clan, and he seemed to have a ten-tailed in his hand!

Thinking of this, Lei Luo's brows furrowed slightly, although it was said that the ninja world had developed very rapidly in this peaceful decade, but for the power of the Ten Tails and Six Dao levels, the gap was still too big.

This careless word will cause great damage to the ninja world, and the development of this decade will also be ruined, and countless people will be destroyed.

Lei Luo couldn't help but look at Bo Feng Shuimen and asked, "What happened?"

Bo Feng Shuimen replied, "Recently, I found that the mysterious organization seems to be looking for something, and because of this thing, several small occult families have been destroyed.

"Then I found a little clue from the map, the location of these occult families is in a line, and if you extend this line, this final location is this Konoha Academy!"

Lei Luo's brows furrowed tightly when he heard this, "Is the final destination Konoha Academy?"

"What the hell are they looking for?"

The main body of Konoha Academy now is only those students who have weak combat effectiveness, and most of the teachers are not strong in combat effectiveness, and they are biased towards the civilian type.

If there was a battle near Konoha Academy, I am afraid that the casualties of the students would be very large.

No way! They must be stopped, and the location of this battle must not be in Konoha Academy!

Lei Luo thought for a long time, and finally spoke: "Watergate, I understand what you said!"

"You mobilize a dark brigade to come over, with Konoha Academy as the center, and carpet search according to this line to see if you can find the traces of that mysterious organization, we must eliminate them in advance!"

Bofeng Shuimen nodded when he heard this, and replied: "No problem, I'll go back and gather the Dark Brigade!"

Lei Luo said categorically: "As soon as possible!" "

You have the Flying Thunder God Technique, this should not take long, bring someone to Konoha Academy as soon as possible!"

Bofeng Shuimen nodded.


Then he instantly disappeared into Relo's dean's office.

Lei Luo frowned, thinking of ways to deal with the problem.

"Lean! It's useless for me to be so entangled here, since it's related to the Otsuki clan, it's better to ask Kaguya! Relo

slapped his head and stood up, walked straight out of the dean's office, and walked towards his own residence in Konoha's back mountain!

Now that Leiluo's whole family has moved to Konoha Academy, Yuyan, Hong, and Rin are not idle at home, they all serve as teachers in the academy, and only Kaguya is home alone during the day.

Because Kaguya's abilities were all because of the fruit of the Divine Tree, she couldn't teach students.

"Lei Luojun, why did you come back so early today?" Kaguya looked at Relo, who came back from outside, gently took off the coat outside for Relo, and asked softly.

Lei Luo followed Kaguya into the room, came to the table and sat down, and asked Kaguya, "Kaguya, I came back so early today because I have something to ask you."

Datumu Kaguya sat opposite Lei Luo and nodded obediently, and replied: "Lei Luojun, if there is anything, just ask!" Lei

Luo nodded and said, "Do you remember when you first came to Earth, besides you, did anyone from the Datumu clan come to come?"

"Anyone else?" Kaguya looked down and thought back, then suddenly raised his head and looked at Lei Luo and said, "Lei Luo-kun, I suddenly remembered someone.

As soon as Lei Luo heard the interest, he quickly asked, "Who is it?" Do you remember his name?

Kaguya nodded and replied, "When I first came to the ninja world, the Otsukimoto family once sent a guard to escort me, but when I entered the ninja world, he was seriously injured and fell directly from the air because of the atmospheric fluctuations caused by the sun helium flash.

"I also fell from the air because of this, and finally fell in front of the daimyo Tenko of the ancestral country at that time."

"My guard seems to be called Otsuki Cixuan."

Kaguya's words directly solved Leiluo's doubts, because he remembered that it seemed that the leader of this organization in his previous life was called Cixuan!

This big tube of wood Cixuan should have been seriously injured but not dead at that time, and he had been hiding to recuperate, and erased his tracks, making people think that he was really dead.

And after so many years, his injuries should have healed long ago, and he should also have his own purpose, otherwise it would not be possible for Kaguya to be sealed for so many years and he did not come to save her.

And during the fourth Ninja World War, he did not show up.

"So what exactly is he looking for when he comes out now?" Lei Luo had some doubts in his heart.

But no matter what, Lei Luo must solve him, he has finally entered a state of peaceful and high-speed development for so many years, but he can't start a war again because of him!

In this way, three days later, Wave Feng Shui Gate once again came to the office of the dean of Relo in Konoha Academy.

"Lei Luojun, they have shown their heads!"

"Just yesterday, someone invaded the land of the Earth Spider Clan, but because of the timely arrival of the Dark Brigade, the enemy also retreated immediately, and did not cause too many casualties."

"And the way the enemy left was through time-space ninjutsu!"

"However, I have recorded the breath of the enemy!"

When Lei Luo heard this, a smile pulled out at the corner of his mouth.

"Very good! Now it's time for us to act! "

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