Now that he had the enemy's breath information, Lei Luo still had some confidence in finding their location.

Then Lei Luo asked Bofeng Shuimen to call a ninja of the Yamanaka clan in the dark department, and through the secret art of the Yamanaka clan, he transmitted the breath of the enemy felt by the water gate to Lei Luo.

"Okay, it's okay, you go down first!"

Relo felt the information that appeared in his mind, nodded with satisfaction, and then said to the ninja of the mountain clan in front of him.

"Yes! Lord Relo! The

ninja of the Yamanaka clan respectfully withdrew from Relo's dean's office.

When the ninja of the mountain clan pushed out of Leiluo's office, Bofeng Shuimen looked at Relo and asked, "Leiluo-kun, how is it, is there a way to find their location?"

Lei Luo nodded lightly and replied: "It should be fine, let me try it!"

Then Relo began his chant, and there was a technique in the binding path that was perfect for the present situation.

"The bridge of the black and white net, the crown of sixty-six, the footprints, the distant thunder, the peaks, the return to the earth, the night ambush, the sea of clouds, the blue queue, paint the Taiyuan and soar to the sky!"

"Seventy-seven of the Ways of Bondage. It's empty! In

an instant, the enemy's aura recorded in Lei Luo's mind diffused through the spiritual pressure, turned into a little starlight and scattered, constantly floating towards the distance.

This "Seventy-Seven of the Ways of Bondage. Tianting Kong Luo "can search, capture, and transmit messages to multiple opponents' locations through spiritual pressure, which is suitable for the current situation.

And the wave feng shui gate in front of Lei Luo only felt a strong momentum burst out from Lei Luo's body, and then he felt an inexplicable pressure hanging over his head, which made him have the illusion of being breathless.

After a long time, the momentum on Lei Luo's body slowly dissipated, and Lei Luo finally opened his eyes.

"How? Lei Luojun! Bo Feng Shuimen felt that the pressure on his body disappeared, and quickly asked Lei Luo.

Lei Luo smiled and said, "I already found the location of that group of guys, but I didn't expect it to be here." After

"Tianting Kongluo" transmitted the enemy's information, Lei Luo's mind seemed to appear as if a map appeared, and the enemy's location became a constantly flashing point of light on the map.

And the location where this point of light flickered turned out to be in the vortex country that had been abandoned for many years!

Lei Luo said to the wave feng shui gate: "Those guys are in the country of vortex now, let's go!" Bo

Feng Shuimen spoke: "Okay, I will immediately go and summon the dark department now!" Saying

that, Watergate directly prepared to leave, but was stopped by Relo.

"There is no need to summon the dark part, since the enemy can use space ninjutsu, calling the dark part has no effect."

"Just the two of us!"

Lei Luo said to the wave feng shui gate.

As soon as Bofeng Shuimen thought that this was indeed the case, he nodded and said: "I understand, then Lei Luojun let's go now!"

Lei Luo nodded, and then he and the figure of Bofeng Shui Men instantly disappeared in place.


Just when Lei Luo and Bofeng Shuimen were rushing to the ruins of the Vortex Country.

Now the shell tissue is also meeting.

But the place where they met was obviously not in the ninja world, it was a space up and down, which was obviously built by someone through the power of time and space ninjutsu.

I think that the only person who can build this kind of space in this shell organization is the leader of the shell organization, Datumu Cixuan!

And everyone who is now gathering in this space is obviously not an entity, they are all through "illusion. Communication "gathered here, just like the "magic of the magic of the lantern body" of the Xiao organization back then.

Datumu Cixuan sat on the right seat, his eyes swept over the members of the organization in the space, and his eyes were full of indifference.

"Tell me, what happened?"

Da Tumu Cixuan said lightly, there was a sense of carelessness, but it made people sound a little scared, very strange.

"Ahem!" An old man in a black robe heard this and replied, "I'm sorry Chief, I still haven't found the 'weapon' this time. "

I suspect that this 'weapon' is likely to be hiding on the soil of the Earth Spider clan, but it was disrupted by the Dark Ninja!"

"In order to avoid exposure, we can only retreat!"

Da Tumu Cixuan listened to the old man's words, and his expression did not fluctuate at all.

"Oh? Is it?

Then Cixuan turned to the other member and asked, "Kaude, do you have any news over there?" The

member, Calder, looked like an ordinary teenager, but it was certainly not that simple.

After listening to Cixuan's question, Kaude quickly opened his mouth and replied: "Lord Chief, according to my information, the 'Instrument' has a great possibility in Konoha Academy!" "

Konoha Academy?" Otsuki Cixuan muttered.

Calder nodded vigorously and replied, "That's right, it should be at Konoha Academy!" "

According to the appearance, this guy is six or seven years old, and the other day was the day when Konoha Academy was recruiting new students, I think he is likely to blend into Konoha Academy!"

Otsuki Cixuan nodded, indicating that he agreed with what Calder said.

Then Otsuki Cixuan spoke: "Since the 'Instrument' may be in Konoha Academy, then this time it will be up to you and Diruda to go together." "

The Diruda in Cixuan's mouth is the only woman in the shell tissue.

After listening to Cixuan's words, Diruda nodded and replied, "Don't worry, leave it to me!" Da

Tu Mu Cixuan turned his head to the man next to him with long white hair and an iron mask on his face and said, "Fruit Heart Gentleman, about the dark part problem that the old man said, it is up to you to investigate." "

Look where these guys got the news from."

After listening to Cixuan's arrangement, the fruit-hearted priest's eyes narrowed slightly, and then replied faintly: "Yes, chief!" Just

as Cixuan was about to say something to the old man, he suddenly noticed that the old man's figure was blurred for a while, and then disappeared into this space.

Da Tumu Cixuan's expression finally changed, this old man definitely did not have such boldness to take the initiative to lift the "illusion" during the meeting. communication", now that his figure has disappeared, it means that something must have happened.

"Calder, Diruda!"


"The distance between the two of you should be the closest to the old man, you guys immediately rush to find out what happened?!"


With the order of Otsuki Cixuan, Kaude and Diruda did not have the slightest hesitation, and immediately lifted the "illusion. communication", and then immediately set off towards the old man's position.

Looking at the dissipated figure of the two, Da Tu Mu Cixuan's face was gloomy, he lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking, and the space suddenly became quiet, and no one dared to disturb him.

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