The secret room behind the palace of Oslia was much larger than Relo wanted, and it contained a mountain of well-made guns and ammunition, even compared to the inventory of the naval headquarters.

"Victor's business is big enough."

Lei Luo, who gently flicked a cannonball, couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Such a huge number of weapons, even if they are sold at the lowest price on the market, are ultimately a fortune that cannot be underestimated, coupled with the still rich resources in the depths of the island, it is no wonder that Victor chose to give up his identity as a pirate and embark on the road of arms smuggling.

"If it's just these ordinary firearms, it's hard to attract the attention of big forces, it seems that you still have to enter the secret room in the back."

Relo was also interested in the special gas shown by Victor.

In the future, he is bound to overthrow the current navy and establish an army of his own, and the rarest thing in establishing an army is not to recruit high-level powerhouses, but to equip grassroots soldiers with excellent equipment.

Moreover, most of the soldiers are just well-trained ordinary people, and they still seem to be a little powerless when facing those with the ability of the Devil Fruit, coupled with the scarcity of the Sea Lou Stone, which will make people so highly respected the Devil Fruit.

But now, Relo only needs to take the mysterious gas in Victor's mouth for himself, then all these problems will be completely solved.


With the assistance of the slashing knife Ice Wheel Pill, Relo easily cut open the sealed gate, and then a secret weapons factory appeared in front of him.

"What's the situation?"

"I don't know, who is that person?"

"Was it sent by Lord Victor?"

Inside the weapons factory, more than a dozen staff members looked at Lei Luo, who suddenly broke in, and they all felt a trace of confusion.

This weapons factory, in Victor's eyes, is the source of his wealth, the scientific researchers who enter can't get out, and the people outside can't get in, and today he suddenly broke into an uninvited guest, or with extremely ruthless means, it will naturally attract everyone's attention.

"Hey, who are you kid? Come here to find death?

Just as Lei Luo was checking the situation in the factory left and right, there was a sudden cold sound behind him, and then a palm twice the size of an ordinary person grabbed his head fiercely.

"Nature Devil Fruit!"

After seeing that Lei Luo's head was actually just turned into a little starlight under his huge force that was enough to crush bones, and then recovered as before. The big man took a few steps back, casually picked up a submachine gun, and fired wildly at Relo.

In the face of the ability of the natural Devil Fruit, the big man who will not be armed with domineering color will naturally not choose to go head-to-head with it, especially when there is a weapon next to him that specifically restrains this kind of person.

Looking at Lei Luo, who was beaten into a sieve in front of him, the big man couldn't be happy in any way.

The invasion of outsiders, are you Victor have some accident?

"Are you the little boss here?"

Suddenly, the voice that came out of his ears made the big man suddenly stir, and he slowly turned his head and saw a pair of scarlet nine-hook jade reincarnation writing wheel eyes

, huh? Why is this person behind me, and still alive? So who was the person I just shot?

"Ollie, you... You traitor! In

the form of a saber-toothed tiger, Victor, who was shot into a hornet's nest, pointed at the big man tremblingly, and the man in his eyes was unwilling to accept the fusion of anger.

"How so?"

Ollie stood there dumbfounded, he didn't understand what had just happened, but he was sure that the person who broke into here was definitely not Victor, and Victor had never appeared.

But why, the bloody corpse in front of him will be Victor himself.

Looking at the increasingly deranged Oli, Relo was not in a hurry to act, not because he did not dare, but because when Oli saw the eyes, he was already doomed to the final death.

Bang! Boom!

Ollie, who committed suicide by swallowing a gun, collapsed to the ground, and the researchers present were stunned.

What just happened?

Why does Ollie entertain himself in the open space and carry out confusing behaviors such as shooting at the empty space, shouting and shouting?

Just kidding, the magic pearl in the palm of the Hidden Village of Konoha in the Land of Fire is Leiluo's girlfriend, and in terms of illusion, his realm has long been unfathomable, and any part of his body can launch illusion.

In the face of this kind of power that has never been seen before, Oli, whose body is not cold, would not have thought that he would finally swallow a gun and commit suicide, instead of being defeated and killed after a battle with Leiluo.

"You guys see it, do as I say, otherwise you'll end up like this garbage."

Lei Luo smiled kindly, but his smile, in the eyes of those researchers, was like a demon from the depths of hell rushing out of the seal and about to start the slaughter before the slaughter.

That mysterious gas is called Sea Tower Assimilation Gas, and it works just like its name, which can assimilate any item into Sea Tower Stone, which is a great threat to those with Devil Fruit abilities.

Next, according to Leiluo's instructions, these researchers compressed all the sea tower assimilation gas in the weapon factory into a special bottle, and after giving it to Leiluo, everyone's erased memories were released by Leiluo.

"And a devil fruit, this is really a bonus."

Relo, who had nothing to do, stumbled upon a tightly locked safe, and after smashing it open with a punch, he saw a grape-like devil fruit placed in it.

"What did those people do just now? I have already sent people to suppress them all. Looking

at Tina, who came to his side, Relo secretly screamed badly, if the rear admiral who was more righteous than heaven saw the devil fruit, he would definitely ask Relo to hand it over.

"Did you find a devil fruit while I was outside suppressing the rioting prisoners?"

"I said it's a bigger grape, do you believe it?"

"What do you think?"

Tina gave Relo a blank look and turned and walked towards the outside of the palace.

"Collect your big grapes, General Akainu... Oh no, our new marshal Akainu wants to see you. "

Akainu wants to see Relo? Wait a minute, why the new Marshal Red Dog?

After hearing this name, Leiluo's figure shook violently, in the newspaper he obviously saw that the latest event was only the news that Luffy left 3D2Y, so when did the battle between the red dog and the green pheasant have ended, and what timeline is it now?

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