"That's how it is, it scares me."

On the way back, Relo mentions this, and Tina tells him that because the original naval soldiers in his room died defending against the invasion of the Aquaman a long time ago, the newspaper has not been updated.

Moreover, according to the grapevine, after the defeat, the green pheasant actually chose to quit the navy and joined the Blackbeard Pirates.

This kind of humiliating thing that shames the navy is still in this extraordinary period, and the new marshal Akainu will naturally try his best to suppress it and avoid turmoil in the navy's people's hearts.

After accurately knowing the current timeline, Lei Luo no longer cared about this matter, returned to his room alone, and started his own lottery plan!

"System, start starting, hurry up!"

After locking the door, Lei Luo couldn't wait to call the system in his mind, and he still missed the last prize, the SSS-level Void Mirror.


The familiar voice sounded, and then an even more familiar giant circular wheel appeared in his mind, with the names of six different prizes written on it.

S-level skill: Wind Swordsmanship.

S-level skill: Seeing and smelling domineering.

S-class props: Flame Fan.

S-Class Weapon: Ten-Fist Sword.

S-class props: Shutta Tianshuo.

S-Class Hero: Genos.

Wind Sword Art, an extremely powerful sword art in the League of Heroes.

Attack, destroy the sky and the earth with the momentum of the wind, defense, the barrier of the wind can block everything, move, the figure is like the wind coming and going without a trace!

However, wanting to cultivate it requires an extremely terrifying kendo talent, and in Lei Luo's memory, the only person who has cultivated it to a great success seems to have the title of a happy wind man.

Seeing and smelling domineering, needless to say, one of the three major domineering is roughly to enhance people's facial features, so that people can detect the subtle changes of everything around, and can also be used to predict the enemy's attack.

It is rumored that Charlotte Katakuri, the royal deputy of the BIGMOM Pirates, is even able to predict the future.

The Flame Fan, the artifact of the Uchiha clan, has been used by Uchiha to perform a stunt that can rebound and double the power of ninjutsu - Uchiha Rebound.

The ten-fist sword, according to legend, is the sword of Izana, the father of the Japanese gods, and was used by his son Susanoo to kill the famous monster Yagi Great Snake, and its power cannot be underestimated.

The Shutta is a futuristic technological product composed of 365 blades, which can be used as a means of transportation, and can be manipulated by spiritual power to turn it into a terrifying weapon.

As for the last Genos, this is powerful, he is not a prop and weapon, nor is he in the ranks of skills, because he is a robot, an artificial human with a dream of defending the world, and only the brain on his body is the original cargo.

But because of this, the mechanical Genos has various abilities far beyond ordinary people, in addition, he also has this extremely powerful firepower offensive, and is a loyal subordinate.

"Hey, what's your situation? Why did even the heroes come out for me? After

seeing Genos, Lelo asked the system puzzled.

"Each time the host successfully clears another world, the system will be upgraded and the types of prizes will increase."

"Oh, yes."

Hearing this, a otherworldly navy composed of strong people from various worlds appeared in Leiluo's mind, following his dashing figure in punishing evil on this sea.

"Stop giggling, you still can't smoke?"


Lei Luo, who wiped his saliva, gave an order, and the huge turntable began to turn.

Ten Fist Sword... Genos... Flame Fan....

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the S-level skill: Seeing and Smelling Domineering! "


Just after the system's prompt tone ended, Lei Luo could clearly feel that his hearing and vision and sense of smell became extremely sensitive, and his body functions were much stronger than before, but these enhancements made Lei Luo not happy at all.

To say that the various enhancements brought about by seeing the domineering color may be an epic change for others, but for Leiluo, it is at most the icing on the cake.

Enhance physical reaction, please, Lei Luo's master in the Hokage World is Master Chen of Konoha's first body art master, and then with the blessing of the eight doors of Dun Jia, his physical body has strong mobility and reflexes.

In addition, whether it is the Emperor Five Vision Universal or the Nine-Hook Jade Reincarnation Eye Eye, it can help Lei Luo capture the enemy's movements in battle and dodge enemy attacks.

What the? Dodge in advance after predicting the enemy's moves?

These things are not needed at all in Leiluo's opinion, because his physical fitness and various bonuses from props or pupil techniques are enough to support him to avoid the attacks of anyone in this world, even the invisible person.

However, seeing and smelling domineering is not without a little effect, at least it can be used to cope with the inspection of the Navy. Lei Luo could only comfort himself like this.

Headquarters of the Navy.

"Sakaski, what do you have better say quickly, otherwise the old man will not dare to guarantee whether you will survive the next second."

"Karp, the red dog is now the marshal of the Navy, you better not be blinded by emotions and act recklessly."

As soon as Sengoku entered the familiar marshal's office, he saw Karp, who had a black face, staring closely at the red dog sitting in the marshal's seat, and the arm of the chair in Karp's hand had been squeezed into a pair of powders by him and spilled on the ground.

"Ouch, I still have a meeting after work, I've already clocked in... Yo, did everyone come so early? The

lazy-looking yellow ape finally came to the office, and before him, the high-ranking people of the navy, such as Steel Bone Kong, Crane, and Smogg, had already gathered here.

"Let's watch this video sent by Major General Tina."

After seeing the people coming, Akainu took out the TV bug and projected this video, a scene when Relo killed Victor at that time.

"What kind of ability is that?"

"Who's that kid?"

"Being able to slap the original saber-toothed tiger Victor to death at such a young age is a forgeable material."

"This person must be owned by our navy, and must not be coaxed by those criminal pirates."

"What kind of thing is this kid!"

Compared to most people's shock at the strength that Relo has shown, Smogg's is a little different.

His attention may have been focused on Relo at first, but later when Relo began to protect Tina, his mood changed subtly.

Smogg took a deep sip of his cigar, secretly remembering Relo's face in his heart.

"Boy, you'd better not join the navy, or I'll definitely tell you what it means to be ravaged from above!"

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