"Relo, are you crazy? She is the eldest daughter of the Vince Mock family!

Smog rushed directly to Relo's side and grabbed him by the collar and said.

"Get your dirty hands away, and, I trust her!"

"Pay attention to your attitude of speaking, remember that you are just a private who has just joined the Navy, and I am the vice admiral!"

With just one or two words, the two who looked at each other angrily seemed to be able to fight in the next second!

"Smogg, I agree with Relo's approach, Lei Jiu doesn't seem to be quite the same as those clones."

At this moment, Tina's voice suddenly sounded.

"Tina, you... That's it, just because I haven't been here! Seeing

that Tina, who had always been on the side of herself, would actually stand on Relo's side this time, the furious Smogg violently pushed Relo's chest and turned into thick smoke and drifted away.

"Your name is Leiluo, right, have we met?"


"Then why do you believe in me so much?"


The trust between people, Lei Jiu, who was born in the Vince Mock family, has never felt it.

In her father's eyes, everything is only profit, and those of them as children are just tools, as long as the time is right, they can be given up at any time for the sake of status.

Lei Jiu, who has lived in darkness since childhood, saw the light for the first time, and it was so warm.

After smiling at Lei Luo's thanks, Lei Jiu flew to a navy with his own care, and the pale pink poisonous gas spit out of his mouth, and a corpse that died of suffocation appeared in front of everyone.

What's the situation?

Even Lei Luo was a little confused at this time, why did Lei Jiu make such a move in front of everyone after accepting his invitation?

Isn't this self-defeating?

"This person is an undercover agent placed by our family next to you, and it is precisely because of him that we know your whereabouts well."

In full view of everyone, Lei Jiu turned out the TV bug hidden in the navy's backpack to show her innocence.

When I first joined the Navy, I did such a frightening act in order to prove my sincerity, and I explained it afterwards.

Tina couldn't help sighing, it seemed that this little sister who had just arrived seemed to grow in a very dark environment.

"Ding, system task trigger, man's charm!"

Men's charm: Use your charm to save Lei Jiu, a helpless girl in her heart, and confirm a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship with her, and reward god-level lottery points*1.

As the sound of the system sounded, Lei Luo smiled helplessly, this is the rhythm of building a harem in the pirate world by himself!

A few days later, the headquarters of the Navy.

"What do you say? Is there a close relationship between the Jemal Kingdom and the BIGMOM Pirates? Chi

Inu put down the newspaper in his hand and looked at the yellow ape sitting lazily in front of him.

"The impact of the war on top is not so easy to heal, and ah, I will clock in and leave work first, so I will not disturb Marshal Akainu, you will continue to be busy."

After the words fell, the yellow ape stretched his waist, turned into a beam of light, and left the marshal's office in the blink of an eye, not knowing where to go.

"Why don't you do it, clocking in and off work is the first place."

After the white-eyed yellow ape left, a burst of sadness appeared on the red dog's face.

Now the situation on this sea, just like the yellow ape said, because of the impact of the top war and the slow process of the government's conscription, countless pirates have become more and more arrogant, and they have actually begun to form alliances in private.

The power of the four emperors, coupled with the technologically advanced Jemal Kingdom, the power that can be produced by the fusion of the two is definitely not as simple as 1+1=2, which is a leap between quality and quality.

"It seems that it is necessary to give the people of the Jemal family a little color."

The red dog who just had this idea, before he had time to make a plan, a bigger problem appeared in front of his eyes, that is, the navy is now short of manpower, and the Jemal Kingdom is far away in the North Sea, even if the yellow ape rushes with all his strength, it will be detected by the other party in advance as a precaution.

Knock knock!

Just when the red dog was helpless, there was a knock on the door, and before he could say please enter, a white smoke drifted in through the crack of the door.

"Smogg, don't think that you are my junior brother, the old man will not punish you."

Akainu snorted.

"Lord Marshal, I came this time to report something important."


"Victor, who was wiped out by that newcomer Relo and Tina, has business dealings with the Jemal Kingdom, and the relationship is extremely close."

After hearing Smogg's report, the red dog's brows furrowed even tighter.

Is this Jemal Kingdom tired and crooked, colluding with the BIGMOM pirate group, not to mention, actually daring to have close contact with Victor, the arms dealer, is it possible that the Vince Mock family thinks that far away in the North Sea, the navy does not dare to move him?

Wait a minute, Relo, Jemal Kingdom, North Sea....

Suddenly, the worry on Chiinu's face was swept away, and he picked up the phone worm in his hand.

Since the Jemal Kingdom is not honest, it is to let Relo go to check, which can not only solve a hidden danger in the future of the Navy, but also test the strength of Relo, a newcomer, killing two birds with one stone!

"What? Can't go back to headquarters again? After

hearing Tina's order from the red dog, Relo wanted to curse angrily.

Lei Luo, who has always wanted to build his own naval army, knows very well that this is something that requires a very high status to do, but now that he has been adrift in the North Sea for so long, he can return to the naval headquarters in sight, and suddenly he has made such a thing.

"Wait a minute, wipe out the Jemal Kingdom?"

While speaking, Lei Luo cautiously looked at Lei Jiu, who had only lied to him not long ago, no, just wooed him.

Others have just joined the navy, and you have to wipe out people's families, what kind of thing is this.

"What's wrong? If you need my help, I will definitely do my best, after all, now I am also a glorious navy who upholds justice, and I will never allow evil forces to run rampant on this sea! "

What a righteous annihilation!

Hearing Lei Jiu's reply that was completely different from what she thought, Lei Luo gave a thumbs up to Tina in her heart, and her eyes were full of admiration.

It's only been a few days, Tina has already brainwashed Lei Jiu so deeply and clearly, it's a pity that this eloquence doesn't do pyramid schemes!

"As long as you don't mind in your heart, I can also refuse this task."

"That's not okay, I know better than any of you about the evil deeds of the Jemal Kingdom, such an extremely evil force must be eliminated as soon as possible, otherwise the future will be endless!"

"Well said! In order to establish the era of great peace that everyone dreams of, Tina, orders a turnaround, targeting the kingdom of Jemal! "

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