"The sea king class is really fragile in front of Mr. Relo."

On the deck, Lei Jiu looked at Lei Luo, who was holding the Tiancong Cloud Sword to kill the sea king class in seconds like chopping vegetables, and smiled.

The strength of the Jemal Kingdom is not small, although the Iji people are high-level combat forces in the country, but in the final analysis, they are just experimental products, as long as there is enough time, the Vince Mock family can be mass-produced.

That's right, it's mass production, in the eyes of the Vince Mock family, whether it is a child or a soldier, it is just not a product, a fusion product of bloodline factor cloning technology and scientific and technological combat clothing.

"Leiluo's strength is very strong, according to the combat during this period, at least in the naval forces, the combat power below the general is definitely not his opponent."

Tina lit a cigarette and said to Lei Jiu.

This trip to the Kingdom of Jemal was an order given by the red dog, although he did not express his intentions, but how could Tina not know, if Relo showed absolute suppression, then his status was at least at the level of lieutenant general, and he might even impact the position of the general.

"What's that?"

Lei Luo, who casually killed a shark-like sea king, suddenly felt that in the depths of the sea, a behemoth was approaching.


With a loud and deafening noise, the sea surface, which had been calm a moment ago, began to vibrate, wave after wave of huge waves continued to crash, even though Tina had ordered the warship to drop anchor, the warship was still shaking, and there was always a danger of being overturned.

"Everyone is on alert, here comes a big guy."

Relo grinned, his gaze locked on the sea beneath his feet.

At this time, a black shadow was rapidly enlarging.

Under the sea, there are countless terrifying creatures sleeping, even if it is the lion and tiger that is king on land, in front of them, it can be regarded as a larger food, and there is no comparison in terms of combat effectiveness.

Territorial consciousness is the innate instinct of all types of creatures, and Leiluo's wanton slaughter of the sea kings who stood in the way obviously angered the overlords of this area.


"What is that?"

"What a terrifying giant creature."

"What to do? Will Relo be its opponent?

"I don't want to die yet, I have just been transferred to the headquarters, and I haven't had time to be promoted and get rich!"

On the warship, one after another naval soldiers looked at the behemoth that suddenly appeared in front of them, and their bodies trembled uncontrollably.

People will always have a fear of the unknown.

The sea king class has always been the largest and most dangerous creature in their cognition, but the monster in front of them is so big, just part of the body that emerges from the sea level, it is already larger than the sea king, which completely touches their knowledge blind spot.

When the head of that huge creature emerged completely from the sea, the hearts of everyone on the warship were covered with a thick layer of depression.

Those scarlet and huge eyes, shimmering with a breathtaking cold, on the bare skin, constantly slipped light inky liquid, emitting a disgusting stench.

However, these are not the most terrifying, the most unacceptable, is the size of this creature, can no longer be described as a creature, it is a huge island, a towering mountain, naval warships in front of it, like a baby weak.

"That's the most terrifying creature in the North Sea, the North Sea Giant Demon!"

With the appearance of the monster in front of her, Lei Jiu was also discolored, she did not expect that the legendary creature would actually be encountered by them today.

"What is the North Sea Monster? Why are even you so scared?

Although she was shocked by the sheer size of the monster in front of her, Tina always believed that this was just a creature like the sea kings, not an invincible existence.

"That's a myth and legend in the North Sea, even if it's my father, when he encounters it, he will definitely only turn around and run away without hesitation."

Lei Jiu's voice was already a little trembling, she was afraid of death, and she was even more afraid that she would not be able to build that era of peace full of warmth and affection with Lei Luo.

In this sea that has existed for countless years, there has never been a lack of legends and myths, but in the North Sea, there is a terrifying monster, which is a giant tentacle monster called the North Sea Monster.

In that unfathomable abyss, a giant sea beast is sleeping, and no one knows when it will already exist.

Ten, hundred, centuries... The story of the Beihai giant demon has always been a shadow in the hearts of Beihai residents.

According to legend, when someone wakes it up, it will strike angrily, destroy everything on the sea, and show its divine power to the world.

Originally, in Lei Jiu's heart, this was just a myth and legend, but now, she saw that legendary thing, how could this make her not afraid.

"Fourteen years ago, two extremely powerful pirate groups in the North Sea fought on an island that was a thousand meters long in order to compete for superiority, but the final result was that the island suddenly fell into the deep sea, and the two pirate groups and their ships have not appeared since then."

Tina Liu frowned, and slowly told Lei Jiu this naval secret.

"That's right, that's just a tentacle stretched out by the North Sea Giant Demon, and those two pirate groups are real, because one of them is the pirate group that my father originally joined."

The answer Lei Jiu gave was the last thing Tina wanted to hear.

However, this is the cold reality, the irresistible legend, which they encountered today.

"Call Relo! Call Relo! Evacuate!

Tina forcibly suppressed the fear in her heart and frantically called Relo's name with a walkie-talkie.

"Major General Tina, it's late, Mr. Relo, he..."

Lei Jiu was already trying very hard to control her emotions, but even so, tears kept rolling in her eyes.

Tina, whose heart was pounding, suddenly raised her head and saw the huge tentacle that seemed to touch the firmament slammed down fiercely, stirring up waves, and even a small island in the distance ceased to exist under this blow.


Tina roared heartbreakingly.

Just now, she clearly saw that there was also a figure full of golden light that was swept into the deep sea by that huge tentacle.

Having disposed of an ant, it seems that there is still a nest of ants that needs to be destroyed on its own.

The North Sea Giant Demon slowly turned its head, even this simple action caused a huge sensation on the sea, stirring up waves, thick fear filled the entire warship, and everyone's faces had a big dead word written on them.

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