"How's it going, is there anything uncomfortable?"

The brilliant light on the warship faded, and the sad Lei Luo looked at Tina, who was slowly awakening in his arms, with distress.

Thinking that Tina's life-threatening injuries were all caused by her momentary underestimation of the enemy, Relo's heart was instantly filled with guilt and debt.

"What about the North Sea Goblin? Is everyone okay? Relo! Thunder...... Great, you're alive. Tina

, who had just woken up, looked around in panic, and when she saw the face of the young man who held her tenderly in her arms, two lines of tears fell, and she tried all her strength to hug him.

Along the way, there were too many dangers, all borne by this young man in his early twenties, who never had a word of complaint, but silently cut through the thorns and cleared the way for the navy.

"Don't worry, it's all gone."


I don't know why, looking at the two people who were safe and sound in front of her, Lei Jiu, who should have been happy, felt that she couldn't be happy, and the strange emotions in her heart constantly entangled her thoughts.

Kingdom of Jemal.

"What do you say? All my children were killed by the Navy, and only Lei Jiu, who survived, was deceived by them using rhetoric to join the Navy? "

As the commander of Jemal 66, the king of the Jemal kingdom, the patriarch of the Vince Mock family, known as the strange bird Galulo, Vince Mock Gaji sat on his throne, his face full of sadness and anger.

At this time, the person who came to transmit information to him was a burly man with a bun on his head, a long nose, and a small and strong head.

This man faced the Jemal 66 Legion, which was known as the evil army, without a trace of fear, and there was even mockery and ridicule in his eyes because of this matter.

Even so, Gaji, who has always been blind to retribution, did not dare to say a word to blame, all because of that man, one of the Four Emperors of the Sea, the highest cadre of the BIGMOM Pirates, and one of the Four Generals of Dessert, Charlotte Snag.

"Lord King, something has happened!"

At this moment, suddenly a soldier came running in a panic, and he knelt at Kaji's feet.

"If it's about a few highnesses, forget it."

In the face of Gaji's words, the soldier shook his head frantically, but the horror in his eyes was not reduced by half a point.

"What the hell happened?"

"In the depths of the North Sea, that sleeping monster was destroyed by someone!"

"You said that the North Sea Giant Demon was wiped out?"

At this moment, the scene instantly quieted down, whether it was the soldier, Gaji, or Charlotte Snag, a thick shock appeared on the faces of each of them.

The North Sea Giant Demon, in the hearts of the people of the North Sea, has always been an invincible existence, and it is a demon sent by God to suppress the North Sea.

But now, the demon has actually been eliminated by people, note that this is not defeat, but elimination, real killing, and it is still the work of a human being.

"How is this possible, the North Sea Giant Demon is an existence that even her mother does not dare to provoke easily."

Sherlock Nag still didn't believe the soldier's words a little, after all, he had not seen it with his own eyes, and the news spread by the population alone would be deified to some extent, and it had a great initial understanding of the actual situation.

Defeating the North Sea Monster is not a difficult task for BIGMOM, but if it is eliminated, it is not a difficult thing to summarize.

Such an extremely vengeful creature, once it has not been able to cut the grass and remove the roots, then the consequences will most likely be the whole family buried in the endless abyss below the sea.

"Are you sure you're telling the truth? What is that human called? "

Relo, it's a navy."


When Gaji and Snag heard the name, they both read a hint of confusion in each other's eyes.

How does this name sound so familiar, as if it was just mentioned not long ago... Wait a minute, Navy Relo, it's him!

There was silence for a few seconds, and both Gaji and Snag remembered who that Navy Relo was.

The person who killed the three highnesses of the Jemal Kingdom and tricked the eldest princess into joining the naval force was not called Leiluo.

"How so? When did such a formidable figure appear in the Navy?

The expression on Kaji's face became more and more ugly.

The Vince Mock family has been monitored by the Navy for illegal scientific research projects, and under this premise, they have always been in close contact with the BIGMOM Pirates.

What is this because of? It is not yet that the strength of the navy has plummeted after the top war, coupled with the development of the big conscription and the rampant pirates, they naturally cannot separate their minds to take care of the Vince Mock family.

But now, with the emergence of such a strong person as Leiluo, all this has been changed.

"General Snag, I wonder what you came here for?"

For the highest-ranking cadre of the BIGMOM Pirate Group in front of him, Gaji naturally wanted to deal with it in two words, and then left, so that even if the navy came, he would definitely die without proof.

"Even if you are lucky, my mother thought of getting your technology and technology, so she ordered my brother Katakuri to predict your fierceness."

"That's the Katakuri General's prediction result?"

"In three days, you will be doomed, and it will be your beloved daughter Lei Jiu who will cooperate with a powerful navy. Now it seems that there is no need to say who that navy is.

After hearing Snag's Katakuri's prediction, the heartache-looking look that Gaji had previously pretended to be completely informed was replaced by emotionless indifference.

In Gaji's eyes, the family is just a pawn, as long as the family can regain control of the North Sea, everyone can disappear anytime and anywhere, even if it is his own children, he will not have a trace of heartache.

This is Vince Mockgarge, a man who admires strength and power and hates benevolence and weakness, but in order to create an image of justice in the eyes of the world, he will always pretend to be a benevolent father and a gentleman.

Now his daughter is going to take the navy to wipe out the family, in this case, there is no need for him to act anymore.

"Snagg, what the hell are you doing here?"

"I didn't say it, you're lucky."

"You're playing word games with me, do you believe that from now on, the BIGMOM Pirates will only have three stars for dessert?"

"Hehehe, if you do that, the four general stars will still be the four general stars, but the Jemal Kingdom will be crushed by the anger of the mother and erased from the world."


Speaking of this, Kaji snorted softly and chose silence.

"Saying that your luck is good, my brother asked me to come, just to protect you."

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