The North Sea, the strongest sea in the four seas, has a warship, dragged by the sea kings with big bags on their heads, moving forward quickly.

"Lei Jiu, are you sure that the Jemal Kingdom is in this direction? What if I run the wrong one? "

For the location of the Jemal Kingdom, it has always been a big problem that troubles Tina.

Because this country is not built on islands like ordinary kingdoms, but land that is supported on the back by giant snails, and several countries that can move freely on the sea.

"Well, I can sense the location of the family, but these sea kings have been driving for a whole day and a night, will they suddenly bite the rope and escape?" Our warships have run out of fuel. Hearing

Lei Jiu's worry, not only Lei Luo and Tina, but also the four-headed sea kings.

Yes, what binds them is just ordinary hemp rope, to say that it is special is a little thicker, in front of their sharp claws, this is simply tender tofu.

Since you can't beat the man on deck, then escape, right?

After a short silence, the four sea kings bit each other off the hemp ropes that bound each other, but just as they were about to dive to the surface of the sea and return to the arms of the mother of the sea, four golden rays of light roared, turning into shackles and binding them.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine."

Lei Luo waved his big hand again, and four golden light chains spread out from his palm, connecting the four sad sea kings and naval warships.

After the warship traveled hundreds of meters and disappeared in place, a submarine suddenly floated up on the sea, and on its side, a large one-eyed skull was drawn.

"Boss, it's the navy who shot the bells and whistles, I saw with my own eyes, he put an end to the myth of the sea, the North Sea monster."

"Catch up, whether it is wealth or women, I can give him everything, even if it is the position of deputy captain of our one-eyed pirate group, of course, provided that he agrees to join us."

In the submarine, a thin middle-aged man with a huge scar on his chest sat in the captain's seat and said slowly.

Time flickered, and another day and night passed.

It seems that feeling humiliated, the four sea kings actually chose to kill each other, knowing each other's lives, even if the corpse sinks into the sea and blood stains the sea, they will no longer give these people as foot.

"It's over, what's going on?"

Looking at the scarlet sea in front of him, Lei Luo couldn't help but feel his head big.

The blood of the four-headed sea king class was like a warning, not only their kind quickly fled this field, but even the larger sea creatures smelled the dangerous aura and moved away.

Standing on the deck, Lei Luo opened the Nine Hook Jade Reincarnation Writing Wheel and looked around, but he couldn't even see a small fry.

"Still blame you for being too cruel, I said it all, when we sleep at night, let the four of them also rest, you are good, let the family rush 24 hours a day, this kind of treatment can not stand anyone."

Tina also sighed helplessly.

Now, even if they ask for assistance from headquarters, they have to wait at least a week.

Putting these aside, there are not many things and fresh water left, plus there is just a sea king world nearby, and when you look up, there is only an endless sea, not even an island.

"It's a pity that the fish in this neighborhood have run out, otherwise... Hey? Relo, Major General Tina, look at it, something seems to be floating up at the bottom of the sea! When

the navigator on the warship was sighing, he suddenly saw a shadow gradually enlarging under the sea, and this picture had a sense of déjà vu.

That's right, when I first encountered the North Sea Giant Demon, it was exactly the same as this picture now, but the movement was much larger at that time.

"Great, whatever kind of monster he is, you guys wait, I'll go down and catch it!"

Relo, who smelled the smell of transportation tools, rolled up his sleeves, but at the moment he was about to jump into the sea, he saw an iron lookout mirror emerge first.

"What are you doing, it turns out to be a person, make me happy for nothing!"

Lei Luo, who felt a slight loss, suddenly thought that he could borrow some fuel from the other party, and just when he turned around and planned to let Tina go to talk to the middle man of the submarine, he saw the solemn faces of everyone.

Relo, who sensed that something was wrong, turned his head again, and at this moment, the submarine had all surfaced, and the huge one-eyed skull pattern above was instantly introduced into the eye.


This was the information that popped into Relo's mind.

Perhaps for others, this situation now meets pirates to make things worse, but in Leiluo's eyes, this is indeed from heaven's favor.

Since the other party is a pirate and he is a navy, there seems to be nothing wrong with killing people and grabbing fuel.

"Tina, why are you pulling me?"

Just as Relo was about to make a move, Tina suddenly grabbed him.

"That's the One-Eyed Pirates, and their captain One-Eyed is a terrifying existence with a bounty of up to 800 million Baileys."

After hearing Tina's explanation, a look of confusion appeared on Relo's face.

Eight hundred million Baileys, doesn't that mean higher than Ace, but why in the original work, I have never heard of the existence of this character?

As if reading the confusion in Relo's eyes, Tina continued to explain: "One-eyed is a sea thief who called for wind and rain in the North Sea 20 years ago, when he was personally captured by the hero Karp and imprisoned on the sixth floor of the Great Prison under the sea in Advance City, and it was because of the war on top that he escaped.

Upon hearing the sixth floor of the Great Undersea Prison, Leiluo's expression also changed subtly.

It was a terrifying place where the Golden Lion Shiki, Fire Fist Ace, Sea Hero Jinping, and Doflamingo, who was defeated by Luffy in the future, were held.

The sixth layer of this underwater prison is rarely known to outsiders, but among the navy, there is such a saying, that is, the pirates active in the sea are not necessarily strong, but as long as they are criminals locked up in the sixth layer, they must be sea pirates with extreme prestige and strength on the sea.

"Junior Navy, although I don't know what your name is, I invite you to join my pirate group now, remember, this is an invitation from the one-eyed lord, and there are not many people in the world who can enjoy this treatment."

Looking at this one-eyed man who usually praised his power, Lei Luo rolled his eyes.

If he was allowed to follow this disgusting captain, he was really afraid that the pirate group would disband the next day because the captain died.

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