"Did you return to his hometown to become a doctor in the name of guarding Whitebeard's inheritance after a while when you had no money to buy alcohol?"

Leiluo's words are completely the plot in the original work, but when said in the current time period, sarcasm is obviously far better than filial piety and gratitude, especially when his tone suddenly changes to surprise.

"Ah! I forgot, the son follows the father, what kind of goods the father is, you can see from the son, the white beard never runs away, I see that it is all abandoned, the wound in front of him is scratched by himself, right?

"What about you, Margao!"

From Leiluo's mouth, one taunt after another about Whitebeard popped up, and at this moment, not only Malgao, who was motionless with his back to him, but even other people stood up one after another and glared angrily at Leiluo.

If the eyes can kill, Lei Luo can say without hesitation that he has been killed by the gang in front of him more than tens of thousands of times.

"Sure enough, it's daddy who instigated a nest, don't you even have the courage to make a move on me?"

Lei Luo sneered, and between his slowly raised right hand, a laser light gradually condensed, and the target was Whitebeard's grave.


The golden light flashed and was fleeting, but the final result was not the collapse of the tomb, but the splash of blood.

Looking at Margao, who was seriously injured in front of him because he relied on his flesh to forcibly take this blow, Relo couldn't figure out why he didn't use the ability of the Devil Fruit to heal himself.

Could it be that his regenerative power was taken away by Blackbeard?

You know, the current Blackbeard Pirates are very famous ability hunters!

The ability of the stealth fruit was forcibly plundered by them!

Relo, who suddenly thought of something, another laser light shot out, and the target was still Whitebeard's grave, but the result was still so, and Margau blocked the blow with his own flesh and blood.

"In that case..."

Lei Luo smiled, this time the laser light was still aimed at Whitebeard's grave, but at the moment when it was about to touch Malgao, the golden light suddenly turned and shot towards Ace's grave.


With this loud noise, Ace's tomb shattered, revealing Ace lying quietly in it, with a large hole in his chest.

"Bastard, Lao Tzu is going to kill you!"

Seeing that his brother's grave had been destroyed, Malgao roared, and the original flesh was replaced by azure flames in a breath, and even his form became the structure of a bird.


Margao's speed is extremely fast, fast like a blue lightning, but no matter how fast the lightning is, how can it be compared with light?

Relo, who easily avoided this blow, saw a claw burning with azure flames, constantly enlarging in his eyes.

This is a manifestation of seeing that the domineering spirit is suppressed, and his next actions are predicted by the other party!

Raising his hand sharply and receiving Margao's blow, Lei Luo only felt that his arm was cut by someone with a blade, and the pain caused by the torn flesh made him gasp.

Golden Light Spell!

Lei Luo, who was careless and injured, directly used the golden light spell of the protective body, which couldn't help but make him pay attention to the shadows behind him, after all, he didn't want to end up in a scene of being besieged by everyone.

"Too slow!"

"Haven't you eaten?"

"This is what Whitebeard taught? Really the same garbage as himself? Evading

Margao's attacks, Relo is still relying on words to deeply stimulate the emotions of the Whitebeard remnants, and only the complete outbreak of endless anger can hope to guide them out of their self-depravity.

As the anger continued to burn, Malgao's attacks became more and more fierce and heavy, and the physical skills were absolutely intense, and the shots were vicious and decisive, and each blow attacked Leiluo's death hole.

Whitebeard is an era, the strongest and most perfect man in the world, and no one can slander him, not before, and even less now!

If anyone dares to damage Whitebeard's prestige, then there is only one option!


"Kill him!"

"Let him kneel and apologize to Daddy!"

Hearing the killing sound behind him, Lei Luo did not panic a little, just grinned, and the incomparable overlord-colored domineering aura was instantly released, skipping everyone's minds.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Watching his brothers fall to the ground one after another, Margao's wine consciousness completely sobered up, the strength of the opponent is definitely the level of the four emperors!

"Sober? When you're awake, don't sleep, come with me to ask Blackbeard Tichy!

Relo snapped his fingers lightly, and Margao's figure shook sharply at that moment, and when he opened his eyes, he found that he was still sleeping on the ground at the beginning, and the wine bottle in his hand was not thrown.

And at this moment, Lei Luo, who was standing in front of everyone, had a strange crimson color in his eyes.

"What just happened? Is your fruit capable? Marchau

, who had not yet switched from fantasy and reality, rubbed his temples.

Although the alcohol had receded, the confusion in his mind had not been eliminated for a while, which made Margau not know what to say for a while.

"Yes, I can make others dream through the fruit ability, all of you, I have cast illusions."

Faced with the answer given by Relo, Margao chose not to believe it, after all, everything that had just happened was too real, even the sore numbness on his hands and feet, which was obviously a situation that would only occur after a battle.

However, when he saw that Ace's tomb was not destroyed, he believed Relo's words a little.

"You said you were going to wipe out Tichy? Is this statement true or false?

Margau suddenly asked, at the time of the situation, he was always thinking of avenging his father and dead brothers, but in terms of combat effectiveness, the gap between the two sides was still too huge.

"I need your help, whether it's collecting information on the Blackbeard Pirates or during the Great War, so would you like to join my Alliance of Pacifists?"

Relo launched an invitation to Margao, and this sentence will also be experienced by other members in their dreams.

To join or not to join, that's the question.

In the case of the former, joining the Union of Peacemakers is not harmful or even beneficial.

But if he does not join, it is estimated that he will be poor all his life, and he will not be able to lead the remaining companions to realize the ideal of revenge.

"I choose to join you, but I have one request, Tichy's head, we must cut it off!"

After a moment of contemplation, Margau nodded.

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