On the vast sea, a warship with a giant log on each side slowly moved forward, and above it, there were three slightly depressing skulls looking in the left, front and right directions, and this was the latest Four Emperors force, the Blackbeard Pirates.

"Hahaha, how can the Whitebeard remnants be defeated by Relo, the leader of the Peacemakers Alliance, like a jumping beam clown?"

Poison Q, who is known as the god of death, looked at the newspaper in his hand, and the sarcasm on his face was self-evident.

"Is it that kid named Relo again, he seems to be very active recently!"

On the other side, Shiryu, who was still wiping the famous knife thunderstorm in his hand, said lukewarmly.

The name Relo has been paid attention to by Blackbeard's group for a long time, especially his Devil Fruit, which is almost identical to the yellow ape, which has long been regarded by Tiqi as a bag.

But now, when they mentioned the name again, they didn't pay much attention to it, and it was all because of the defeat of Margau and others.


With a roar of shells, the Blackbeard pirate ship shook violently, and the captains who sensed the enemy attack, their extremely tacit figures flashed, and rushed to the deck.

"Who should I be, it turns out to be Brother Pony, why, are you so anxious to send your fruit ability?"

The evil king Pizarro did not hide a little of the mockery in his heart, and the frivolous words were completely absent from the enemies in front of him.

A group of remnants of the defeated army, riding on the broken pirate ship, such a combination, how can not establish any connection with the powerful, but this is still the only remnant left by Whitebeard.

"What about Tichy, call him out, it's time for a fight for life and death today."

A battle for life and death?

Hearing these funny four words, the already sick poisonous Q laughed forward and backwards, and even fell off the horse.

Who gave Margaugh so much courage to dare to say such a thing?

Could it be said that the successive defeats have already made him, who was once unique, have a desire for death?


A sudden slight sound entered the eardrums, and a pitch-black bullet appeared on the vast sea, tearing through all obstacles such as air, passing through Margao's eyebrows, and behind it, the only pirate flag that the entire ship could be regarded as a complete one, suddenly shot down.

At this time, there was no blood flowing out of Malgao's forehead, only blue flames slowly emerged, smoothing the wound in a breath, leaving no trace.

"Otoyue Van Oka, you are so anxious every time!"

Raising his hand to catch the falling flag, the cold killing intent that clearly appeared on Malgao's face was perfectly suppressed by him.

Whitebeard, in the hearts of his sons, is a myth that cannot be desecrated, but now that the flag representing Whitebeard has been shot down, Margao, who has followed Whitebeard the longest, is indifferent, which can't help but make Lafayette feel a little confused and puzzled.

What the hell is he going to do?

"Margao, are you so anxious to find death?"

Just when the two sides were silent, the originally blue sea was suddenly replaced by a black tide, and the continuous black aura seemed to have a great gravitational force that constantly absorbed everything around, and at the same time, a tall figure also appeared on the Blackbeard Pirate Ship, looking at the opposing Margao.


The appearance of this figure obviously caused the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirate Group to change their expressions suddenly, and endless anger seemed to erupt from his eyes, threatening to burn the people in front of him to ashes!

"Hey, where did the smell of blood come from?"

Yu no Kiru, who was sexually sadistic because of his obsession with blood, moved his nose and turned his eyes to the scarlet in the sea that spread out like a cobweb, and was extremely eye-catching in the endless darkness.

On the black tide, a corpse that had been eroded and only had the white bones of Sensen slowly emerged, and it was faintly distinguishable that this should be a shark-like fish man.


Margao exclaimed in a low voice, the icy killing intent could no longer be suppressed at this moment, and he poured towards Blackbeard and the others.

The captain of the eighth team of the Whitebeard Pirates, Fishman Namur, died at the hands of Blackbeard Tiki at this moment!

"If you want to fight, why send a small fish to play a sneak attack?"

Tichy smiled slightly and looked at the black-robed man standing beside Margao, pulling him back.

This person has a coveted power in his body, as well as an aura that makes him feel dangerous.

This feeling is like an old enemy of each other, up and down, left and right, life and death, light and darkness!

"Hello, Blackbeard Pirates!"

The black-robed man who covered his face noticed his presence and was noticed by Tichy, took off his hood and greeted the entire Blackbeard Pirate Group with a smile.

Alliance of Peacemakers, Relo!

For a while, Blackbeard's hands were replaced by endless black qi, and Yu no Hiru also pulled out the thunderstorm around his waist, even if it was the poison Q who screamed from the pain of falling to the deck, it rushed onto his old horse like chicken blood.

All the staff without any orders were on guard, just because of that handsome boy in the sun, named Leiluo!

"Leiluo, there has never been any intersection between us, I advise you to leave with your people as soon as possible, and don't mistake yourself here!"

The figure of Lafitte, who suddenly stretched out a pair of white wings behind his back, was suspended in the air, and the bitter voice was like a brain full of some kind of magic, constantly impacting Leiluo's brain, constantly seducing him.


Relo sneered, looked up and smiled at Lafitte, and the pair of scarlet eyes instantly met Rafait's eyes.

Only a few seconds passed, Rafait's body trembled, like a mad demon, madly tearing his wings, eating his own flesh and blood, allowing the blood to scatter and splash, flesh foam everywhere, and there was no sign of stopping.


Finally, the no longer human-like Rafayette planted on the deck of the Blackbeard Pirate Ship, with an extremely vicious smile on his bloody face, as if he was brutally torturing others, and his heart was very happy.

Seeing this, Poison Q, who was a ship doctor, hurried forward to check, but before he could get closer, Lafaite suddenly opened his mouth with fresh flesh and blood, and made a tearing motion at him.

"Completely mentally broken, and soon he will torture himself to death."

The answer given by Poison Q surprised Detichy and others.

How could this happen all of a sudden? Why did Lafayette become like this? Could it be because of Relo?

Evil Eye General Relo!

Suddenly, in their hearts, the title he had when he first knew about Lei Luo was still in the navy.

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