Just when Lei Luo felt inexplicable, the situation on the battlefield suddenly became strange, all the Captains of Death were stunned in place at the same time, and a few seconds later, these stunned Captains of Death turned their heads at the same time and rushed towards their camp partners.



For a time, the captains of the Grim Reaper side fought each other, and several slightly weaker Captain of the Grim Reaper were even flown out by their own 'enemies' in the face.


"Damn..." In

just a short moment, the captain of the Grim Reaper's side killed and injured several people in a row, and the rest who were still standing in the air were also wounded.

Lei Luo looked at everything in front of him, and suddenly understood what was happening, and turned his head to look at the blue dye that had been restraining Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku in the distance.

"Sure enough!"

At this time, Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku was standing in place trying his best to release his spiritual pressure, but with the Fire Devouring Prince by his side, his extremely hot spiritual pressure could not affect too much place, and it was only protecting the surrounding meters of his body.

And Lan Ran had already broken away from the battle circle at this time, and the slashing knife in his hand, Mirror Flower Shuiyue, was being held in his hand by the tip of his sword facing down.

Anyone who has read the original book knows that as long as the slashing knife of blue dye is seen once, then the person who sees the initial solution will be controlled by the five senses, so that when the blue dye turns the tip of the knife down and casts the initial solution again, the five senses of the body will be completely manipulated by the blue dye.

Among the Grim Reaper, all the Grim Reaper captains have seen the beginning of Lan Ran, so this situation can only mean that Lan Ran is ready to launch the final attack.

Sure enough, the blue dye with the tip of the knife facing down, seeing the death of the Grim Reaper Captain dead, the wound of the wound, grinned, opened it instantly, and disappeared into the battlefield, and after a while, a few small bright red blood flowers emerged from the stunned Captain Grim Reaper who was guarding around.

Although the situation on the battlefield has changed rapidly, the scene in front of them still made many death gods look dumbfounded, originally in Lei Luo's dazzling performance, the situation turned sharply in a moment, and now the death god side, except for the death captain Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku, the others have all fallen into the air.

"A group of ants also want to stop me from creating the king key, it's really out of my strength."

Lan Ran stood in the void and looked down at the entire empty zacho, his eyes shining.

"It's worthy of Kisuke Urahara, who actually tossed out the giant piercing gate that transferred the entire empty town to the corpse soul realm..."

I saw Lan Ran swinging his sword in front of him, and a pitch-black piercing door appeared in front of him.

"Where I want to go, no one can stop me!"

Step into the piercing door, at the moment when Lan Ran's figure was about to disappear, a blade instantly penetrated Lan Ran's chest.

In the distance, Ichiginmaru, who was restraining Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku, opened his squinted eyes, and it was the slashing knife in his hand that pierced through Lan Ran's chest.

"Finally, I can't stop."

Lan Ran turned his head obliquely, his gaze following the corner of his eye to look at Ichiginmaru in the distance.

"Yes, I have been waiting for this moment for too long, and today I can finally make you pay for what you have done."

"How does it feel to see your goal about to be achieved but suddenly fail? Captain Lan Dye..."

the corners of Ichiginmaru's mouth smirked, but his tone was cold.

As a famous undercover agent in the world of Shinigami, Ichiginmaru finally revealed his true purpose when Lan Ran was about to achieve his goal.

"Ichiginmaru, I have also been waiting for this moment to come, pierced by your battle knife to confirm the value of Hongyu!"

As he spoke, Lan Ran's body began to change, and he saw that his body split in two, and quickly left from Ichi Ginmaru's slashing knife, and after that, his body wounds healed quickly, and without seeing him make any moves, he had already arrived in front of Ichi Ginmaru.

"As a reward for helping me evolve, I grant you permission to die a happy death!"

The gate opened again, and Lan Ran walked past Ichiginmaru without a pause...

In the real empty town, Lan Ran walked in the void, and all the Shinigami who stood in his way had been destroyed, including several vice captains who had not gone to the present world.

Looking at the humans sleeping on the road and in the house, Lan Ran's expression was cold, and a light blue orb quickly appeared in the palm of his hand.

"Bangyu, let Wang Jian be born..." As

if understanding what Lan Ran was thinking, Bangyu flashed in the air, and then burst out a piercing blue light.

The entire city was soon shrouded in blue light projected by Bangyu, in which sleepy humans were unknowingly sucked their souls dry, and at the same time, next to Honyu, a key shining with white light gradually took shape.

When the key was formed, the entire Soul Court seemed to be quiet, and at that moment, this key with a white light seemed to become everything in the entire Spirit Court.

Lan Ran's mood also became very excited when the key was formed, and with the king key, he could rush into the Spirit King Palace and replace the Spirit King!

Coupled with the holding of the broken jade, he will become the first existence to unify the corpse soul realm, the Spirit Court and even the present world after the disappeared Wang Void!

Just thinking about this incident made Lan Ran feel so excited that a slight fluctuation suddenly appeared in the void around him without being perceived by him.

"You think a little too much, Wang Jian still has to hand it over to a talent like me."

Lei Luo walked out of the piercing gate, turned into golden light and came directly to Wang Jian, and took Wang Jian in his hand.

"After waiting for so long, I finally got the king key."

Holding the king key, Lei Luo was particularly excited, with this, he could find the Spirit King, break the seal at the bottom of hell, and save his son in the pirate world!

"You dare!"

Lan Ran looked angrily at him, he was not worried about Bangyu being robbed, because Bangyu had already merged with him when he first evolved, and no matter who took Bangyu, he could recall it with one thought.

Sure enough, when Lei Luo's subordinate Wang Jian wanted to reach out and grab Collapsed Jade, Bang Yu flashed out, returned to Lan Ran's body, and helped Lan Ran evolve again at the same time!

A pair of flesh wings slowly grew behind the blue dye, each with a pair of eyes at the end, and the blue dyed body was also wrapped in a silver-white flesh membrane at the same time, and the head was completely covered, leaving only a blood basin growing there.

The eyes on the flesh wings turned, and soon identified Lei Luo as the target, the blood basin opened widely, and a blue spirit bullet similar to a virtual flash gradually condensed and formed, shooting towards Lei Luo with terrifying spiritual pressure.

Easily dodged the blue spirit bullet, Lei Luo no longer retained his strength, Hades holy clothes added, Godzillavi costume opened, a pair of blood-red kaleidoscopic reincarnation eyes stared at the blue dye that turned into a monster, and the ice wheel pill in his right hand also turned into an ice and snow dragon flying around, bringing pieces of snowflakes to fall...

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