The battle broke out in an instant, the blue dye of the monster form, the spiritual pressure was extremely terrifying, and when you opened your mouth, you could spit out a blue spirit bullet with amazing power, and its power was no less than the tailed beast jade released by the ten tails in the fire shadow.

However, Lei Luo, who was in Godzilla's suit, did not take it too seriously, and saw that his right hand was raised, and the surrounding ice and snow dragon quickly formed an ice wall in front of him, intercepting the blue spirit bullet.

And the terrifying spirit energy contained in the blue spirit bullet was frozen before the ice wall, and at this time, Lei Luo, using the ice wheel pill, could already create an ultra-low temperature of absolute zero degrees for attack and defense.

"Ninety-six broken paths! Black coffin! The

monster-like blue dye roared into the sky, and along with the pitch-black wall rising from the ground, Lei Luo was instantly sealed in the black coffin.


But before Lan Ran could be happy, Lei Luo had already smashed the black coffin with his hand, and jumped out of it and came to Lan Ran's face.

"Too lazy to spend time with you!"

I saw Lei Luo's eyes widen, and the illusion of reincarnation writing wheel eyes was launched, instantly withdrawing Lan Ran's consciousness.

But just for a moment, Lan Ran's eyes regained their brilliance.

"Little illusion, useless to me!"

Lan Ran, who has the assistance of Hongyu, waits for another consciousness to help him in real time, so he will not be easily misled by any hallucinogenic skills.


The flesh wings behind him flapped out, and three large mouthfuls of meat strips burst out of the wings, and the Godzilla costume wrapped around Relo's body continued to gnaw.

"It's actually eating the psionic energy that maintains Godzilla's costume..." Instantly

understanding the attack method of these large mouthfuls of meat wings, the ice wheel pill in Lei Luo's hand came out again, freezing the three meat strips into ice cubes.

The frozen area began to spread to Lan Ran's body along the meat strips, and Lan Ran hurriedly retreated and decisively cut off the connection between the meat strips and his own body.


When Lan Ran retreated, a soft sound came, and a crack appeared in the white flesh membrane wrapped around Lan Ran's head, which seemed to be a chain reaction, and this crack quickly spread to Lan Ran's entire body.

"Are you going to evolve again..." Lei

Luo knew that if he wanted to kill Lan Ran in his current state, he could only use absolute power to defeat his belief and prevent Honyu's continued evolution, otherwise as long as Lan Ran still firmly believed that his strength was invincible, then it would be impossible to defeat Lan Ran, who had been recognized by Hongyu.

If you want to do this, Lei Luo is confident that her current self definitely has this ability!

The Falling Heart Yan in his body burned wildly, and the power gushed out continuously, merging into the Ice Wheel Pill in his hand.

As if feeling Leiluo's mood, the ice and snow dragon formed by the ice wheel pill raised into a silent roar, and its body instantly skyrocketed, and its body enveloped the entire empty town in an instant.

"What kind of power is this..." The

terrifying spirit suppressed the blue dye that evolved again, originally thinking that after 'breaking the cocoon', he could overwhelmingly defeat Lei Luo's blue dye, and his body felt the terrifying spirit pressure that filled his surroundings, as if it would be torn apart at any time.

In such a terrifying spiritual pressure, Lan Ran's belief could not help but waver, and the jade that was perfectly integrated with it also showed signs of detaching from his body.

Ice Dragon Break!

As soon as his mind moved, the dragon formed by the ice wheel pill hovered above Leiluo's head, and then rushed towards the blue dye in the distance, and the spiritual pressure of the essence froze everything on the scene with absolute zero.

The Ice Wheel Pill was once again liberated on the basis of the swastika solution, and the soul essence of its slashing knife was released, and the terrifying spiritual pressure erupted to form the largest cold wave in the history of the Soul Court!

The entire empty town was instantly frozen, not only that, but the cold wave was endless, rolling around, crossing the enchantment laid by the Shinigami who guarded the empty zacho, and spreading to the adjacent Flowing Soul Street.

Countless revenants living in Flowing Soul Street were frozen by the cold wave, and those who escaped the blue dye killing and hid in the communication in Flowing Soul Street were not spared.


The cold tide rushed forward, crossed the Flowing Soul Street, and was about to reach the center of the Corpse Soul Realm, but was stopped by a layer of transparent huge enchantment.

The transparent enchantment light flickered, and the cold aura surged, and the two only froze for a moment, and the enchantment that blocked the cold current forward produced a crack.

In the Spirit Court, the remaining Grim Reaper all exclaimed, and they all saw the previous scene, and the cold wave that shattered the enchantment that guarded the Grim Reaper Court had become the source of the end of the Grim Reaper's era in their eyes.

As the cold wave passed, many gods of death could not resist the low temperature of the cold wave even if they burst out all the spiritual pressure, and they were instantly frozen and turned into crystal humanoid ice sculptures.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lan Ran's eyes showed horror, and finally faced the ability of the first ice system slashing knife in the corpse soul realm for the first time.

This is an extreme slashing knife that is comparable to the Residual Fire Tai Dao in the hands of Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku, and it has not been able to show such power before, because the upper limit of the spiritual pressure of Hibanya Dongshiro is not enough.

The frost dragon hovered overhead, surrounded by Godzillavian costumes, Lei Luo flashed to Lan Ran's face, looking at the Death Villain BOSS in front of him who had returned to the original appearance of the Grim Reaper, Lei Luo did not kill him, took away the broken jade who lost contact with him and used the king key to leave the corpse soul world.

"Spirit King, I'm here to meet you!"

In the dead and silent corpse soul realm, Lei Luo found the sealed door to the Spirit King Palace from the Spirit Court, and after using the king key, the portal opened, and dazzling white light oozed out from it, under the light, Lei Luo noticed that there seemed to be eyes looking at him from inside the door.

"The Grim Reaper of Team Zero, don't hide and hide, come out one piece, and finish early!"

The golden light flashed, and Relo, who was in the pretense Godzilla, did not stop, stepped into the open portal, and when he appeared again, he had already come to a palace complex, and on the opposite side, there were four figures looking at Relo guardedly.

"Hitsubei • Ichibei, Kirin Temple • Tenshiro, Shutara Senjumaru, Nijinya • Wang Yue."

Lei Luo said from the faces of the four people, and called out the names of the four people one by one, which made the four people on the opposite side feel a burst of surprise.

They hadn't been active in the Spirit Court for a long time, and since they became members of Team Zero, their daily lives had been conducted entirely in the Spirit King Palace, and apart from Old Man Yamamoto and a few other senior Shinigami, no new Shinigami would know their names.

However, the four people were not curious, after all, the aura that Lei Luo showed at this time was not kind, and the four did not make a move at the first time, just because they did not want to destroy the piercing gate leading to the Spirit King Palace in the Spirit Court.

Now that the gate had been closed, the four of them no longer hesitated, each taking out their own slashing knives and preparing to kill Lei Luo.

Between the electric light and flint, Lei Luo's heart moved, and the blue light of Collapsed Jade suddenly appeared, and Lei Luo instantly fused, at this moment, the Falling Heart Yan and Collapsed Jade in Lei Luo's body also changed, and the two actually fused in an instant, and in an instant, the spiritual power in Leiluo's body skyrocketed hundreds of times.

Reflected in the outside world, the Godzillic suit that shrouded Lei Luo has expanded thousands of times, and one foot has already occupied a small half of the Spirit King Palace, and before it moves, half of the palace of the Spirit King Palace has collapsed into ruins.

Before Ichibei and the others could flee, Lei Luo had already raised his foot and stepped down, poor members of the Death God Zero Team, no matter how strong their strength was, they could not resist Lei Luo fusing Collapsed Jade after all, and gave full play to the strength after Collapsed Jade.

Next, Lei Luo stretched out his hand, and the Spirit King was sealed in the central palace and the remnants of the Spirit King broke through the seal, and was directly held by Lei Luo in the palm of his hand.

It seemed that he was attacked by Lei Luo's strong spiritual pressure, and the Spirit King, who had been in a deep sleep, slowly opened his eyes.

Looking at his situation, the Spirit King was first shocked, and then saw the Hades Holy Robe on Leiluo's body, and a clear look appeared in his eyes.

Without saying a word, the corner of Ling King's mouth pouted with a bitter smile, his idea of becoming Wang Void was just an empty dream after all.

Lei Luo didn't bother to pay attention to the Spirit King's crooked thoughts, and with a slight clenching of his palm, he pinched the weak Spirit King to death in his hand.

With the death of the Spirit King, the gates of hell appeared behind Relo, and the portal of the gates of hell opened, and the breath from the bottom of hell floated out, and those who were tortured at the bottom of hell saw light from the bottom of hell for the first time.

Relo, on the other hand, detected from the gates of hell a certain breath that could revive his son...

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