In the dark underground space, Uchiha came to his senses.

"Well, how long has it been?" It was difficult to feel the passage of time in the dark underground space, and Uchiha also felt that his energy was getting worse day by day, even if he continued his life with the Golem of the Outer Way, it was almost difficult to sustain it, and he had to fall into a deep sleep often.

A pitch-black figure stood in front of Madara's body and spoke, "Madara-sama, it's been more than two months."

Uchiha raised his head, his old face expressionless, "Is it another two months? Time is running out, Kuro, what happened to the child he rescued before?"

Uchiha looked at Kuroko and asked, "Well, then what can you do?"

Kurojie smiled and said, "If Obito can see Rin die at the hands of Kakashi, then it will be fine." Uchiha

nodded when he heard this, "How is the control of the Mist Hidden Village?" Hei

Jue looked down and replied: "Everything is under control, and several people in key positions have been replaced by Bai Jue, and they will never find it."

"Then let the fog hide handle this time." "


Water Country, Mist Hidden Village, Water Shadow Office.

The third generation of water shadows looked at the information in his hand, lowered his head and pondered for a long time, and then called a meeting of the high-level of Wuyin.

At the beginning of the meeting, the three generations of water shadows said straight to the point: "There is a message from the dark department, and the traces of the three tails have been found in the country of the moon, but now the country of the moon has been reduced to the battlefield of Yunyin and Konoha, what do you think we should do?"


Shui Wuyue family master was obviously not in the right way with the ghost lamp family owner, and opened his mouth to retort: "Capture back, you said lightly, how to catch it, is there a suitable person pillar force?"

At this moment, a foggy high-level spoke up.

"The two masters don't quarrel anymore, I have an idea here. "

Three generations of water shadows are interested," the head of the citrus family, come and listen.

The head of the citrus family spoke, "Although we have not found the right human pillar power for the time being, Konoha has." The

third generation of Mizukage waved his hand, "Konoha has the right human pillar power, what does it have to do with us, and it can't be used by me."

The head of the citrus family continued: "Now that Konoha is at war with Yunyin, we can seal the three tails in the body of the Konoha ninja and control him to go back and wreak havoc in Konoha, so that Konoha will definitely have a lot of casualties, and our water country may also be able to profit from it."

"Moreover, the seven people of the ninja knife were killed by the secret attack of Konoha before, and those four ninja knives were also captured by Konoha, and we can't help but repay this enemy." The

third generation of Water Shadow listened to the words of the Citrus Patriarch, and was obviously moved, but still opened his mouth and asked: "What about the seal? When

the master of the citrus family heard this, he smiled and said: "Lord Water Shadow, there is a magic weapon in my country's water altar, called the Shark Medaka, it was this magic weapon that could seal the muscles in the first place, and it was also possible for sealing the three tails, and we don't need a perfect seal." The

three generations of Water Shadow also made up their minds, "Then this operation will be arranged by you, the head of the citrus family." "

Master of the Citrus Family: "Yes, Lord Mizukage!"

"I'll see Rin and Kakashi soon!"

Obito moved around the room, feeling almost recovered.

At this moment, Fei suddenly came out of the wall of the room.

Then he said to Obito, "I just went outside, and the situation with that Rin and the idiot Kakashi you said is not good."

"What!" Obito looked nervous, "What happened?!"

Ah Fei replied, "He was surrounded by the ninjas of the Mist Hidden Village single-handedly!"

Obito jumped up directly, ran towards the door of the room, and punched the rock in front of the door with his right hand.

But the white arm on the right side of the body was directly broken and fell to the ground.

Ah Fei stood behind Obito and said, "With your current body, you can't break the rock.

Obito covered his right arm, enduring the pain, "I'm going to save Rin and Kakashi

!" Fei froze for a moment when he heard this, and then said, "Put on my body!" The

whole person instantly disintegrated, turning into strips of white substance, wrapping Obito up.

"Aren't you Madara's men? is that all right?" asked Obito.

"Aren't you going to save Rin and Kakashi?"

Obito clenched his fists, felt the condition of his body, and said, "Then thank you!"

and then walked to the door of the room, stood up, and punched hard at the rock in the doorway.

"Boom!" There

was a loud bang, and the rock shattered.

Uchiha heard the sound and sobered up again, came behind Obito and asked, "Do you want to leave?"

Obito did not look back, "You saved me, I am grateful, but I have to go, I have to go!"

Obito turned his head sideways and said, "I don't think

I will come back, anyway, I have already thanked you, I will go first!" Uchiha looked at Obito with gloomy eyes, "You, you will definitely come back again, and then I will accept your true thanks."

Obito ignored Madara, but turned to Ah Fei, who was only half of his body, and said: "White guy, where are Rin and Kakashi, take me over immediately!"

Obito replied, "Please!"

and ran out with his clothes in hand, while Uchiha looked at Obito's back without saying a word, and bowed his head again and fell into a deep sleep.


At the same time, in the Konoha base of the Yunyin battlefield, Relo also learned the news that Rin was captured again, and Kakashi went to the rescue but fell into the siege of Mist Hidden together.

The battle on the front line was fierce, and it was difficult for Bofeng Shuimen to leave to the rescue.

So, Bofeng Shuimen found Relo, hoping that he would come to the rescue of Kakashi and the two.

"Black Shark, I know that your light is fast and should be able to arrive in time, Kakashi and Rin will ask you!" Relo

also knew in his heart that whether he could change Rin's mortal fate depended on this time, so he agreed.

"Don't worry, leave it to me!"

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