In the mountains and forests, Uchiha jumped and ran between the trees with soil, and the mountain wind whistled in his ears.

"How are Rin and Kakashi doing now?" Obito asked Fei telepathically.

Fei replied, "According to my companion's information, it seems quite dangerous.

"They said something about the experimental subjects of the Misty Hidden Village or something, but I didn't understand."

Obito asked suspiciously, "Experimental subjects?" Ah

Fei said, "In short, Rin and Kakashi are surrounded by dozens of people, and they are all powerful Shinobi and Dark Parts.

Obito asked again, "What is Watergate Teacher

doing?" Ah Fei was puzzled: "Who is that?" Obito

explained: "I asked you what the yellow flash is doing?"

Obito gritted his teeth: "It's just at this time..." "

Kakashi, you promised me, you must... Be sure to do your best to protect Rin, hold on, I'll be there soon!"

Obito roared inwardly.


"Abominable!" a Konoha Nakashin rested against the boulder, while Kakashi helped him bandage his arm.

There were several corpses in the dark part of the fog lying next to them, obviously they had just experienced a battle.

"You stay here. Kakashi spoke.

"Captain, let's wait for reinforcements!" said Konoha Naka Shinobu to Kakashi.

Kakashi shook his head, "No time", and looked at the body next to Mist, "Mist Village took Rin to make her a test for some experiment, once she is brought into Mist Village, we can't save her."

Konoha Naka Shinobu said, "You can't save her

alone!" Kakashi replied, "I'm not alone!" Kakashi

sealed the seal in his hand and pressed it on the ground, "Psychic Art", a puff of smoke cleared, and eight ninjas of different breeds and sizes appeared in front of him, it was his eight ninjas.

Kakashi turned to Parker and asked, "What about Rin's smell?" Parker

replied, "I remember, don't worry!" Then

Kakashi turned to Konoha Naka Shinobu and said, "Reinforcements are coming, please tell them, let's go after Rin first."

Konoha Naka-ninja replied, "Understood!" So

, the Hachi dog chased the smell, chased Kakashi all the way, and finally found a trace of Mist near a cave.

Kakashi hid behind the stone, looking at the wary mist near the cave, and already knew in his heart that Rin must be in the cave.

Kakashi turned to the Yasino, pointing in the other direction, and the Yashido understood his intentions.

Just as the vigilant Mist Dark was attracted by the Yachi Dog that made it move, Kakashi threw a Kumu with an explosive charm tied behind the Mist Dark Part.


Konoha!" "Konoha, it's Konoha's ninja!" Another

group of mist shadows ran out of the cave and chased in the direction of the eight ninjas.

Kakashi looked at the dark part of the fog that had been led away, and said to himself, "Good, just lead the enemy away!" and

then quietly touched into the cave.

Parker, who followed Kakashi, kept guiding Kakashi's direction through the scent, and finally they found Rin.

Rin was tied to a stake by Mist's men, while there was no one to guard her.

Kakashi didn't think much and ran directly over to help Rin loosen his bonds.

"Rin!" Kakashi called softly, but Rin didn't respond, and looked into Rin's eyes to see that consciousness must have been controlled by illusion.

"Unravel!" Kakashi unlocked the illusion, and Rin regained consciousness.

"Kakashi!" cried Rin as she looked at Kakashi in front of her.

"Let's go!" Kakashi pulled Rin and ran towards the outside of the cave.

The two people who ran outside were blocked by the foggy shadow.

"It's Konoha's ninja, the captive is with him. A misty shadow spoke.

Kakashi saw the dark part of the fog and directly pulled Rin to turn her head and run to the other passages.

Then the fingers flipped, a large rock fell, blocking the pursuers in the dark part of the fog, and the two ran out.

The two have already joined the Yasinou again.

Parker spoke, "Let's go, we'll go and lead the pursuers away."

Kakashi nodded, "Please!" Parker

said in a relaxed tone: "It's a trifle, if we are caught up, just retreat."

Kakashi turned his head to Rin and said, "Let's go, Rin!" Rin

looked a little uncomfortable, touched her heart, and said, "Kakashi, I seem... Something is wrong.

Kakashi replied, "Anyway, run for now, and we'll talk about the rest later." "

Scatter!" The

Yasinou and Kakashi both dispersed and fled.

Kakashi and Rin were jumping in the mountains and forests, and Rin suddenly spoke: "Kakashi, I can feel as if there is another creature inside me!" Kakashi

turned his head and asked, "What do you mean?"


fog behind him chased after him, shouting not to run or something.

At this moment, Rin suddenly shocked, "I, can't go back to Konoha

!" Kakashi asked suspiciously

, "What did you say?" Rin shouted at Kakashi, "Kakashi, kill me immediately!" Kakashi

was stunned, "What are you talking about, Rin?"

Rin said with a solemn expression, "I was used by someone, if I go back, I will probably attack Konoha."

Kakashi shook his head, "I promised Obito to protect you, I can't do this kind of thing!" and

continued, "There must be some other way, anyway, get out now."

Kakashi stopped, turned his head and said, "I'll hold them down!" and

then turned around and rushed towards the enemy, throwing a few kunai rays in his hand to block the dark part of the mist that was chasing.

But it was easily blocked.

"Haha, ninja of Konoha, do you want to drag us down just by yourself?" a misty shadow taunted.

Instead of speaking, Kakashi rushed forward again.

The two sides came and went, and the foggy shadow was dragged down by Kakashi alone, but Kakashi also felt that his strength was consumed a lot, and it was estimated that he would soon be unable to hold on.

Thinking of this, Kakashi quickly sealed the seal, and a piercing thunder light bloomed from his right hand, "Thunder Ren Raiche", and rushed towards the dark part of the fog in front of him.

But I never expected that at this moment, a figure suddenly inserted into Kakashi's attack line and was pierced through Kakashi's chest by Kakashi's right hand.

Kakashi stopped to look at the target he had stabbed, and his pupils dilated instantly.

At this moment, Obito arrived just in time and saw this scene.

The goujade in the eyes of the Obito Writing Wheel instantly melted, and then turned into a mysterious windmill pattern.


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