Just when Lei Luo killed Huang Quan, the witch who was far away in the country of ghosts once again had an induction.

"The flesh of the eel has disappeared?!"

The witch of the Ghost Country was a little difficult to accept for the induction she received for a while, but at the same time there were some surprises.

You know, all this time, she thought that only her ability could reseal the eel.

Previously, when she sensed that the flesh of the eel was broken, she was ready to seal the eel again with her life.

But I didn't expect that in a short period of time, the eel was sealed again.

According to the records handed down by the witches of their ghost country, she knew that the reason why the eel came into being was because of the negative emotions of people during the war years, as long as the human race did not disappear, the eel would become stronger and stronger, so it was impossible to completely eliminate it.

But what she didn't know was that everything rotated, one thing existed, and there was always another thing to restrain him.

The power of Leiluo's light has never appeared in the ninja world, and it happens to be the natural enemy of this evil force.

So Lei Luo was able to completely purify the power of the eel, and the witch just thought that the eel was resealed.

However, the soul of the eel is still alive, and if there is enough time, it will regain its strength again.

Although I don't know who sealed the eel, the witch is still very happy, after all, no one really wants to die, even if she is prepared.


The leader of the guards outside the door heard the witch's summons and walked in again.

"Lord Witch! What are your orders?

The leader of the guards asked respectfully, half-kneeling on the ground.

"Just now, the eel has been resealed, you send someone to chase back the people who went to Konoha."


The leader of the guards was also shocked to hear the news, but he immediately regained his calm, and the fact that the witch could not die was a good thing for the people of the Ghost Country no matter what.

"Yes! The subordinates immediately sent someone to chase the messenger to Konoha back! Just

as the leader of the guards got up to leave, he was suddenly stopped by the witch.

"Oh, by the way, you also sent someone to check and see who resealed the eel."


The leader of the guards nodded in response, then stood up straight again and walked out.

Just after the leader of the guards left, a little girl with a pink carving ran in, took the witch's arm, and shook it gently.

"Mother, didn't you say you were going to go out with me today?"

Looking at the lovely daughter in front of her, the witch of the Oni Country showed a loving smile on her face.

"Okay, good, my mother will accompany you to hang out today."

While agreeing to his daughter's request, he felt more grateful to the Eel Sealer who he had never met.

It was he who allowed her not to lose her life again, so that her daughter would not lose her mother at a young age, and she would not let her daughter take on the responsibility of a witch at such a young age.


After Lei Luo killed Huang Quan, he looked at the stone statues standing around.

"ε=( ́ο'*)))) Alas, you have to dispose of these things, what a trouble!"

"Forget it, these stone statue sculptures should be used as targets for rope trees to practice ninjutsu."

"Just as the so-called teacher has something, the disciple obeys him. Besides, I'm doing it for their own good! Thinking

of this, Lei Luo no longer sighed, and directly fired a collection of signal flares into the sky, and then rested in place with peace of mind.

Not long after receiving the signal, the rope tree and the water stop rushed over.

Looking at the deep pits in the ground, the collapsed trees around them, and the rope trees, they imagined the scene of the battle, and their hearts were shocked.

Seeing Lei Luo, who was sitting on the ground resting, he immediately ran over.

"Brother Leiluo, are you all right?" Rope Tree asked with concern.

Lei Luo couldn't help but raise his hand and knock on the head of the rope tree, and said: "How many times have you said it, call me teacher!" "。

"Besides, with just one Huangquan, how can you help me!"

Rope Tree rubbed his head, which was painfully knocked by Lei Luo, and replied: "Okay, I know, Teacher Lei Luo!" "。

Lei Luo pointed to the stone statues erected around him, and said to the three of them of the rope tree: "See those things?" The

three of them nodded.

Then Lei Luo then spoke: "Those things are specially left for you to cultivate ninjutsu, now that our task has been completed, there is no need to rush back, you can practice here for a few days."

Then he patted Yamato's shoulder and said, "Yamato, didn't you read a lot of books on architecture before?" You use the art of the four-pillar family to build a house for the teacher to see.

Yamato nodded obediently and walked to a nearby clearing, his hands sealed.

"Mu Dun. The Art of the Four Pillars! "

A three-bedroom, two-room house was built by Yamato.

Relo walked around the house, patted it with his hand, looked at the sturdy wooden house, and praised.

"Yamato, well done, it seems that you have mastered this technique very skillfully!"

Then he pushed the door and walked in, and said in his mouth: "You guys just practice ninjutsu in front of those stone statues outside, remember to smash them all, I'll go and rest for a while." The

three of them didn't complain, nodded yes, and then practiced.

"Fire. Fire Dragon Art! "

Mu Duan. Tree Bound for Eternal Burial! "

Mu Duan. King Kong Zhaomu!

And Lei Luo, who was lying in the wooden house, listened to the continuous explosions outside and fell asleep.


A week passed quickly, and all the stone sculptures left of the Undead Legion had been reduced to ashes and disappeared into the world.

And the three of them have mastered many ninjutsu in this week's continuous practice.

"It's time to go back!"

Lei Luo glanced around, and the ground, which was constantly attacked by ninjutsu, collapsed a few centimeters alive, and the land was compacted a lot.

This mission is considered a success!

"Let's go, let's leave for the village today, after this mission is submitted, the three of you will be in the middle of the end!"

Lei Luo said with a smile to the three of Rope Tree.


Konoha Village, Hokage Office.

Bo Feng Shuimen looked at the mission report that Lei Luoban had just submitted, and then nodded.

"Leiluo, fortunately this time it was you who went to complete this task, according to the number and difficulty of this undead legion, this task can already be upgraded to S level."

"Previously, the witch of the Oni Country sent someone to our Konoha to issue a mission and ask for assistance, but it was not long before someone sent someone to cancel it, saying that the target had been completed, and then changed it to a mission to issue information to investigate this matter."

"I didn't expect that this person was you, and you can be regarded as having completed two tasks at once this time."

Lei Luo smiled when he heard this, "Oh? Is it? So the bounty for these two missions goes to our squad? Bofeng

Shuimen nodded, and then said in a straight voice: "That's right, this time Lei Luoban successfully completed the S-level mission to eliminate the undead legion, and the B-level mission to investigate the intelligence of the disappearance of the undead legion, the bounty of the two missions also belongs to you." "

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