Time passed, days passed in the blink of an eye.

These days, in addition to practicing disciples and exercising himself every day, Lei Luo also went to the hospital to see Lin.

Since the Third Shinobi War, Rin has been a full-time doctor at Konoha Hospital.

However, the war is over, the casualties of the ninja are much smaller, and Rin is not too busy every day.

Today, to Leiluo's delight, Hong and Xiyan completed their mission and returned to the village.

Now Lei Luo is waiting downstairs in the Hokage Building, waiting for Hong and Xiyan to come down after submitting their tasks.

The second daughter who walked out of the Hokage Building was also very happy to see Lei Luo, and ran directly towards Relo.

And Lei Luo put both arms in his arms and directly held the second daughter in his arms.

Hong and Xiyan's teammate, the unknown dragon set, looked at the scene in front of him, and was also very discerning, and left after saying hello.

Sunset Hong said coquettishly in Lei Luojun's arms: "Lei Luojun, I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss you so much."

Lei Luo lowered his head and kissed him on his red face and said: "I miss you and Xiyan too, now it's not the same thing that we stand here, let's find a place to have a meal together and talk." Sunset

Hong reacted to this, they were still downstairs in the Hokage Building, their faces were instantly full of blush, and they buried their heads in Leiluo's arms and refused to lift them.

Yue Xiyan stood aside, looking at Lei Luo with a smile.

"Let's go!"

Relo left the Hokage Building with Red and Yuyan and arrived at the yakiniku restaurant of the Akimichi family when they first had dinner.

Looking at the scene where little has changed, the three seem to have returned to a few years ago.

The atmosphere is filled with indescribable little warmth.


After a few days of such a comfortable day, the usual hardship resumed.

Because, Hong and Xiyan are on a mission again!

This made Lei Luo can't help but complain about Watergate in his heart, you guy is already married, and the child is already pregnant.

I'm still alone, just two days after cultivating a relationship, you sent my girlfriend out again, do you have some sympathy.

But Lei Luo just thought so, since Hong and Xiyan had already gone on a mission, then he would return to the three-point life of the training ground, hospital, and home every day.

On this day, Relo had just come out of the training ground when he was taken to the Hokage's office by the Dark Ministry.

"Lei Luojun, I came to you this time because of one thing." Bofeng Shuimen looked at Lei Luo who walked into the office and said.

"What's going on?" Lei Luo's face was full of doubts.

"The Chūnin exam will be held in the Land of the Wind in two months." Bofeng Shuimen looked straight, "This is the first time since the end of the Third Ninja World War that the Zhongnin Exam has been jointly held.

"This Naka Ninja Exam also invited daimyo from various countries, and the performance of ninjas in each village in the Chūnin Exam will greatly affect the number of tasks that each village can receive in the next few years."

"So we in Konoha must show our strength in this exam."

Relo nodded, indicating that he understood the importance of this matter.

Then Bofeng Shuimon continued: "Just today, I have received a message from the fourth generation of Kazekage Rasha, asking whether we Konoha will take the Chūnin exam this time, and the list of people who will take the exam.

"I came to you this time in the hope that you can become the leader of this Zhongnin team, lead and protect them."

"And you are now the number one master of our young generation in Konoha, and even I am not sure that I can defeat you."

Lei Luo waved his hand, "Naruto-sama, you have passed the prize, and my strength still has a lot of room for improvement." Bo

Feng Shuimen smiled, "Lei Luojun, you don't have to be so modest. In addition, I hope that they will also participate in the Naka-ninja Examination Rope Tree and Shisui.

Lei Luo was a little puzzled, "The rope tree has already been counted as a tolerant, right?" Bofeng

Shuimen shook his head, "No, no, no, they haven't gone through the formalities for promoting Zhongnin, and they are not Zhongnin now, they are still eligible to participate."

Lei Luo nodded, "In that case, then I will agree to come down for the rope tree." As for the matter of serving as the leader of the team, I also agreed. Bo

Feng Shui smiled, "Then you go back first, Lei Luojun, after the list of participants and departure time I will send someone to send you over, this time please you!"

Lei Luo replied in a straight voice: "Where is the duty!" "


Coming out of the Hokage Building, Relo returned directly to the training ground.

Looking at the three of Rope Tree who were still training hard, Lei Luo smiled, beckoned the three to pause and rest, and then told them about the Zhongnin Exam.

"I have already registered for this exam, how is it, are there any problems?" Lei Luo looked at the three people sitting around him and said.

"Don't worry, Teacher Leiluo, it's just a middle ninja exam, and it's just a piece of cake with our strength." Rope Tree now has a growing self-confidence as its strength grows.

While self-confidence is a good thing, overconfidence is not.

So Relo was ready to knock him so that he could correct his attitude.

"Don't underestimate the opponent of this Zhongnin exam, otherwise if you lose, not only will you embarrass yourself, but the interests of the village will also be greatly affected."

Uchiha Shisui had always been the most stable and mature of the three, and he opened his mouth to Lei Luo and asked, "Teacher Lei Luo, then do you know the information of the contestants from other villages?"

Lei Luo shook his head, "There are still two months before the Zhongnin Exam, and the specific situation has not yet been determined.

"However, as long as you are strong enough, no matter who the enemy is, don't worry."

"Now, several of you have made great progress in physical and ninjutsu, but you still have a lot of room for improvement in terms of actual combat experience."

"However, we don't have so much time to go out and do missions for actual combat now, so I will conduct special training for you in the period before we leave the village."

"I will limit my chakra and strength to the same level as you, and then train with me once a day."

"I don't put water, if anyone is too relaxed, they will have to suffer a lot."

"How's that, do you have any problems?"

Looking at Lei Luo, who looked serious, the three of them also corrected their attitudes, and returned with their mouths: "Teacher Lei Luo, no problem!" "

Very good!" Hearing the sonorous and forceful answer of the three, a smile appeared on Leiluo's face.

"It's better to choose the day than to hit the sun, so let's start today!"

"The first one, Yamato, you come first!"


So from today, the three of them ushered in a life of not short noses and swollen faces.

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