Naruto: I can reach full level with one click

Chapter 1457 Those are all my leftovers

Which sir?

Not everyone present is a fool.

He instantly understood the hidden meaning of Kakashi's words.

Jiraiya and Orochimaru's expressions changed and they couldn't help but glare.

"What kind of arrogant god-killing person are you?"

Otsutsuki Momoshiki's expression changed drastically.

Looking at the figure radiating endless heat in front of him, his face was full of disbelief.

In the eyes of Otsutsuki Momoshiki, the arrogant and rude person in front of him exuded an aura.

It is completely different from what it was twenty-eight years ago.

"Kakashi, you did it on purpose. You see through it but don't tell it, but it's an unspoken rule."

Qin Yu turned around and glanced indifferently.

"However, since the time has dragged on for so long, it's already noon."

"After more than twenty years, Momoshiki, you have indeed become smarter and stronger. You have also learned to use the power of the ants in your mouth. This is enough to show that your hatred for me has exceeded your persistence in honor. .”

"However, this alone is not enough."

"Although, I only use Escanor's body to fight you, but to kill you, the same move is enough."

The indifferent words were hesitant.

The original guess was confirmed instantly.

Looking at the figure in front of me, it was steaming with heat like an oven.

Everyone's nerves were tense to the extreme.

Use someone else's body to fight.

This is unprecedented.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, I'm afraid no one would want to believe that all this is true.

However, when I think about who this kind of thing happened to.

All this seems to be easily explained again.

"No, it's impossible. I don't believe it. I will lose again!"

Otsutsuki Momoshiki suddenly woke up and roared hysterically.

"I am from the Otsutsuki clan, and I have tolerated it for more than twenty years for revenge."

"You haven't seen my last trump card yet. If you have seen it, you must not say such words to defeat me."

"Besides, if you are not your true identity, it would be easy for me to kill you."

Hysterical roars exploded like thunder.

Otsutsuki Momoshiki stepped forward with a twisted expression, and the skin all over her body instantly turned blood red.

"Open the Eight Gate Dunjia Formation for me!"

Bang bang bang!

The bloody steam rising into the sky broke through the accumulated lead clouds in the sky like a frenzy.

After devouring Jinshiki, Otsutsuki Momoshiki's strength reached the ceiling.

The power radiated increased once again.

The huge power that overflowed, even the ground beneath his feet seemed to be unable to bear it, and it suddenly collapsed.

The power storm set off shattered the entire ruins.

Feeling this terrifying aura, the new generation of shadow-level experts suddenly turned pale.

Kakashi and other veteran Kage-level powerhouses are no exception.

The thing they were most worried about appeared.

When Otsutsuki Momoshiki used the Thunder Chakra mode.

Kakashi is also secretly worried whether Konoha's most powerful taijutsu, which is a secret skill in Konoha, has also been stolen by Otsutsuki Momoshiki.

Originally, Kakashi was lucky enough to think that the Eight Gate Dungeon Formation might not be stolen by Otsutsuki Momoshiki due to its extreme difficulty.

Now it seems that everything is nonsense.

The structure of Otsutsuki Momoshiki's body in front of him was obviously not comparable to that of a human being.

The Eight Door Dunjia Formation places a heavy load on the human body.

But for the monsters of the Otsutsuki clan.

Obviously ignored.

"Uchiha Qinyu, have you seen that this is your strongest physical technique, and I have even learned it."

Otsutsuki Momoshiki laughed ferociously.

"Now I want to ask, why do you defeat me!"

All the people present turned their eyes and locked on Qin Yu.

Faced with Otsutsuki Momoshi's words, they were eager to know what answer Qin Yu would give.

After all, Otsutsuki Momoshi's power breakthroughs happened again and again.

That was their ceiling, which was broken through time and time again.

The current Otsutsuki Momoshiki gave them the feeling of flying out of the sky.

Out of reach.

"Why didn't you speak? Did you find that I am too strong?"

Otsutsuki Momoshiki roared crazily.

"I forgot to tell you, my current Eight Door Dunjia Formation has no time limit."

"You want to delay time and make me exhausted, but it's impossible."

After twenty-eight years of hard work, he has figured out 90% of the ninjutsu in this ninja world.

"Sorry, it turns out that I really think too highly of you. I didn't use this method twenty years ago."

Qin Yu said indifferently.

"Those are all my leftover things, but you treat them as treasures."

"One move is still enough to kill you."

Having said this, Qin Yu raised his finger and pointed at the sky.

"By the way, it's already noon, and your chance of winning is zero."


The hot air waves exploded in Qin Yu's body like a volcano erupting.

At the same time, the accumulated clouds in the sky were torn apart.

Everyone watching the battle from a distance seemed to be hit by boiling water vapor.

The whole person had the illusion of being cooked, and they all pulled away and ran away as fast as possible.

At the same time, he could no longer hold his breath and hurriedly looked towards the sky.

The first thing that came into view was the sun that had been hanging in the sky and had settled in the middle.

The huge clock hanging in Konoha also sounded at the right time, with a heavy and dull sound of the firing pin.

At this moment, when their eyes returned to Qin Yu.

The first thing that came into view was that one, as if the sky was above the head and the ground was under the feet.

It gives people a domineering and unrivaled figure.

Rita, the divine ax clenched in her right hand, was slowly raised high, and the world of the movie fell into a stagnant atmosphere, as if it was stirred by Qin Yu.

At this moment, the feeling given to them by the figure in front of them seemed to be rooted in their minds and could never be erased.

Not to mention, Otsutsuki Momoshiki who was locked by the qi machine.

The body covered with veins now gave people a slightly trembling feeling.

"No... it's impossible. I've obviously become stronger. I've already dedicated myself to learning ant-like things, but why can't I defeat you?"

Otsutsuki Momoshiki roared with a distorted expression.

"No, I don't believe it. You must be scaring me. I will definitely be able to kill you."

"I am going to kill you!"

"Ye Kai!"


The roaring sounds that looked like madness were endless.

The huge power was instantly pushed to the extreme by Otsutsuki Momoshiki.

The next moment, it transformed into a 10,000-meter giant dragon and let out a roar that shook the whole sky.

With an attitude that seemed to tear the world apart, he stepped out with strong strides.


The 10,000-meter dragon appeared in front of Qin Yu across a distance of 1,000 meters in the blink of an eye.

The ground along the way was obviously unable to withstand this huge force.

It was torn apart like a sharp blade.

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