Bang bang bang!

The earth was torn apart in response.

Everyone who fled far away still felt this terrifying energy.

Facing the giant dragon rolling and rolling in the sky and earth.

Even those shadow-level experts turned pale.

Many coping methods flashed through their minds.

Unfortunately, the results obtained are all dead ends.

The only thing he could do now was to fix his urgent eyes on Uchiha Qin Yu.

However, facing the 10,000-meter giant dragon that was rolling over in front of him.

Qin Yu did not retreat but moved forward. As he took a heavy step, his face remained arrogant and indifferent.

The Nine Magatama Sharingan is blooming even more.

"I am the only one in heaven and on earth - the ultimate!"

"Divine Axe: Dust Slash!"


The air was vibrating, and Qin Yu seemed to transform into the sun in an instant.

The unattainable ultimate form, the eye amplified by the Sharingan's pupil technique, has been achieved again.

At this moment, Escanor has completely reached the realm of God.

The divine ax Rita held in her right hand seemed to be unable to withstand the high temperature and began to melt a little.

Even the approaching 10,000-meter giant dragon swooped down in the face of this huge and unparalleled force. There was also a hint of stagnation.

The next moment, Qin Yu raised his ax and dropped it.

Everyone just felt that a dazzling light captured the brilliance of the sky.

All vision is lost.

The whole world seemed to be in a state of silence.

I don't know how long it took for them to come to their senses.

The vision gradually became clearer.

Looking around, at the end of the world, a deep trench as huge as a canyon appeared.

Spreading to the ends of the earth.

A radius of seven to eight kilometers was directly turned into scorched earth.

It feels like hell.

No more trees, no more rocks.

What is left is just a piece of brown earth burned by high temperature.

As for the 10,000-meter giant dragon that swooped down, it no longer existed.

In their eyes, only a figure like charcoal was left standing in front of Uchiha Qin Yu's axe, which was cut into two parts.

The only eyes that could still move were filled with hysterical fear and disbelief.

"'s impossible...I'm a god, I'm the god of this world...You can't kill me..."


The charred body made a muffled sound.

As Qin Yu put away the ax in his hand.

The body belonging to Otsutsuki Momoshiki was annihilated in the wind between heaven and earth like fly ash.

Looking at this one, he is said to be a god from outside the sky.

After breaking through the ceiling one after another, he still couldn't escape the fate of being killed with one move.

The faces of the onlookers were as pale as paper.

Especially the moment before, Sasuke, who had often clamored to challenge Uchiha Qinyu because he had obtained the Rinnegan Eye, was even trembling with his clenched fists.

Facing the blow just now, he didn't have the slightest confidence to resist it.

"This guy is still as terrifying as ever. He can explode with such strength just by being attached to his disciple. If he were to do it himself, I'm afraid he can't even imagine it."

Jiraiya sighed quietly.

"It seems that those guys who call themselves gods have finally met a real god of death who is above them."

"The scene just now was so heart-wrenching that it probably made Otsutsuki Momoshi even want to resurrect for revenge."

"We don't have to worry about him attacking us again in the future."

Having said this, Jiraiya turned back and looked around the field.

"You new generations should cherish this hard-won peace. This battle has frightened many demons and heretics."

Uzumaki Naruto and the other five Kage's expressions changed one after another.

Looking at the scene in front of me, I felt like I couldn't refute it.

Especially the murderous words from Jiraiya's mouth.

It sent chills down their spines.

It can be said that after witnessing this battle.

They don't want to become the next person who is not only killed, but also has their will wiped out.

"Uncle Qin Yu is here!"

Uchiha Violet suddenly spoke.

At the same time, everyone's nerves were stirred again.

He hurriedly looked up at the sky, and the first thing that caught his eye was no longer Escanor, but the real Qin Yu.

This scene made many people's pupils shrink slightly.

"Don't be surprised, this is the mark of my soul that separated from Escanor's body."

Qin Yu said lightly.

"I just released all the power of that guy. The high temperature alone is enough to completely evaporate the blood in your bodies, so I let him leave first."

"As for this spiritual imprint, it will dissipate quickly."

"However, let me tell you something in advance. The crisis in this world has not been completely resolved. Otsutsuki's tentacles still exist."

"As for how to solve it, let it serve as a test for you."


Qin Yu's body disappeared with a pop, leaving only his last words echoing between heaven and earth.

"Jiraiya, you still owe me a meal of Ichiraku Ramen. When you have time, pay attention to where Kushina and the others have gone. I will come back."

The words are scattered in the wind.

Looking at Qin Yu who was completely missing.

The people present felt like they were in a dream.

"Dad, Uncle Qin Yu is..."

Uchiha Violet couldn't help but speak.

She has always wanted to use this legendary actor who came out of the Uchiha clan to open her own Mangekyō Sharingan.

However, before the words were spoken, this unreachable existence disappeared again.

This undoubtedly made Uchiha Violet feel an inexplicable sense of loss.

"Lord Qin Yu, he has surpassed the so-called gods. Now I am afraid that like the Otsutsuki clan, he can travel through various worlds."

Uchiha Itachi said after being silent for a moment.

"Only in this way can we explain why there has been no news from Master Qin Yu for more than 20 years."

"However, Lord Qin Yu said that he will come back, so he will definitely come back."

"It's just that before he left, he mentioned that the tentacles of the Otsutsuki clan are still above the ninja world. What is going on?"

After saying these words, everyone's nerves suddenly became tense.

They all saw Otsutsuki Momoshiki's strength just now.

Now Uchiha Qin Yu has disappeared.

If another existence breaks through the ceiling, it will be like a nightmare for them.

At least, they ask themselves that they are incapable of defeating such existences.

"Don't be too discouraged. What Master Qin Yu just said revealed a lot of information."

Kakashi's voice suddenly sounded.

As the think tank of Konoha Ninja Village who is not inferior to Shikamaru, he has obviously started to make some sexy moves again.

If Qin Yu were here and saw this scene, he would definitely give Kakashi a "f*ck".

In one sentence, you can figure it out.

This is simply a unique skill.

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