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Chapter 556 Alabasta’s Savior

Seeing Crocodile turn and leave, Nico Robin's face suddenly darkened.

She has been on the run for more than ten years, and ultimately because she is the only person in this world, other than the World Government, who can understand the text of history.

That's why he was attracted by Crocodile, and finally hit it off, directly becoming the so-called cooperative partner, and running this Baroque working company.

Right now, someone revealed her identity as soon as she opened her mouth, which really made her feel uneasy.

She didn't want to go back to those days of hurriedly escaping.

This is simply a nightmare for her.

"By the way, Nico Robin, don't think about escaping. Don't forget that you are able to escape the pursuit of the Navy Headquarters and the World Government because you have the blessing of my identity as the Shichibukai. Once you leave me, you can only It will become a lost dog.”

Crocodile, who had just walked out of the door, paused for a moment, looked back at Nico Robin, and said in warning.

After all, Nico Robin is the key to him getting Hades and returning to the new world.

Once he cannot even see through the historical text, it will be a fatal blow to his plan.

Looking at Crocodile who finally disappeared from sight after leaving these words.

After a moment of silence, Nico Robin dialed the phone number.

She needed to make thorough preparations in order to find out the origin of this person who revealed her identity in one word.

Three days later, Yuba, known as the Alabasta level oasis, was hundreds of kilometers away from the royal capital Arnaba.

Thousands of city guards riding on running ducks came galloping over quickly.

The person at the head is surprisingly the King of Alabasta, Neferutali Kobra!

He is the twelfth generation king of the Kingdom of Alabasta and Weiwei's father. However, due to the frame-up and sniping attacks by Crocodile over the years, he has lost the trust of his people.

Facing the country's internal and external troubles, Weiwei, the only beloved daughter, even left a message saying that she would leave the protection of the kingdom and go to find the mastermind behind the dancing fans, but there was absolutely no news.

Although in private, Kobra secretly asked many people to go search for him, but unfortunately the sea was too big, and the domestic rebel army was growing stronger due to drought and dancing fans.

Coupled with the addition of Crocodile, a Shichibukai, behind the scenes, Kobra's methods alone were unable to contain the rebellion.

According to his calculations, 40% of the cities in Alabasta have now rebelled.

If this situation continues, it will only be a matter of time before the rebellion spreads across the country.

Once it reaches a point where it cannot be contained, the only thing they can do is to abandon the cities outside Albana and stick to a few major ports and inland locations.

However, just as Cobra was hesitant, the information brought back by Vivi surprised Cobra.

The Shichibukai is in chaos. Reinforcements have been mobilized!

This sentence gave Cobra an unbelievable feeling.

"Your Majesty the King, if we go further, we will reach the border of Juba. At that time, I am afraid we will be discovered by the rebels stationed here." Following Kobra, as one of the two patron saints of Alabasta Jackal Jaka looked ahead with a solemn face at Yuba, which had completely transformed into a desert.

Once upon a time, this was the largest gathering of oasis in Alabasta.

If it weren't for the dancing fan incident, grab the rainwater that belongs here.

This is definitely an emerald pearl on the map.

"I know." Cobra replied with a hint of recollection on his face: "It's just that in Weiwei's communication, we were required to arrive in Yuba before twelve o'clock. She said that there was a way to do it first. Civil unrest is over.”

"If it can really be done, it would be the best thing for us.:"

As the leader of a country, no one likes it. He sees his country experiencing civil strife and turmoil, even killing each other.

After hearing these words, Jaka looked more melancholy and said: "Since His Majesty the King has already made up his mind, Jaka will not give much persuasion. The only thing he can do is to stay with His Majesty the King and take good defense."

"Furthermore, I also want to see what Her Royal Highness the Princess says can solve the drought and civil strife in Alabasta."

After saying these words, there was a hint of hope on many faces.

After all, they are also tired of this kind of civil strife.

However, as soon as this idea came to their mind, before they could react, the sound of horse hooves could be heard all around.

The desert was rising from the dust, and the smoke was rising in all directions. The scene gave people the feeling that they were being ambushed.

"This is an ambush!" Jaka's expression suddenly changed, and he shouted urgently: "Hurry up and protect His Majesty the King from breaking out, and the others will fight with me."

As soon as the words fell, the entire phalanx started to move instantly.

It can be said that as a city guard, this time he left the royal capital and traveled hundreds of miles to Yuba. Each of the soldiers he personally selected was trustworthy.

At the same time, they also firmly believed that as the king of Alabasta, Kobra would never do such a thing to harm the people.

However, they obviously underestimated Juba, where the rebel army was stationed.

With his whole body affected, rebels were seen in all directions.

The number of scenes that come into view is even more difficult to count.

"Your Majesty the King, we are surrounded. Let me personally lead the team to protect His Majesty from breaking out, while the others stay behind. Perhaps this time, someone may imitate His Majesty the Princess and deliberately let His Majesty the King come to be trapped, and the arranged killing Game." Jaka's expression suddenly changed.

He is a devil fruit user.

However, with his strength, he is simply unable to defeat four hands with two fists and face tens of thousands of rebel troops.

Not to mention fighting to the death, even breaking out of an encirclement is harder than climbing to the sky.

If Bell were here, he might be able to save Cobra with his ability to fly.

But now looking at the rebel army that is gradually encircling them, the scene in front of them is probably a fatal situation.

"Jaka, stop and let me out. I believe that Vivi can bring back the savior of Alabasta. As the king, I now have to face these former citizens." Cobra said in a deep voice.

As soon as he said these words, Jaka's expression immediately changed, and he was about to give some words of persuasion.

However, he could already see Kobra shaking his head in refusal.

Seeing that Kobra, as the king, had made up his mind, Jaka hesitated for a moment, then motioned to the surrounding defenders to make way, and at the same time took out the radio phone bug and handed it over.

Facing this inevitable situation, the only way to alleviate the situation is to gain their trust.

Then, wait for the arrival of Alabasta's savior from Princess Weiwei.

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