Naruto: I can reach full level with one click

Chapter 557 A dragon descends from the sky

A huge siege was formed on the desert.

As the two armies faced each other from a distance, there was an inexplicable feeling of depression that enveloped the entire desert.

Whether it was the city guards or the rebels with inferior equipment, their expressions suddenly became extremely cautious.

It can be said that no one is willing to start a war unless forced to do so.

As the city guards separated a path, everyone's nerves were aroused. At the same time, their eyes all turned and locked on him.

Feeling this kind of gaze, Kobra secretly took a deep breath, he knew it clearly.

If this matter is not handled properly, disaster awaits him.

It was also the civil strife in the kingdom that he least wanted to see.

"Everyone, I am Cobra, King of Alabasta. I am not here to start a war with you. I am here just to resolve the civil strife in Alabasta and find out who is behind the disaster. At the same time, Vivi is also in Alabasta. Please come and understand the people who save our country, so I hope that one of you can come out, talk to me face to face, and handle the matter properly."

Cobra tightened his grip on the phone bug in his hand and spoke in a deep voice.

At the same time, his eyes swept through the rebel army one by one, intending to find the leader hiding behind the scenes.

"No need to look for it, I'm here, King Kobra!" A cold voice came from the rebel army.

Soon, a young man wearing refugee clothing could be seen squeezing his way through the crowd.

Looking at this strange and familiar figure in front of him, Cobra couldn't help but feel startled.

"You, are you Kosha?"

I still have some impression of this Kosha who used to follow his father in and out of Albana, and then came to Yuba for development.

However, Cobra never expected that this young man, who was unremarkable back then, would actually be the leader of the rebel army.

"Yes, I am Kousha. Originally, I planned to kill you, but because you mentioned Weiwei just now, I will give you a chance to speak." Kousha said in a deep voice.

"We don't believe what you just said about the mastermind. After all, there are many people, but we saw with our own eyes that you commanded people to use dancing powder to steal rainwater from other places, and also shot and killed refugees who opposed you."

"It can be said that we have a hundred reasons to kill you."

The slightly long words echoed in the desert for a long time and could not be dispersed.

Hearing this, Jaka's face darkened, and he was about to say something, but was stopped by Kobra's hand.

"Kosa, thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak, but this time it was Weiwei who contacted me and asked me to come to Yuba and tell Alabasta that I had found a savior, so I don't know too many things. I hope you It allows us to wait for her to appear." Kobra met Kosha's gaze and said in a deep voice.


However, as soon as these words were spoken, they immediately had the opposite effect.

With a gloomy expression on his face, Kosha said: "King Kobra, are you teasing us? By asking us to wait here, do you think that we will be stupid enough to wait for your army to arrive and then be wiped out by you?"

"I will give you ten seconds now. If you cannot give a sufficient reason, even if my father intercedes for you, I will cut off your head and hang it on the Tower of Eubate."


When Kobra heard this, he couldn't help but look startled. He looked at the skinny old man who was blocked behind Kosha by everyone, with a hint of guilt on his face.

After all, he commissioned Doto to develop Yuba that day.

It was also because of him that this Alabasta oasis was directly destroyed.

Facing the tearful old man in front of him, Cobra shook his head and said: "I really don't know, and I don't have the intention to fight to the death with you. If you really want my head, then you will wait for Weiwei." Come, then come and get it."

As soon as these words were spoken, the place immediately became agitated.

"Your Majesty the King, please don't mess around. If His Royal Highness the Princess comes back and doesn't see you safe and sound, she will definitely blame herself." Jaka was the first to lose his composure and urged him urgently.

"Captain Jaka is right. Your Majesty the King, you must protect yourself. We will do our best to protect you."

"We will all swear to protect His Majesty the King to the death!"

The scene suddenly became heated, and all the city guards suddenly clenched their weapons.

Faced with this violent scene, the atmosphere in the venue was undoubtedly pushed and became tense.

Their eyes all turned around and locked on Kosha.

It can be said that as soon as he issues an order now, the war will begin.

"Kosa, listen to me and trust His Majesty the King for once, otherwise I will commit suicide in front of you!" Doto suddenly rushed out from the crowd.

Looking at the shining sharp blade in his hand, Kosha's expression suddenly changed.

His eyes subconsciously turned and he looked at Cobra and said, "Cobra, for the sake of my father, I will wait another ten minutes. If Princess Weiwei doesn't show up, it will be our fault for being rude."

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that all along this route are the spies of our rebel army. That's why we can close the net so accurately and trap you here."

"As for why I am so sure, this is your lie, because the informants along the way have no information about seeing Princess Weiwei at all. Unless she spreads her wings and flies here, she will not be able to escape from my control."

"What's more, I, Kosha, have been completely disappointed in your king's army. No one can solve the problem in Alabasta except me."

The awe-inspiring words echoed in the vast desert.

Jean Jaka and other city guards turned pale.

However, before they could react, a huge black shadow projected down from the sky with an inexplicable force of oppression.


The roar of the dragon exploded like thunder.

The hurricane that started without any warning was like a frenzy, sweeping through the sky and sweeping down.

When large tracts of yellow sand roll up, it gives people the illusion of flying sand and rocks.

Faced with this violent scene, everyone present, not to mention Kobra, even Kosha, who was full of arrogance just a moment ago, couldn't help but look up to the sky.

However, the sight of the huge creature made their pupils shrink suddenly and their eye sockets almost burst open.

Some people couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes, it's a dragon!"

"No, it's a group of bone dragons!"

The exclamation was like thunder, shaking everyone's nerves.

It can be said that they have lived their entire lives without ever expecting to see the existence of dragons in this world.

Moreover, it still looks like a bone dragon from hell.

Faced with the previous moment, Weiwei could only fall from the sky.

Now the four huge bone dragons suddenly appeared, and the relationship between them is probably about to be revealed.

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