The new worm has a new life.

[Spiritual Beast · Ruyi Bug]

Rank: C

Race: Arthropod

Attribute: Chakra Affinity

Ability: Infinite Split (Passive): Ruyi Bug has the ability to split infinitely. After a period of growth, each split body will be no different from the original body.

(The Ruyi insect's ability to split and regenerate comes from its ganglia distributed in various parts of the body. Due to the mastery of chakra, the Ruyi insect's regeneration ability is once again strengthened to the extreme! And each of these ganglia is an independent control center, providing it with important senses and mobility, so even if it is cut into several pieces, each part can use its own ganglion's regeneration ability to recover and continue to grow.)

All things in the world: The Ruyi insect can provide the carrier with a layer of chakra coat with corresponding attributes, increasing the carrier's chakra volume by 20%. Depending on the host's mental and physical strength, it can increase their mental and physical strength by 5% - 15%. The stronger the mental and physical strength of the Ruyi insect carrier, the higher the intensity of the increase, up to 15%.

And this layer of chakra coat will automatically have different abilities according to the different attributes of the carrier's own chakra. (Only one attribute of the Chakra Coat can be activated at the same time, but the Chakra Coat attribute can be changed at any time according to the wishes of the Ruyi Bug carrier.)

Water attribute Chakra Coat: Reduces the Chakra consumption of the carrier's Water Style Ninjutsu by 20%, and is immune to 10% of the damage of Water Style Ninjutsu. The Water attribute Chakra Coat also has the defense against general ninja tools.

Fire attribute Chakra Coat: Increases the flight speed of the carrier's Fire Style Ninjutsu by 20%, and is immune to 10% of the damage of Fire Style Ninjutsu. The Fire attribute Chakra Coat also has the function of allowing the carrier's close combat attacks to have fire attribute burning damage.

Earth attribute Chakra Coat: Increases the launch speed of the carrier's Earth Style Ninjutsu by 20%, and is immune to 10% of the damage of Earth Style Ninjutsu. The Earth attribute Chakra Coat also has a very good defense against ninja tools or ninjutsu.

Wind attribute chakra coat: increases the power of the carrier's wind ninjutsu by 20%, and is immune to 10% of wind ninjutsu damage. The wind attribute chakra coat also has the ability to increase the movement speed of the Ruyi Bug carrier.

Lightning attribute chakra coat: increases the attack distance of the carrier's lightning ninjutsu by 20%, and is immune to 10% of lightning ninjutsu damage. The lightning attribute chakra coat also has the ability to activate the body of the Ruyi Bug carrier.

System evaluation: Ruyi, Ruyi, according to my wishes, show up quickly!



After seeing the ability of this newly synthesized summoned beast, Shangguan Mo couldn't help but take a deep breath.

I didn't expect that a purely auxiliary C-level summoned beast would have such abnormal abilities!

"Increase chakra by 20%! Increase mental power and physical strength by 5% - 15%! The bonus of the chakra coat is also very powerful, which can make up for many shortcomings of various attribute escape techniques, and the most important thing is that it can be converted at any time!"

Shangguan Mo can already imagine the scene where all the ninjas in Yugakure will wear five-color chakra coats and be invincible on the battlefield in the future.

"Although the degree of increase is much less than that of the tailed beast coat, it is mass-produced!"

Thinking of this, he suddenly remembered something.

Before, Shangguan Mo was going to synthesize the eight-tailed chakra with the slug, but found that the [compatibility] was only 0.00000001%, which made him confused at the time.

What's the matter?

So all the slugs in your ninja world are under the control of the slug sage of the Wet Bone Forest?

Even the chakra of the tailed beasts is not given a little face!

So far, Shangguan Mo has seen the materials and creatures with the highest [compatibility] are [Overalls] and [Chicken], reaching an astonishing 199%.

But now the lowest [compatibility] has also come out, that is [Eight-tailed Chakra] and [Slug], also reaching an astonishing 0.00000001%!

Both of these made Shangguan Mo astonished.

The [compatibility] of materials and creatures actually represents the degree of fit between the two. The higher the degree of fit, the more powerful the synthesized summoned beast will generally be.

After so many synthesizers, Shangguan Mo has also summarized it.

White, green, and blue quality materials correspond to E, D, and C level creatures.

If the [compatibility] of white quality materials and E-level creatures is high, so that the [synthesis success rate] exceeds 100%, then the final

The synthesized summoned beast will definitely be a more powerful E+ level summoned beast. The initial version of [Real Dog] is like this. Both its ability and growth potential are superior to Shangguan Mo's previous E-level summoned beasts.

If high-quality materials are synthesized with low-level creatures, such as blue-quality materials to synthesize E-level creatures, if the [Synthesis Success Rate] exceeds 100%, then the level of the final synthesized summoned beast will rise by one level, from E-level to D-level.

If the [Synthesis Success Rate] exceeds 200%, then the final synthesized summoned beast will jump two levels, from E-level summoned beast to C-level summoned beast, which can be said to be a carp leaping over the dragon gate and a pheasant turning into a phoenix! [Ruyi Bug] is one of the examples.

However, Shangguan Mo's synthesis methods were all found by him with great effort. In the ninja world, high-quality materials required for synthesis are easy to find, but high-level creatures are rare. Otherwise, Shangguan Mo would have had a large number of C-level summoned beasts.

And this time, Shangguan Mo finally saw the birth of another C-level summoned beast with his own eyes again.

But Shangguan Mo's synthesis was not ready to end. The synthesis of Ruyi Bug only consumed 100 chakras, and he still had the ability to continue synthesizing.

Although Ruyi Bug greatly enhanced the combat capability of the future Tangyin Ninja, Shangguan Mo felt that this was not enough. Whether it was the continuous combat capability or the life-saving capability, he felt that it was far from enough.

Tangyin Ninja originally came from a small family and lacked foundation.

This lack of foundation can be reflected in many aspects.

The first is the lack of the bottom ninjutsu, commonly known as the big move. Shangguan Mo has no good method for this, so he can only make up for the lack of foundation of Tangyin Ninja from other aspects.

The second is that the base number of ninjas cannot be compared with the five major ninja villages. Although Shangguan Mo has made some arrangements for it, he still feels that it is not enough.

In his opinion, every Tangyin Ninja is a living life, not a chess piece that can be abandoned at will, and even more not a leaf that can be "burned" at any time like Konoha!

Therefore, Shangguan Mo always attaches great importance to the lives of his ninjas. It is hypocritical to say that he is kind. The key is that he can't bear to part with them!

There are only so many ninjas in Tangyin Village. Shangguan Mo will feel sad if any of them die!

So this is why he considered synthesizing healing summoning beasts and [Kun Kun] and communication summoning beasts [Communication Bats] before, just to minimize the loss of his Anbu ninjas.

But the appearance of Kun Kun was an accident. The pheasant became a descendant of the gods and became a C-level high-level summoning beast. Its abnormal ability made Shangguan Mo unable to pull it away from him. In addition, his current identity has also changed. As the leader of Tangyin Village, he now has to worry more about the 300 Tangyin ninjas under his command.

Therefore, it is imperative to synthesize another summoning beast with healing effects.


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