The slug was still in the water, and the water was still flowing.

Shangguan Mo turned his attention back to the slug next to him.

More than ten minutes had passed, and the little thing had only crawled less than a meter on the ground, but it was very eager to escape from Shangguan Mo's clutches. At this time, it was still crawling away from Shangguan Mo with difficulty, leaving only a sticky liquid behind its butt.

He bent down and pinched the slug in his hand, and suddenly there was a strong sticky feeling, which made people feel uncomfortable.

Shangguan Mo resisted the idea of ​​throwing the slug away, and looked at it carefully.

This little thing is no different from the slugs he had seen on Earth. It is covered with mucus, just like a snail without a shell, and its mobility is terrible.

It can be said that it has no offensiveness at all, but Shangguan Mo does not care about this. He cares about the slug's amazing body recovery ability, that is, immortality.

The summoned beast synthesized with this thing must have excellent healing ability.

Shangguan Mo turned around and took out the long-forgotten material [Yunnan Black Medicine] from his bedroom!

This was bought from Taobao in the garbage dump outside Winter City before he graduated, but he has kept it until now.

Shangguan Mo took out a roll of medical bandage from the ninja bag tied to his leg with his left hand, and then looked at the synthesis system.

[Material: Medical Bandage]

Quality: White


[Creature: Slug]

Level: E

[Medical Bandage] + [Slug] = ? ? ?

[Compatibility] 80%

[Synthesis success rate] 105%

"There's hope!"

Shangguan Mo's eyes lit up, but he was not in a hurry to synthesize. He selected these two materials from many materials, and he wanted to find the most suitable synthesis formula.

He took the Yunnan Black Medicine in his hand again.

[Yunnan Black Medicine] + [Slug] = ? ? ?

[Compatibility] 180%

[Material: Yunnan Black Medicine, quality (white)]

[Organism: Slug, level (E)]

[Synthesis success rate] 205%

[Required chakra] 100

[Synthesis? ]

Without any hesitation, Shangguan Mo directly clicked the [Confirm Synthesis] button.

Then, he saw a system prompt message he had never seen before.

[Please note... Due to the extremely high compatibility between the material and the organism, the level of the final synthesized summoned beast will be directly increased by one level on the original basis, instead of E+. 】

Shangguan Mo was shocked, and a hint of joy appeared on his face.

Although he no longer cares about the D-level spiritual beast, he found a formula with a [synthesis success rate] of more than 200% in the lowest quality materials and the lowest level creatures, which directly raised the level of the spiritual beast by one level.

This feeling is undoubtedly like buying a urinal used by Yang Guifei at a street stall with one dollar, which makes Shangguan Mo feel full of accomplishment.

"I guess the result of this synthesis will not disappoint me..."

[Yunnan Black Medicine] has a strong healing effect on external injuries, and what kind of sparks can be produced when combined with the immortality of the slug itself?

Shangguan Mo is very much looking forward to it.

"It seems that I should let the spiritual beasts go to the garbage dump to find some good stuff in the future, maybe there will be another surprise."

Thinking in his heart, the snow-white slug on Shangguan Mo's right hand was gradually covered with a layer of dog-skin plaster-like color.

Shangguan Mo looked over curiously. The white slug was quickly stained with a layer of black halo. After a few seconds, the halo slowly expanded and gradually dimmed, revealing the slug with a changed appearance.

At this time, its body size had grown dozens of times, completely covering the palm of Shangguan Mo's right hand. A slightly heavy feeling came, as if holding a 20-jin weight in his hand.

The slug's originally pure white body had turned into vertical stripes, with black and white colors, and clear distinction.

Shangguan Mo hurriedly checked the system introduction.

[Spiritual Beast · Blackheart Slug]

Level: D

Race: Slug Family

Attribute: Regeneration

Ability: Healing (Passive): The mucus on the surface of the blackheart slug has the ability to quickly heal external injuries. When the blackheart slug lies on the wound or covers the wound with its mucus, it can immediately stop bleeding and heal the wound quickly.

Cell division: The blackheart slug has the ability of cell division, and its carrier shares it

Part of this ability. The carrier of the black-hearted slug can absorb the cells it releases to quickly restore body functions.

Slug Substitute: When the carrier of the black-hearted slug is fatally injured, it will split into four cell tissues. Depending on the severity of the injury, these four cell tissues will be reassembled within 5-10 seconds. During the combination, the cells are in the [Unselectable] state. When these four cells are reassembled, the carrier of the black-hearted slug will restore the body in place, but the body state will decline by 50% (physical strength, chakra).

Reproduction and proliferation: The black-hearted slug can split into small slugs. These small slugs also have the abilities of [Healing], [Cell Division], and [Slug Substitute], but all abilities will weaken as the size decreases.

System evaluation: Me? Born to fight!



Shangguan Mo's face was full of question marks.

He looked at the huge pile of black-hearted slugs, and secretly wondered how many small Zacs this guy could split and multiply when he fell to the ground.

But then he remembered that the smaller the black-hearted slugs split out, the weaker the corresponding ability effect would be, but Shangguan Mo had no idea to what extent it would be weakened.

"It seems that I have to experiment carefully..."

"However, with this guy, the lives of the Tangyin ninjas are guaranteed. With the Ruyi worm, it can be foreseen that every Tangyin ninja will be an indestructible cockroach in the future."

And Shangguan Mo can also use the two summoned beasts that were recently synthesized, which has once again improved his own ability to save his life.

Suddenly he thought of something and looked at his chest, where a bean-sized worm was lying, which looked inconspicuous.

Shangguan Mo squinted his eyes and felt it carefully.

"The amount of chakra seems to have increased a bit..."

In his feeling, he was in a very "spirited" state, as if he had taken a dose of adrenaline, and his whole body was full of vitality.

Shangguan Mo found it hard to imagine that such a small insect could be like a sophisticated instrument, with an incredible amplification effect.

"It seems that we should not ignore these inconspicuous creatures in the future. Small size does not mean that they are useless..."


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