The smile on Uchiha Dazhuang's face disappeared, and Minato looked at him fearlessly.

There was no retreat in his eyes, and there was an indescribable firmness in his small body.

This was something that none of them had seen in the future.

"Oh, husband, you..." Mieko hurriedly wanted to say something to ease the atmosphere in the field, but was stopped by Uchiha Dazhuang.

Looking at Uchiha Dazhuang's gesture, Mieko's red lips opened slightly, and finally shook her head at Uchiha Hong and the future siblings.

Even though she can make decisions on all matters at home, Dazhuang is willing to let her make the decision.

But Mieko never had such an idea.

Generally, as long as Dazhuang is determined, she will unswervingly support him behind him.

Seeing his mother sitting down, the future stood up immediately, "Father, Minato is my best friend, you do this..."

Da Zhuang interrupted, "Sit down first, this is between Minato and me!"

Minato on the side also hurriedly pulled the future's hand, he smiled and said, "Future, sit down first!"

Future turned his head to look at Minato, his eyes full of confusion.

Not knowing what Minato wanted to do, Hong also stretched out his hand and pressed on the future's shoulder, persuading: "Believe in father, he won't hurt us!"

"This... okay!" After being said so, the future had to sit down with his eyes wide open!

Uchiha Da Zhuang looked at his son staring at him, and was a little speechless.

'Hey... this stinky boy! '

It made him seem like a rich father, looking down on the woman and disagreeing with their relationship.

After comforting the future, Minato looked at Uchiha Da Zhuang, his expression was extremely serious.

"Uncle, what do you think about the relationship between Uchiha and the village?"

Uchiha Dazhuang crossed his arms and showed his arms, which were as thick as his waist, to everyone.

For a moment, he seemed extremely oppressive.

"Uncle will not talk nonsense with you, otherwise this stinky boy will probably regard me as an evil father!"

"Just tell me what you think!"

Originally, he wanted to play dumb and try Minato's words to judge his true thoughts, but it was just as he said.

Even if the kid Future sat down, his eyes were like knives, swishing at himself.

Minato was stunned, looked at Dazhuang in surprise, and then looked at Future.

Future was the same as before, but Uncle Dazhuang was a little strange, as if he had changed into a different person. This style was completely different from the innocent look before.

Commonly known as reckless and stupid.

But now is not the time to dwell on this. He said solemnly: "Uncle, aunt, maybe you don't understand, but many people in the village have a very deep prejudice against Uchiha.

Take what I encountered yesterday as an example. Many people in your security department had strong conflicts with vendors during law enforcement.

Not only are vendors unwilling to cooperate, but your people are full of hostility during law enforcement. They often beat and scold, or forcibly collect stalls!"

After saying that, he glanced at Da Zhuang and others, and found that the expressions on their faces did not change much.

So he continued: "Maybe you think this is a trivial matter, but I can see that although this matter is small, similar things have happened in all streets of Konoha, and this has not happened within one or two years.

If I am not mistaken, violent law enforcement has occurred since you started Uchiha law enforcement, until today!"

"Then what?" Uchiha Da Zhuang nodded, seemingly unmoved.

Seeing him like this, Minato smiled bitterly.

I know that a few words will not make Uncle Dazhuang and the others realize the danger.

However, from the expressions of his uncle and aunt, and their unusual behavior today, he seems to have guessed something.

So he said seriously: "Uncle and aunt, what do you think will happen to Konoha if the Uchiha people become Hokage?"

Uchiha Dazhuang, Mieko, and Uchiha Hong couldn't help but look at each other. They were all a little surprised that Minato didn't continue to talk earnestly, but went straight to the point and pointed to the core of the problem.

This kid is not simple!

Looking at the emotion in Uchiha Dazhuang's eyes, there was surprise in his eyes, but no surprise, thinking, and doubt.

Minato knew that he guessed right.

'This family is hiding deep enough! 'He complained in his heart.

He knew that there would be a hand in the future, which was normal, but he didn't expect that his uncle, who looked at all the nutrients supplied to the muscles, would have such a developed brain.

How does the saying go? Strong limbs and a smart mind. I guess it meansIt must be him.

And this appearance is too deceptive. Most people will label him as a person with low IQ when they see him for the first time.

Let alone other people, I also thought so before this meal.

"I believe you all know that Konoha was established based on the handshake and conversation between you Uchiha and Senju clans. Logically speaking, your Uchiha clan has made great contributions and must have a position of Hokage, but in reality, no one wants you Uchiha to be Hokage!"

Are you willing to let a madman be the village chief? Definitely not.

"Well, go on!" Da Zhuang took a sip of tea and responded again.

Seeing that Uchiha Da Zhuang still had a calm expression, Minato didn't want to waste his words and say those water words.

He directly said the consequences.

"If an Uchiha becomes Hokage, not to mention the other villagers, even the various ninja clans will fall apart in an instant!"

"Because their prejudice against you Uchiha cannot be easily changed. Mirai once told me that prejudice in people's hearts is like a mountain. No matter how hard you try, you can't shake it."

Da Zhuang's face finally changed. He looked at Minato, his eyes as big as copper bells, slightly narrowed.

"What you said is not absolute. Those ninja clans have experienced the chaos of the Warring States Period. They are absolutely unwilling to return to the Warring States Period.

And by the time of the fifth generation, we, the remnants of the old Warring States Period, may have died.

The people who were in charge of each family at that time were all outstanding people born after the first year of Konoha. Do you think they would be willing to watch the big tree of Konoha fall apart?"

After Da Zhuang finished speaking, he looked straight at Minato, wanting to see what else he could say.

Minato also looked at him without showing any weakness. He said seriously: "It is indeed unlikely, but what if someone is secretly fanning the flames?"

This time, not only Da Zhuang changed color, but even Mieko also changed color. She sat up straight and looked at Minato.

"Tell me in detail!"

After seeing that they finally took his ideas seriously, Minato finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"I think you have also discovered that there is a black hand in Konoha that has been targeting Uchiha. Most of the conflicts between the villagers and the police department are caused by this black hand!"

Since he became a close friend with Mirai, he naturally noticed the conflicts between the villagers and Uchiha.

And for a while, he found that a stranger was following and investigating him.

But it seemed that the person thought he was a child and did not take him seriously. He just casually covered up his whereabouts.

Uchiha Da Zhuang and his wife couldn't help but look at each other, their eyes were full of surprise.

"Minato, you can detect this black hand, I really underestimated you!" Uchiha Da Zhuang looked at him and suddenly laughed.

This insight is not even possessed by many people in the Uchiha clan.

And many clan members did not discover the existence of this black hand.

Minato is indeed better than his son.

Minato scratched his cheek, and the serious expression on his face was replaced by a hint of embarrassment, "Well... It's mainly because you are the ones who are involved, and I am a bystander. It's nothing!"

"No, the existence of that person is not a secret among the Konoha high-level officials, but his hands are like tree roots rooted in the dark underground. While they are invisible, they firmly intersect and wrap us Uchiha!"

Mieko sighed, and then said: "Even many of our clan members cannot detect the existence of these black hands!"

After a long silence, the future heard his parents praising Minato, and the expression on his face turned into a touch of joy, as if praising Minato made him happier than praising himself!

"That's right, Minato is going to be the Hokage!"

Da Zhuang glanced at him, and the admiration on his face was restrained. He looked at Minato seriously and seriously, his tone was very solemn, and even his [Sharingan] opened involuntarily!

"Minato, let me ask you, do you really want to be the Hokage?"

Minato took a deep breath, looked at the scarlet in his uncle's eyes, and said fearlessly: "Yes!"

"Then if you become the Hokage, how will you treat us Uchiha?"

Minato hesitated this time, and his expression was a little tangled.

He had an idea, but he didn't know whether to say it!

Seeing him like this, the future sitting next to him took the initiative to reach out and hold his hand. When the latter looked over, he smiled and gave him an encouraging look.

"Speak boldly, my father won't do anything to you!"

Minato looked at his tightly held hand, with a hint of gratitude in his eyes. He explained, "I believe my uncle will not do anything to me, but I am afraid that if I tell you, you will not be able to accept it!"

"You tell me!" Uchiha Dazhuang glanced at his son, and he was really speechless.

Why do I always feel like I am a bad father who broke up a couple!

This... is an illusion!

"Well, I'll tell you, I will forcibly remove the rights of the Uchiha Security Department!"

"Or, let the Security Department no longer be a department exclusive to you Uchiha!"


In an instant, the dining table was full of silence.

Even the sound of flies flying by was extremely clear.

Uchiha Hong's face was a little ugly. She didn't understand why Minato wanted to break up the rights of the Uchiha.

On the contrary, the Uchiha couple smiled together after a moment of silence.

"You kid... It seems that you have discovered the most fundamental problem!"

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