"Very good, we approve of your dream!"

For a moment, both Mirai and Minato were a little confused.

Especially Mirai, he thought that his father wanted to use force to force Minato to give up his dream.

He was ready to have a big fight with his father for Minato, but what was going on?

Last night, they all discussed a series of ideas with the goal of becoming Hokage, which made him unable to refuse.

He even had insomnia last night.

Not to mention that Da Zhuang's own son was confused, even Minato was confused, and he was ready to grind for a long time.

I don't think Uchiha Da Zhuang will be easily persuaded, and what he said was to take away the glory of the Uchiha, that is, to remove the Uchiha's absolute control over the Security Department.

For this reason, he hesitated whether he should say it or not. After saying it, he was ready to be punched out by his angry uncle.

He even thought about how he would persuade his uncle if he wanted to seek justice for himself.

But this...

Uncle's words made him unable to do anything.

In the middle, did he omit too many words? ?

Looking at the confused eyes of the two little ones, Uchiha Dazhuang put down his arms and leaned directly on the special steel chair.

In the future home, all the furniture may not be the best, but it must be the strongest. If iron can be used, wood is rarely used, otherwise it can't withstand the destruction of Dazhuang's tonnage.

It can be said that in addition to the house, many of his furniture are made of iron.

Looking at the confused eyes of the two little ones, he glared at the future.

Then he smiled and explained to Minato: "Actually, uncle, I noticed last night that this kid seems to be very resistant to the position of Hokage!"

Mirai blinked, a little surprised and clear, "You saw it?!"

"Nonsense, every time we talked about you inheriting the position of Hokage last night, you looked like you wanted to say it but didn't dare to say it. Your father is not blind, how could I not see it!"

"Uh... Hehe..." This made Mirai a little embarrassed. He didn't dare to look directly at his father, and he didn't know why.

Da Zhuang ignored him, but looked at Minato, "Later, I thought about it all night and found that this kid probably didn't want to compete with you for the position of Hokage!"

Not only Mirai had insomnia last night, he didn't sleep well either.

After all, this matter is too important. If you are not careful, it is easy to be wiped out.

After all, being used as a gun by others, the gun is the most vulnerable to injury and breakage.

With his intelligence, he naturally thought of the consequences if the Uchiha people became Hokage.

He originally wanted to find out if there were any other ways, but he didn't expect that this would happen this morning.

Not to mention, if Minato became Hokage, then they Uchiha could also get out of the predicament.

That's why this test came about.

It's a pity that the brat Future always looked at him with a look of 'Old Deng, don't go too far'.

He was very speechless, so he had to skip a lot of the process and jump directly to the end.

So the whole conversation seemed a bit incoherent.

When Minato heard Da Zhuang's words, he thought of the little time they spent together, and his heart was immediately moved.



"Don't listen to my father's nonsense, I just don't want to be Hokage, not because of you!"

 ̄へ ̄

Looking at Future's arrogant look, Minato was even more moved.

Uchiha Da Zhuang: "..."

Mieko: "..."

Hong: "..."

The three of them were silent. Looking at the relationship between the two little ones, they always felt as if they had smelled a bad smell.


'Should we stop it? ' Da Zhuang looked at his wife.

After receiving this message, his wife carefully looked at the two little boys, her eyes narrowed slightly.

'Not sure, let's take a look! ' But if you look closely, there is a subtle excitement in her eyes.

'Oh! ' Da Zhuang retracted his gaze. He thought about it and felt that what his wife said made sense. If this matter was true, he must really be a bad father.

If it was false, then he would be relieved.

However, he couldn't bear to see the "affectionate" between the two little ones, so he interrupted and said: "Minato, you have proved to me that you are qualified to be Hokage.

Before, you said that you found the hidden black hand of Konoha, which is enough to show that your insight is not inferior to ordinary people.

Later, you proposed to remove our Uchiha's control over the police department, which shows that you really want to ease the relationship between our Uchiha and Konoha!"

At this time, Uchiha Hong, who had been acting as a background board,Finally, she figured out the key point. She said while thinking: "Why did the relationship between us Uchiha and the village deteriorate to this point? The fundamental reason is that we have conflicts with those vendors.

This conflict is inevitable. Even if there is no one or two times, it will happen over time.

And under the calculation of those who are interested, this conflict will only increase, not decrease!

And the cause of this situation is the so-called glory of our Uchiha, the Uchiha Security Department.

If our Uchiha didn't have the Security Department, perhaps there would not be so many conflicts with the villagers, and they would not be so frequent!"

That's why Minato said to remove the Uchiha's control over the Security Department.

So this is the reason!

Da Zhuang looked at his daughter approvingly, "You are right, but we Uchiha have always been the most feared by the top leaders. They are afraid of our [Sharingan], so if we Uchiha really lose the power of the Security Department, then we will have no bargaining chips to protect ourselves politically!"

After all, the Security Department is in charge of Konoha's public security issues.

This public security power may seem small, just like a security guard or urban management position, but it really won't work without someone to enforce the law.

So this can be regarded as a bargaining chip for Uchiha, but this bargaining chip has a little effect, but it is not important.

Even if there is no Uchiha, there are others who want to join the Security Department.

This is a small cake, and everyone wants to have a bite.

Otherwise, why did the Uchiha take this cake without hesitation and with gratitude?

Uchiha Hong paused, a little confused, "It's not right to cancel, it's not right not to cancel, this..."

Seeing that his eldest daughter didn't react for a while, Da Zhuang gave him a calm look, then looked at Minato and said seriously: "Minato, if you become Hokage, I would like to ask you to agree that we Uchiha recruit people from other clans to join the security department, and agree that we Uchiha set up a new department.

This department is only responsible for fighting, not other matters.

If you can agree to these two requirements, I can promise to convince the entire Uchiha to help you with all my strength!"

Minato's expression became solemn when he heard this. Although he was still young, he was no longer a child.

So he didn't give Da Zhuang an answer immediately.

Da Zhuang was relieved about this. If Minato agreed without thinking, he would really think about whether Minato was suitable for Uchiha to assist with all his strength.

He noticed his daughter's hesitation, and then explained softly: "The Security Department is the glory of our Uchiha. Even if you and my family can give up, those clansmen will never give up. They regard glory as more important than life.

So I want all families to join the Security Department, so that even if something happens, we can have someone to help resist the pressure from the top, instead of relying on our Uchiha clan alone!"

"What is the second request for?"

"The second request!" Uchiha Dazhuang looked out the window with some melancholy, "Didn't you find that the population of our Uchiha has reached the red line!"

Although the current Uchiha is not as strong as in the Warring States period, and the clan does not have the Mangekyō Sharingan, the population is two or three times more than in the Warring States period.

Many clansmen live on the rewards of Konoha's missions.

Now if you want to join the Security Department, you really can't join without a certain strength or relationship.

If the population of the ninja world increases and resources are insufficient, wars will occur. If the population of Uchiha increases, the friction between Konoha and Uchiha will only be greater!

"The glory of our Uchiha is not here to intrigue with the village, but on the battlefield, fighting with the enemy in blood and fire. This is the pride of our Uchiha!"

He only talked about the bright and beautiful side, but did not talk about the dark side.

In war, there will be deaths.

But the brother and sister just kept silent and did not say anything else.

In fact, from an absolutely rational point of view, this is the best for Uchiha.

The strength of Uchiha is generally higher than that of other clans, and it is not easy to be killed.

Moreover, after experiencing the war, the talented Uchiha will inevitably open their eyes.

People without talent will only be screened out.

Although the personality will change, the strength of the entire clan has increased, and it is not easy to be controlled by others.

The most important thing is that if the Uchiha is only responsible for fighting, the contact with the villagers will be much less.

After a certain distance, beauty will always be produced.

At this time, Minato raised his head, looked at Uchiha Da Zhuang with a firm expression, and promised: "Okay!"

"Well, let'sUchiha will do its best to help you become the Hokage!" Da Zhuang showed a brilliant smile.

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