There is actually another main reason why Hyuga Reika came out today. That is, according to her understanding of that guy, that guy will go to the clan ancestral tomb this afternoon to routinely sweep the graves of the ancestors.

The idea is just to show off.

This matter was also remembered by her after she woke up from a dream yesterday.

With the instigation of the system, she appeared in front of the future.

With the advantage of [Baiyan], she took the future and took some untraveled routes to the road that the man must pass.

Along the way, no one has ever been able to find them. That is, when Tsunade and others left the village, they took away 80% of the village's power.

This 80% does not refer to the entire village, but to the registered ninjas who stayed in Konoha.

The remaining 20% ​​needs to maintain daily order.

Of course, these 100% people do not include the ninjas.

These people of the ninja clan will be led by the third generation to the Land of Rain.

For the final battle.

Although they planned to form an alliance with the Rain Country, they planned to do it in secret and did not want more people to know, especially Tsunade and the others.

The third generation also planned to use this battle to hone them!

When he arrived, he would put on a show with the Rain Country and trick the Earth Country!

So that he could leave more supplies and give Danzo enough bargaining chips.

This was what he and Danzo had agreed on. Now they just had to wait for Danzo to set off and persuade Hanzo to go according to the plan.

So the population in the village was much smaller. Although it was not an empty nest, it was only capable of fighting.

I have gone too far...

In the future, the two of them squatted in the dense forest 800 meters away.

This is a col with a very open terrain in the middle. The distance between the mountains on the left and right is at least one kilometer.

There are many dense forests on the mountain. Since it is very wide, few people go up the mountain.

With fewer people, there are more dense forests.

Hinata Reika looked up at the sky and found that the time was almost up, so she took out a scroll from her pocket.

Then she spread it on the ground and quickly formed seals with both hands.


She shouted, and the scroll in front of her began to emit circles of light ripples.

It spread rapidly to the surroundings.

The light curtain was very faint, like a circle of light smoke. As the distance of the spread became farther and farther, the light circle became dimmer and dimmer.

Mirai looked at this scene curiously and looked at her with some amusement.

This guy was still on guard against her. She even shortened the name of the barrier to barrier!

She was afraid that she would gain means against her through the name of the barrier.

Looking at the expression on the future's face, Hyuga Reika seemed to be unaware. She calmly withdrew her hand and explained very 'kindly': "This is a special barrier that can block detection. It is one of the inheritances my father left me!"

The family property on the surface was taken away by the clan members, because she was still young and holding such a huge family fortune would be coveted by others.

They were controlled by their clan and returned to her little by little in the form of welfare every year, but for so many years, she had never seen the wealth belonging to her family.

What they gave her was just the normal welfare of the clan!

Needless to say, it was definitely her own property that was stolen.

Fortunately, the people who separated the family, seeing her pity, would help her a little every year, which gave her the funds to dig a secret base.

Store the real inheritance of my parents.

My father's sealing technique and my mother's medical knowledge, it was these cold knowledge that replaced my parents and accompanied her throughout her childhood!

The corners of Wei's eyes could not help but twitch. Was she bullying him because he was young and ignorant and didn't understand what this was?

And it was as if she had said nothing!

Wei looked at her, put away the desire to complain in his heart, and changed the subject, asking: "Excuse me, when did your parents..."

He investigated Hyuga Reika yesterday, but the people of the Hyuga family didn't want to get involved with him when they saw that he was an Uchiha, let alone tell him about the Hyuga clan.

Even if he asked someone to ask, those people kept their mouths shut.

He wanted to ask her classmates, but most of those students didn't know.

Who told Hyuga Reika to have such a low sense of existence?

I had planned to use the [Transformation Technique] today to ask her class teacher, but I didn't expect that the other party would automatically jump in front of him.

So, he asked her directly.

Anyway, he had no other purpose, and it didn't matter to him whether the other party said it or not, it was purely out of curiosity.

Hinata Reika's eyes were bulging with veins. She stared into the distance, her pure white pupils without focus, looking like an idiot with cataracts.

She smiled faintly."When I was three years old, I was killed by the main family!"

"Both parents are gone?"


"Do you have brothers or sisters?"

"No!" Hyuga Reika retracted her gaze, and her eyes regained sight again. The man hadn't come yet, so she didn't mind talking more.

But when asked by the future, she seemed to remember something.

She whispered uncertainly, "But there should be!"


Faced with the future's doubtful question, she rubbed her temples and recalled carefully, "I seemed to hear my mother say that she might be pregnant.

But before she could use the [Baiyan] to check, the bad news of my father's death came!"

At this point, both of them were strangely silent.

Hyuga Reika smiled a little self-deprecatingly. It turned out that she might have a younger brother or sister!

It's a pity that he died with his mother before he was born.

I don't know whether it's good or bad.

Most people who live in the Hyuga branch family would rather be born in an ordinary family. Even if they are born in the Uchiha family, they will become crazy.

It is much better than being born in the Hyuga clan.

At least they will not die easily and cannot even control their own destiny.

"Oh my god, your buff is almost full!" Future stared at her profile with a weird look.

This made the latter a little confused. She turned her head and looked at Future and asked, "What do you mean?"

Buff? !

Does it mean gain?

The question is, how can I understand these words?

It seems that since I fell into a coma after taking drugs, I have undergone some unknown changes!

Is it because of the system?

Future glanced at her and explained: "In many novels, almost all the protagonists have lost both parents, and some have sisters and houses.

You have lost both parents, no sister, but a house!"

It makes sense.

This guy is also a protagonist.

The buffs are stacked up, no wonder she can beat me, there must be a reason!

Suddenly, he turned his head and looked at her again.


According to his own guess, this guy is also bound to a system.

'Damn, do you have to do this! ! ! ! '

For a moment, the future was jealous!

He was not feeling well.

Compared to her, he only had a buff of a time traveler that she didn't have.

How could he repair it!


"Don't talk, people are coming! "

Hearing this, Weilai hurriedly suppressed his sour emotions and subconsciously lowered his body a lot.

Only his head was exposed.

After a while, a group of people in white clothes came from a distance. They all had black hair, white eyes, and wore clan costumes.

They were members of the Hyuga clan.

Among them, two people walked arrogantly. The tall man didn't even bother to look at the people or things around him.

His expression was very arrogant.

The short man glanced around, and when he saw a pretty girl, he would look at her a few more times.

When he passed by the girl, this guy would turn on [White Eyes].

No need to guess, this guy is a Little pervert.

At the same time, the two of them combed their bangs tightly behind their heads, exposing their shiny white foreheads to everyone.

They were afraid that others would not know that they were from the main family.

There were eight people around them, protecting them in eight directions.

Almost all of these eight people wore Konoha forehead protectors, and every other person had veins popping out of the corners of their eyes.

Four people in a group took turns to use [Baiyan] to be alert to the surroundings.

However, Hyuga Reika's barrier was still quite reliable and was not discovered.

At this time, a whisper full of resentment came to the ears of the future.


"People from the main family are still so afraid of death!"

They need so many people from the branch family to protect them when they travel!

It's ridiculous!

It's also pathetic like a mouse!

Looking at the hatred in her eyes, the future understood!

He gently touched the other person to draw his attention back, and he whispered: "You said you wanted me to help you kill someone, it wouldn't be him!? "

As he said this, he pointed his eyes at the youngest one.

Looking at his age, Mirai is estimated to be around ten years old.

Hinata Reika took a deep breath and closed her eyes tightly.

She was afraid that if she continued to watch, she would really not be able to help but take action, "Yes, it's him!"

"His parents killed my parents. I want his whole family to taste the pain I suffered. Although I can't kill the big one now, I'll start with the small one!"

The future understood, it was just as she guessed!

"And this man is my fiancé!"

"Huh? ? ? "The future was shocked..

Could this be another buff? ?

Before he could ask carefully, Hyuga Reika turned her head and looked at him, the white pupils in her eyes were terrifyingly deep.

"Go ahead, Uchiha Mirai, let me see your sincerity!"

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