Hearing that Hyuga Reika asked him to go up right now, Wei Lai directly suppressed her white eyes, pressed on himself, and turned his hand to look at her.


"Are you seriously ill? The eight jonin below are the best in eye techniques. You want me to go up now, so you want them to kill me with a borrowed knife!"

Hyuga Reika looked at Wei Lai with a somewhat cold face.

This guy...

"Oh? Are you going to break your promise?"

Wei Lai retracted his gaze, looked down, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, "That's not the case!"

At the beginning, he said that he could do something for her unconditionally, and at the beginning he wanted to delay time first.

If things were difficult, he would turn his face and deny people immediately.

But I didn't expect that this guy actually wanted me to assassinate someone from their clan.

"Why rush to kill him? I have a way to make their family live a life worse than death!"

"What way?" Hyuga Reika's eyes relaxed a little.

She hadn't planned to persuade Uchiha Mirai to take action now.

What she said just now was just to test him. If he really rushed down with a knife and howled, she would be very happy.

After all, this would cause a conflict between the main family and the Uchiha.

But she expected that the other party didn't agree.

If it doesn't work this time, they can find a chance next time.

She has many ways to persuade Uchiha Mirai to take action. With the combined strength of the two, she doesn't believe that this guy will not die!

But unexpectedly, Uchiha Mirai actually said that he had a way to make people live worse than death, which aroused her strong curiosity.

"What do you want to do?"

"Only men understand men!" Mirai smiled mysteriously.

Then he looked down and asked, "How long will it take for them to return?"

Hinata Reika frowned, although her face was fat.

But she still frowned. After thinking for a while, she replied, "They are going to the graveyard outside the village now. They will have three hours to sweep the graves. They will pass by here and go home at about three or four o'clock!"

She came here more than once to lie down and watch, and she knew the itinerary of Hyuga Souji, the people below.

At this time, their defense is the weakest. If they take action in the clan land, as long as they make a little noise, they will alarm the people in the clan.

At that time, a pair of [white eyes] will fly over, which will be enough for her to hide.

So she chose here to take action.

Mirai nodded, and he continued to ask, "Then do you know where your family's graveyard is?"

Hearing this, Hyuga Reika's face darkened slightly. She seemed to have guessed what Uchiha Mirai wanted to do.

He wanted to take action on the graveyard! ?

"I know, but that mountain is the sacred mountain where our Hyuga dead are buried. The guards there are very strict. Although it is not as good as the clan land, with the strength of the two of us, we can't kill him without alerting them!"

Uchiha Mirai raised the corner of his mouth, looking at the group of people who were far away from them below, he said calmly: "Who said we should do it there!"

Hyuga Reika: ( ̄∠ ̄)ノ

Then why are you asking me!

Mirai shrugged, he looked at Hyuga Reika, and warned: "At the beginning, I promised you that I could do something unconditionally for you. I think you also know what it means!"

Looking at the latter's silent expression, Mirai continued: "At the beginning, you asked me to help you kill someone, but you never told me that this person would be from the main family, so I have the right to refuse.

After all, his defensive power is far beyond you and me!"

Although he can now go head-to-head with the jonin, there are not just one jonin here, but eight.

There are also the entourage of the main family. It is obvious that this person will be stronger without thinking.

"So, I have my own way to fulfill my promise to you!"

In fact, he didn't know why he wanted to fulfill his promise. Even if he regretted it now, Hyuga Reika couldn't hurt him.

If he couldn't beat him, he could still escape.

Even if the other party had a last resort, he was not panicked at all.

But he did it.

Maybe he was also influenced by Orochimaru! ?

Because when he saw Hyuga Souji, an idea came to his mind.

It was a research project report he saw when he was strolling in the biological laboratory.

"On the Effect of Estrogen on Male Organisms"

He didn't know why there was this research topic in the laboratory, so he looked through it with curiosity.

Because this is an experimental report that he thinks he should be able to understand at present.


Good guy, this is aIt was just a title, and the rest was empty, without any experimental data or experimental subjects.

Seeing that the handwriting was very new, Future guessed that this might be a topic that Orochimaru teacher wanted to study on a whim, but he just didn't have time to study it.

Moreover, he saw the person that Hyuga Reika wanted him to deal with yesterday.

And it was a little pervert, which made him feel a little eager.

As a disciple of Orochimaru teacher, it was really embarrassing not to be able to do experiments.

In this case, let this topic be the first experiment in his life.

"Wait for me here, I'll go back and get some things!" As he said, he turned and ran towards Orochimaru teacher's laboratory.

He remembered that there was a box next to the topic scroll.

In the box was a syringe and three glass containers filled with transparent liquid.

Oh ~ it was such a coincidence!

He actually picked up a ready-made one.

Even the people were arranged for him. He only needed to poke them quietly and pay attention to the changes of the other party, then this assignment would be completed.

And no one knew about this except Orochimaru and Hyuga Reika.

Even if he was discovered by others, as long as the estrogen was withdrawn and the testosterone was re-injected, he would change back sooner or later.

It was just the life span... Ugh... Who knows if he could live to 40 or 50 years old.

And this is much safer than killing Hyuga Souyoshi directly.

In Konoha Village, there is an unwritten rule, that is, no matter how the younger generations fight and fight, as long as it does not involve life, the families of both sides will rarely intervene in this matter.

One generation fights for what belongs to their generation. If they intervene in the younger generation, they will definitely be laughed at by others, just like telling the teacher if they can't win, which is shameful.

Once you really tell the teacher, then this person will never have other classmates to play with him in the class in the future.

Moreover, if the younger generation cannot win the fight, it can also stimulate them to work hard, which is a good thing!

That's why I said that this is much safer than killing that guy directly.

Besides, only the two of them knew about this, at most with Orochimaru teacher. If the people of the main family knew that he did it, then there is no need to guess, it must be the secret leaked by Hyuga Reika.

And he didn't kill anyone, so when the time comes, he can ask the teacher to help and restore the disordered hormones of that person.

At most, he will compensate a little at that time.

But when he betrays Hyuga Reika, then the people of the Hyuga main family will divide most of their hatred for him to her.

Facing a guy who is betraying his family, every powerful family will never tolerate it.

It can be said that this is a plan that kills several birds with one stone. How can he not be tempted by it?

Hyuga Reika looked at the disappearing Uchiha Mirai, and her brows furrowed fiercely.

Her fists couldn't help but clenched tightly.

"This guy, is he looking for an excuse to run away?"

'No, no, no, host, you underestimate him too much. People like him love to stir up trouble. Even if there is nothing to do, they will make trouble out of nothing! '

A cold voice without emotion that only she could hear came from the bottom of her heart.

This voice was the system that bound her.

"Why do I feel that you seem to be optimistic about that guy?" Hinata Reika narrowed her eyes.

And this Tongzi is very familiar with that dead pervert.

The system can't be so powerful that it can see through other people's minds at will.

'How is it possible? I have bound you. I am a fellow Tongzi. How can I go to find other wild men! '

Hinata Reika: "..."

Damn, so cheap, this system can't belong to that guy.

After all, both of them are so cheap.

One is mean at heart, his eyes open when he looks at her, and he hides in the woods, secretly practicing "deep throat" alone.

One is mean in words, although his tone is cold, but he can say all kinds of dirty words. I guess I have read pornographic books all my life, but he is not as mean as him.

So she asked in her heart: "You are not originally his system!"

'Slander, this is definitely slander, how could I like others! '

Hinata Reika:ヾ(-_-)ゞ

Why does she feel like she seems to hear a guilty emotion from his cold tone!

But she was curious about another thing, "What do you mean by the kind of people they are?"

'They are the trendsetters of this era. In every era, there will always be a few people who lead the trend.

But if they don't make trouble, they won't be at the forefront of the wave. So, even if the world will doesn't want to make trouble,They will also come up with speechless operations for no apparent reason, even if this matter harms others and does not benefit themselves! ’

After listening to the system's words, a word suddenly popped up in Hinata Reika's mind, "You mean... the protagonist?!"

After saying that, Hinata Reika was a little confused. How could she think of this word?

She didn't have time to read novels.

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