It was almost six o'clock.

There was a noise outside the door again.

"I'm back!"

The three of them were stunned and looked at the door in unison.

Weilai, holding a wooden spatula, poked his head out of the kitchen and asked in surprise: "Sister, are you done with your mission?"

Sitting at the door was a beautiful young girl, about eleven years old.

She had a beautiful face and a gentle posture.

She looked like my mother.

It was strange that he looked like my mother, but my sister also looked like my mother.

Neither of them looked like my father.

Fortunately, my father was very sure that they were his flesh and blood, and he didn't care about it at all.

"Well, it's just a C-level escort mission!" The girl smiled and replied, without going into details of the mission.

Uchiha Dazhuang and Mieko both stood up, and the former gave the beautiful girl a big hug.

"Honghong, I miss your dad so much!"

That attitude is completely different from the one she had towards Uchiha Mirai!

So... you know the family position of Mirai.

Uchiha Hong, the sister of Mirai, struggled with a look of disgust, trying to break free from her father's embrace.

She tilted her head back even harder.

"Dad, your beard pricked me!"


"Hahaha... sorry! Your dad hasn't seen his precious daughter for three days, so I'm a little excited!" Uchiha Dazhuang laughed heartily, not caring about his daughter's disgust at all.

After breaking free from the hug, Uchiha Hong greeted Mieko.


Mieko smiled and replied, "Well, it's hard to go out this time, take a good rest!"

"Yeah!" Honghong nodded, and went straight to the kitchen, watching Mirai cooking again.

My brother's hair was waist-length, dark and shiny, tied with white satin at the end.

She folded her arms and leaned against the door, looking at my brother's long, straight black hair and virtuous back, and couldn't help but teasing: "Brother, it's a pity that you are not a girl!"

No matter how you look at this back, there is a kind of Yamato Nadeshiko temperament.

It's a pity, it would be better if my brother was a girl!

Uchiha Mirai heard this and glanced at her speechlessly.

She has the nerve to say this!

His back kill has "killed" many male classmates who have a crush on him. How powerful is he?

He even heard that a senior male student fell in love with him at first sight after seeing his back in the crowd. When he turned around, the male student's beautiful fantasy was instantly shattered.

He cried and wanted to jump off the building to commit suicide to prove his sexual orientation.

"Sister, stop it!" He was too lazy to protest, because he knew that protesting was useless, and he had been living like this for so many years.

Uchiha Hong stopped talking about this matter. She put her hands behind her back and came to the side of the future. She leaned forward and looked at the dishes that had been cooked. Her eyes suddenly lit up.

"Braised carp, braised spareribs, green pepper and pork shreds, tomato soup, cold cucumber... wow... these are all my favorites!"

Each dish was delicious, fragrant and delicious, and the aroma went straight into her sense of smell.

In an instant, it made her appetite whetted.


"Brother, your cooking skills have improved again!" She stared at each dish with her eyes fixed.

She couldn't help but stretch out her little paws and wanted to pick up a little to taste!

Fortunately, the future clapped her hands in time to interrupt her impolite behavior.

"Go wash your hands first, then bring these dishes to the table and you can eat!"

Uchiha Hong didn't mind being patted, she took back her hands and responded.


Then she turned around reluctantly and washed her hands under the kitchen faucet.

She wiped the water stains on her clothes randomly.

Then she brought the dishes to the table.

"Dad, Mom, it's time to eat!" Looking at the couple still cuddling on the sofa, she shouted twice.

"Oh, here it comes!"

Mirai also brought the last dish to the table.

After the four of them sat down, they all put their hands together and said.

"I'm starting!"


In the Hokage office building.

The third generation looked at the person opposite him, and rarely showed a trace of surprise.

"How did you have time to come to me, Orochimaru!"

He knew his three disciples very well. The three forbidden ninjas, pornography, gambling and drugs, the first two, were occupied by Jiraiya and Tsunade.

But Orochimaru is different from them. He likes poison and exploring the unknown.

And as he grows older, his personality becomes more obvious. He spends 23 and a half hours in the laboratory out of 24 hours a day.

"I heard that the teacher wants to restart the [Wood Release Plan], right?"

Orochimaru said,He couldn't help licking his lips, and his eyes showed a hint of excitement.

The third generation was silent for a moment after hearing this, and he was smoking a cigarette.

Wood escape, this blood limit that became famous in the whole ninja world together with the first generation of wood, they had studied it in Konoha a long time ago.

They studied it when the first generation was there, and they also studied it when the second generation was there.

But the process was not ideal at all.

The cells of the first generation of wood were full of aggression. Once injected into the human body, not to mention the ninja, even the jonin could not withstand the crazy erosion of the wood escape cells.

"I have this idea!" The third generation did not shy away from Orochimaru at this time.

After what happened to Danzo in the morning, he also felt that it seemed unsafe to rely on Uzumaki Kushina alone. That was the nine-tailed beast, the most powerful one among the nine tailed beasts.

Once it got out of control, not to mention him, Konoha might be destroyed.

So he thought of the Wood Release that can be used as a toy to control the Nine-Tails, although the Uchiha's [Sharingan] can also control the Nine-Tails.

But he would never do that.

He didn't trust the Uchiha people very much.

Except for a few.

Hearing this, Orochimaru's eyes suddenly sparkled, and his hoarse voice was a little fanatical.

"Teacher, I want to join this plan!"

The third generation heard this and lowered his head to think.

Among the scientific researchers in Konoha, Orochimaru is the most advanced. With his joining, the chance of mastering Wood Release may be greatly increased.

Thinking of this, he nodded and said, "Okay, but this matter can't be rushed. I will start this experiment after I recruit volunteers!"

Hearing this, Orochimaru's excitement was reduced a little, his eyes dimmed a little, but he also knew what the teacher meant.

Human experiments have two concepts: illegal and legal.

As a Hokage, if he wants to do this, he can't let himself be stained with some stains.

Hokage, he is the fire, the one who illuminates the village and leads the villagers forward.

Instead of the shadow, he is in the dark, guarding the fire and Konoha, but doing dirty things in secret.

"I know, I'll leave first!" Orochimaru said, turning around and leaving.

Now that the matter has been said, he doesn't want to waste more time on boring things.


After responding, he looked at the pile of documents, and then looked at the crystal ball behind the documents, and a weird thought came to his mind.

Should I retire! ?

Every day is busy with endless government affairs, in charge of the stability and harmony of the entire village.

He also has to form alliances with major ninja villages to ensure Konoha's transcendent status. If it weren't for Danzo's help in the ninja world, his brain would be dry and smoke.

But soon, he smiled.

Really, he is only an acting Hokage in name, and he hasn't been promoted yet, so why is he thinking about retiring?

Looking at the back of Orochimaru leaving, he smiled with relief.

This is a very talented ninja, with great talent, strength, unique personality charm, and countless followers.

He is a good material for being a Hokage!

'I have to observe carefully in the future to see if Orochimaru has the essence of becoming a Hokage! '

His eyes shifted to the crystal ball, and he looked at the scene he loved to watch but couldn't say.


After the meal, the Dazhuang couple made an appointment to go out for a stroll together.

Only Mirai and Hong were left at home.

"Hey, Mirai-chan, are you still determined to practice swordsmanship?" Uchiha Hong, who was wearing an apron, tied up her ponytail, and washing dishes, asked.

Mirai, who was lying on the sofa in a daze, twitched twice when she heard the words.


There was something inexplicable in his tone. If it hadn't happened this morning, he would have been very happy and said this firmly.

But the arrival of the two systems caused a wave in his heart.

"Is that so!" Putting the washed wrists into the cupboard, Uchiha Hong picked up a clean towel, wiped her hands, and sat down next to Weilai.

Seeing his salted fish-like appearance, Uchiha Hong thought for a while and suggested: "How about it? Do you want to fight?"

Uchiha Weilai turned his head and looked at her, "Don't you want to take a break? After all, you just came back from outside!"

Hearing what her brother said, Hong smiled, she untied her apron, took Weilai's hand, and walked towards the courtyard.

There was a hint of complacency in her tone, "Your sister is a genius. Even if I am not very good at swordsmanship, it is more than enough to guide you!"

"Uh... okay!"

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