Uchiha Hong had long since changed out of her mission uniform and was now only wearing her daily kimono.

But it was just to instruct her younger brother, so there was no need to be so formal.

While tying her belt-type ninja tool bag, she asked, "I heard that there is a transfer student in your class, right?"

She was very concerned about everything about her younger brother, after all, she had raised him from childhood.

What? You mean Uchiha Dazhuang and his wife... Oh... Don't mention it.

When her younger brother was born, she was almost four years old.

Except for breastfeeding, she took care of everything by herself!

And the couple were also happy and at ease, traveling around the mountains and rivers every day, so happy.

So Mirai still respected her very much.

She also loved her younger brother very much.

When she rushed back to the village after the mission, she heard the instructing jonin sighing that Konoha had finally found the orphan of the Uzumaki clan.

That's why she asked this question.

Weilai held his wooden sword in both hands, waiting for his sister's preparation. After hearing her question, he nodded and said, "Yes, she is from the Uzumaki clan, and it is said that she is a princess!"

"I see!"

She said with some emotion: "But it is really unpredictable. I didn't expect that such a powerful country of whirlpools would be destroyed!"

After sighing, she shook her head, put the matter behind her, and turned to look at Weilai.

"Brother, are you ready?"

Uchiha Weilai did not speak, but proved with actions that he usually did not talk when he could take action.

Unless there was a purpose.

He stepped hard and rushed towards Uchiha Hong at an incredible speed.

Their yard was very large, 50 meters square, and could be used as a small arena.

Uchiha Hong raised her eyebrows, and a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes.

"Huh... the speed is a little faster than before!"

Weilai had rushed to her and swung the wooden sword in his hand from bottom to top.


The wooden sword hit Uchiha Hong's body hard, but there was no dull feeling of the wooden sword hitting the flesh.

Instead, he felt his wrist was empty, and there was no feeling of touching the entity at all.

It was like he had used all his strength and only pierced a layer of membrane, as if there was not much resistance at all.

Uchiha Mirai had an idea in his mind instantly, '【Substitution Technique】...'

At the same time, a white smoke appeared instantly and blocked Mirai's sight.

Mirai was not surprised. He let go of the knife handle with his right hand and quickly took over with his left hand.

He backhanded a knife to protect his back.


Sure enough, a sense of impact was transmitted from the wooden sword to his arm.

The force was so strong that Mirai couldn't help but take a step forward to steadily resist the force.

"Oh!? The reaction speed has also improved a lot! It seems that you have been training with Minato recently!" Uchiha Hong left after one strike, without staying in place at all.

Speaking of Minato Namikaze, Mirai rarely spoke during the battle.

"That guy is very fast and very strong. If I want to avoid being hit by him, I will naturally have to work hard in this regard!"

As he said this, his body and footsteps turned together.

From facing away from Uchiha Hong, he turned to face Uchiha Hong head-on.

At this time, a breeze blew, blowing away the smoke covering Mirai, revealing his handsome and masculine face.

Behind him, a section of wood stakes fell to the ground with a clang.

The two men faced each other, everything was the same as before, but their positions were completely reversed.

"I have to say, brother, your strength has improved very quickly!" Uchiha Hong raised the corner of her mouth, feeling happy about her brother's improvement in strength.

"Then I have to show my real skills!" As she said this, she closed her big and bright eyes.

Her right hand reached into her waist and took out an unopened kunai.

Feeling the aura emanating from the elder sister, especially her eyes, gave the future a chilly feeling.

He could not help but lower his body several points, and the wooden sword was also retracted to the side of his waist, and his right hand slowly touched the handle of the sword.

It was the posture of [Iai Slash].

"[Sharingan]...Open!" With the girl's cry, she suddenly opened her eyes.

The originally pitch-black pupils were scarlet, and beside the pupils, a pitch-black symbol similar to a comma appeared.

It was rotating around the pupils at high speed.

Seeing this scene, the future's face was solemn.

He never expected that the elder sister decisively used the [Sharingan] after just one round of probing.

Is this a bit too much for him?

"Brother, be careful!" Staring at a pair of [Sharingan], Uchiha Hong added a bit of evil charm.

She curled the corners of her mouth, reminded the future, and then slowly disappeared.

Like the canvas, the painter used rubberIt was like wiping off the skin bit by bit.

Seeing this scene, the future's face changed slightly, "Illusion?!"

When did I get hit? I didn't notice it at all!

He quickly put his hands together and quickly disrupted the flow of chakra in his body.


At this time, he realized that there was a special chakra in his body that was interfering with his five senses.

It was the first time he felt an illusion. In the past, whether it was his father or his sister, they simply used physical skills to fight him, and at most used ninjutsu.

After calming down his chakra, the future rolled on the ground without thinking and quickly moved away from his original position.

When he turned over, he saw a girl suddenly appear in his original position.

She squatted down, one hand supported the ground, and the other long and slender leg stretched straight.

The tender white hand held the unopened kunai and sank into the ground for a long time.

"Ah! You dodged me again!" Uchiha's red eyes were obviously interested.

Uchiha Mirai also felt great pressure.

The elder sister was indeed a talented woman of their class. With a casual attack, she almost lost.


He adjusted his body again, his eyes more solemn than ever before.


In the huge Uchiha conference room.

Many clan members gathered here, including Uchiha Dazhuang and his wife.

Their seats were in the front.

Above the conference room, three elders and a clan leader were sitting cross-legged.

The elder was named Uchiha Murakami, one of the old men who survived from the Warring States Period to the present.

He is now 53 years old and is about to be buried.

His current strength has also regressed a lot, and he is only about the strength of a jonin.

He can become the elder not because he is so great, but because he can live longer.

Those who are stronger than him either died of a relapse of a hidden disease or died in battle.

And it is said that at his peak, he could fight Madara-sama for two moves without being defeated, so he was praised by many people.

He lived a long life, had a wide range of knowledge, and had fought with celebrities, which is why he can become the great elder.

The remaining two elders are Uchiha Tanaka, the second elder, and Uchiha Inoshita, the third elder.

They are also old men who survived from the Warring States Period.

However, the third elder Uchiha Inoshita is a dove. He has always believed that since he has joined Konoha, he should focus on Konoha, so as to better preserve the Uchiha clan.

He firmly believes that Konoha and Uchiha will benefit from unity and suffer from separation.

The clan leader is called Uchiha Dahai, who is of the same generation as Uchiha Dazhuang.

He is about 35 years old and is in his prime.

He is also the strongest among the Uchiha clan today.

That's why he was able to become the clan leader and take charge of the security department.

Today is a monthly meeting. People who don't have a mission usually come here for the meeting.

Not long after the meeting, someone couldn't hold back and stood up and shouted: "Clan leader, we Uchiha are targeted by those untouchables again!"

His voice was so loud that it drowned out the discussion in the room.

Uchiha Dahai frowned slightly. He was a little unhappy about the person who suddenly interrupted him, but when he saw the person, he sighed helplessly.

This person is notoriously irritable.

"What's going on?"

The man said indignantly: "I went to the market to buy vegetables this morning. Several untouchables would rather throw the vegetables to the dogs than sell them to me at a high price. When did our Uchiha suffer this kind of bird's anger!"

His fists creaked, and there was a faint red light flashing in his eyes.

His words seemed to turn on some kind of switch. Many people stood up and said, "I also encountered a similar thing, but I was eating in a restaurant. The boss deliberately picked on me and charged me three times the price. I was so angry!"

But he couldn't object to this matter.

The boss deliberately found loopholes, so that he couldn't deal with it according to the law.

If he took action, he would be charged with knowingly breaking the law or deliberately provoking trouble, which was simply suffocating him.

"Me too!"

"And me!"

"Me too!"


For a while, one-tenth of the people in the field stood up.

This is not a small number!

Uchiha Dahai's face looked ugly. If only one or two people stood up, it could be understood that it was a personal grudge and was targeted.

But now...

Even a fool could see that this was obviously targeted at their Uchiha clan!

"Third elder, do you know what's going on?" He turned his head and looked at the third old man.

The third elder's palmIn charge of the procurement of daily necessities for the entire Uchiha clan.

It can be distributed to the clan members as welfare, of course, the clan members can also go to other places to buy it themselves.

So his power is not great, just like chicken ribs.

A trace of bitterness appeared on the old face of the third elder.

He naturally knew about this matter. Facing the clan leader's question, he told the truth: "They arrested those vendors and interrogated them in the police station a week ago. They were released only after paying the fine, so these vendors retaliated against them!"

Off the court, someone hurriedly retorted: "The problem is that we deal with them according to the law. If they hadn't violated the laws formulated by Konoha, we would have arrested them for nothing!"

"That's right, I also handle cases according to the law!"

Speaking of this, many people's faces became gloomy.

Obviously, they are just law enforcers, and those ignorant untouchables are venting their anger on them. Why don't they go to the Konoha high-level who formulated the law to ask for an explanation!

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