The outside world was in turmoil.

Jiraiya brought the three little ones to a secluded place and began to build a wooden house by hand.

They were several hundred meters deep.

Old Madara sat in front of the tree stump, looking at the information in his hand, which was collected by the White Zetsu body.

"Hehe... the knife that suddenly changed... interesting!"

White Zetsu asked: "Lord Madara, do you want me to steal it back and show it to you?"

Hearing this, Madara waved his hand, his eyes fell on the wall, "No matter how powerful the knife is, it is just a ninja tool, which belongs to external objects. Besides, I have a lot of treasures!"

The wall was full of treasures he got in the early years.

One of the fans attracted the most attention. This is the Uchiha clan's clan artifact, the Uchiha round fan, which can rebound all A-level and below.

During the Warring States period, he used this feature to kill countless strong men.

But then again, with his peak strength, he no longer needed these ninja tools, because he was countless times stronger than the tools.

Naturally, he looked down on the sword that could change its form and increase the user's ability in the future.

"How is Nagato recently?" He asked about the thing that concerned him most.

Since he implanted the [Reincarnation Eye] into the boy's eyes, he observed it.

Well... I have to say, White Zetsu is quite reliable. He found that this boy's tolerance for his [Reincarnation Eye] was ridiculously high.

In the future, he will definitely be able to open the power outside the Six Paths, that is, the power of the Outer Path.

Then it fits his plan.

So within two days, he sent White Zetsu to attract the two scattered Konoha ninjas and led them to Nagato's house when they were the hungriest.

As expected, he saw two starving Konoha ninjas. In order to protect their son, Nagato's parents died at the hands of the two ninjas during the dispute.

Witnessing the death of his parents, Nagato instantly became extremely furious and completely activated his Samsara Eye.

"Madara-sama, Nagato is already with Jiraiya. Do you think he will be infected by Jiraiya and give up his plan to revive you?" White Zetsu asked curiously.

That's right, it was White Zetsu who robbed Nagato's cave and food.

At that time, he just transformed into a Konoha ninja, mixed in that team, and then told others that he found a cave full of food.

After arousing the greed of those people, he was looking for an opportunity to fake his death and get away.

But I don't know if it was because he was too good at disguising himself. In just a few days, he actually had a good relationship with the Konoha team.

Later, he pretended to die in the hands of the Rain Ninja, which led to the Konoha ninja who originally just wanted to buy some food to directly rob it.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, the goal has been achieved.

Uchiha Madara smiled and didn't care. "This ninja world is a deformed world. Only hatred can be passed down. Even the kindest people will be swallowed up by this world.

And I really hope that he can experience the short-lived beauty, so that when he falls into endless despair, he will yearn for light more and more!"

"And I can control him better!"

After saying that, he closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep.

"So don't worry about Nagato and Mirai. They will become my next one sooner or later!"

"Oh!" Bai Ze responded and said nothing more.


Sand Ninja Village.

Chiyo was anxiously waiting in the office of the Kazekage.

Mainly because the last piece of information came last night, saying that Akashi and Song Ming were preparing to attack Konoha. In order to prevent accidents, they did not send information back.

Chiyo also understood and said nothing.

Just because she didn't want to be in constant worry, she planned to deal with some government affairs.

As a result, she fell asleep accidentally.

In a daze, she seemed to see her son and daughter-in-law, who looked at her with guilt.

Chiyo was just a little confused. Aren't they in Konoha? Why did they come back suddenly?

"Why did you come back?" she asked.

But her son and his wife didn't answer. The couple came forward to hug her and slowly floated away.

No matter how she shouted or chased, she couldn't catch them.

She could only watch them getting farther and farther away.

And she herself seemed to be bound by something, her whole body was incredibly heavy, and even the chakra lines engraved in her bones could not be used.

It was not until they completely disappeared that she suddenly woke up from the dream.

The dream was too real.

She couldn't convince herself that it was just a dream.

She was restless and immediately came to the Kazekage Building to see if there was any information here.

This wait lasted from dawn todaytime.

Watching Chiyo walking around, looking out the window from time to time, Fengying shook his head.

This old woman can also be anxious sometimes!

"Grandma Chiyo, I know you are anxious, but it is useless to be anxious, and it is just a dream. You have to have confidence in your children.

In the Sand Ninja Village, they are masters second only to you and me, and they also lead a hundred-man Sand Ninja puppet force, five hundred elites, and more than nine hundred ninjas to follow.

Even if they can't break through Konoha, they have enough strength to retreat!"

He didn't want the Akasaga Songming couple to die in battle.

Naturally, he would not let them perform a mission that must be killed.

Whether they succeed or fail, they have the power to kill back.

Besides, even if these two people are idiots, it is absolutely impossible for them not to come back. After all, he is also afraid that Chiyo will get angry.

"I understand the truth!" Chiyo came to the table, picked up a cup of cold tea, and drank it all.

Although the tea is cold, it still can't extinguish her restless heart.

She simply came to the map and carefully examined the forces of all parties.

The Third Kazekage walked across from her, looked at the map in front of him, and heard Chiyo telling something.

"Konoha's power is basically on the front line. The Third Hokage is in the Rain Country and wants to regain the face of the Three Ninjas with Hanzo. This should be correct. Our people saw him yesterday!"

Hearing this, the Third Kazekage understood that she wanted to check whether Konoha could transfer the masters back.

This made him frown a little, "It is unlikely that there will be any problems with our intelligence work!"

Chiyo snorted coldly and retorted: "Don't underestimate Konoha. Have you forgotten that our Anbu was also established based on the Anbu Ninja Organization founded by the Second Hokage?

At the beginning, Konoha's Anbu directly suppressed the Uchiha Hawk Faction who wanted to launch a rebellion and wanted to drive the Second Hokage down."

The Third Kazekage stopped talking. This was not a secret.

He also looked at the map and speculated: "Shimura Danzo is still in the direction of Iwagakure Village. According to reliable information, since the Third Hokage is currently heading to the Hidden Rain Village, he is currently shrinking his defenses to prevent the Iwagakure Ninja from taking advantage.

In this case, he can't be transferred back!"

Chiyo suddenly looked up at the Third Kazekage and asked: "Have our people found the Three Ninjas?"

Hearing this, the Third Kazekage suddenly looked up at her, "You mean, the Three Ninjas have returned to Konoha Village!?"

"It's possible. After all, they can't be healing in the Rain Country full of enemies!"

But soon Chiyo shook her head again, "However, if it was the Three Ninjas, they might really find a place in the Rain Country to recover from their injuries!"

"What do you mean?"

"You haven't fought with Tsunade Senju, so you don't know much about her. That woman has medical ninjutsu that is more advanced than mine. As long as they don't die, she has plenty of ways to save them.

Hanzo spared their lives, so it's obvious that their injuries were not very serious. In this case, with Tsunade's means, they can recover in a week at most."

Following Chiyo's thoughts, the Third Kazekage quickly thought of something, and his face became a little ugly.

"They are hiding on purpose because they are planning something, and the target of their plan is most likely our Sand Ninja Village!

They may have stolen the information that I wanted to surprise attack Konoha, so they sneaked back to Konoha secretly!"

Chiyo's face was not very good, "Damn, damn Konoha!"

After saying that, she looked at the Third Kazekage, shook her head and smiled bitterly, "Alas, be prepared to fail!"

She was relieved. She had fought with the three ninjas before, and their strength was indeed good, but only when the three of them joined together could they compete with her [The Ten Kinmatsu People].

Who told them that they were too young and had not fully grown up.

And even if his son and daughter-in-law were defeated by them, they would not be in danger of their lives.

There were more than a thousand people, and even if they were asked to chop more than a thousand wild boars, they could not kill them all.

Someone could always retreat.

After all, there were not many ninjas left in Konoha Village.

They were strong in defense, but weak in pursuit.

"It's bad, Master Kazekage, Master Chiyo, all the ninjas we attacked Konoha with surprise were defeated! Master Akashi and his wife both died in the battle. Of the more than 1,500 people, only 600 to 700 were captured alive, and the rest were all dead!" The ninja who reported the news also knew how important this information was.

In order not to be blamed, he had practiced it many times in his mind on the way here, so he spoke it very fluently and clearly in one breath!

Chiyo's body stiffened, she slowly turned her head and looked at the ninja who reported the news.

Her eyes were full of disbelief, and she even suspected that she might have heard it wrong.

So her throat moved, wanting to ask something.

But when she opened her mouth, a mouthful of blood came out, and she couldn't help but burst into tears.The blood spurted out, instantly staining the ground red.

In an instant, her spirit, like the blood, was completely drained out of her body!

Her body softened, and she slowly fell down with her eyes wide open.

"Ms. Chiyo!"

"Mrs. Chiyo, go find a doctor!"

For a moment, the office was in chaos.

The ninja who reported the news stood up hurriedly, ran out of the door, and shouted: "I'll find a doctor right away!"

He didn't dare to stay in the office. Didn't he see Chiyo vomiting blood because of his words?

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