The news that Chiyo vomited blood and fainted soon spread among the high-ranking officials of the Sand Village.

The Third Kazekage looked extremely ugly.

"Damn it, how could he die in battle?!" He paced back and forth in the room, feeling very irritated.

Holding the intelligence sent back by the spy in his hand.

A name jumped out of the paper, making his face terribly gloomy.

"Hatake Sakumo!"

"We really underestimated you, thinking that your strength was good, but definitely not higher than Tsunade and others.

But I didn't expect that you actually have the strength to kill the Akashi couple in seconds!" He gritted his teeth and said, his hands unconsciously exerted force, and the scroll was creaking when he squeezed it.

But soon, he was depressed.

"Konoha... is too strong!" Who would have thought that an unknown ninja would have such a strong strength.

At this moment, he suspected that there was definitely a strong man hidden in Konoha Village.

Even if he kicked a shadow to death, he would not think it was outrageous.

Lei Shou, the younger brother of the Third Kazekage, the ninja who got a great bargain, also had a grim expression.

"Not only did our Sand Ninja suffer heavy losses this time, but we also have to deal with Chiyo's anger and the five or six hundred people captured by Konoha!"

The Third Kazekage looked at him irritably, "I know it without you telling me!"

"Brother, there is only one way for us to go now!" Lei Shou suggested.

The Third Kazekage was silent for a moment after hearing this, and finally walked back to his seat and sat down.

"Tell me about it!"

Lei Shou took a few steps closer and lowered his voice, "After all, it was you and I who proposed to let the Akasaga Songming couple launch a surprise attack on Konoha. They died in Konoha. Although it is not our fault from a rational point of view, it is our problem emotionally.

Chiyo has a very high status in the village. As long as she wakes up, the elders who are on good terms with her will definitely put pressure on us.

By then, our Kazekage faction and their elders faction will definitely have another dispute.

Instead of that, we might as well transfer the conflict away first. When Chiyo vents her anger on the Konoha ninja on the battlefield, we will not be so weak when facing her!"

The Third Kazekage rubbed his eyebrows while listening.

Transfer the conflict away...

This is a good idea.

"Okay, let's do as you say. By the way, all the supplies this time must be prepared quickly. Chiyo can't wait, and we can't wait even more!"

If Chiyo stays in the Sand Village for one more minute, he may suffer the other party's anger.

"Okay, I'll go now!" Lei Shou said, and turned around and left.

The two did not mention the Sand Ninjas captured by Konoha.

Maybe they deliberately didn't want to mention it.

And as long as Chiyo goes to the battlefield, then this matter can be completely pushed onto the other party, and then the people of their Kazekage department will not be splashed with dirty water at all.


In Konoha Village.

In the Hokage meeting room, all the elders, the heads of the major families, the two advisors, the leaders of the Sealing Class, the Barrier Class, the Jounin Class, the Anbu Minister, etc., as long as the ninjas with a little status in Konoha, all arrived.

Among the three major families, only Senju did not come.

In the past, Senju Tsunade was the representative, but she is not in Konoha now, so she didn't come.

Rope Tree is not qualified.

Who said he was too young?

In addition to the clan leader, Uchiha and Hyuga brought one more person.

Uchiha Dahai brought Uchiha Dazhuang, while the Hyuga clan brought the clan leader and his son, Hyuga Hiashi.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that he was planning to train the next clan leader.

But this was someone else's family affair, so no one said anything.

Today's meeting had only one main topic, which was how to condemn the Sand Ninja Village's surprise attack on Konoha.

The meeting was noisy, some said to fight, and some said to compensate first.

In short, the whole meeting room was noisy and incomprehensible.

The only ones who didn't speak were Hyuga, Uchiha, Ino-Shika-cho, and two consultants.

Oh, there was another one, the Aburame clan, which had little presence.

The Aburame clan leader sat quietly, not arguing or quarreling, and seemed isolated from the world.

Those who said they wanted to fight were mostly radicals, and those who said they wanted compensation were the profit-seeking group. Both groups had their reasons, so it became a situation where I couldn't argue with you, but you couldn't argue with me either.

Seeing that it was a waste of time to continue arguing like this, Koharu Utane knocked heavily on the table.

All of a sudden, the quarrels quieted down.

"Okay, stop arguing. According to the rules, if there is a disagreement, we will take a vote.

But this time the Hokage is not here, and he has a veto, so this mechanism is not suitable."

After all, the veto is the right of the Hokage. If she dares to initiate a vote, she will definitely be blocked by someone.Xinren grabbed the chicken's feet and sprayed it from head to tail.

As she said this, she glanced at Uchiha without leaving a trace.

When she just became the Hokage's advisor, she made a small mistake and was scolded by the other party. She almost became autistic.

"So everyone, come and express your opinions one by one. If you think it's appropriate, you will do it according to what he says. If it's not appropriate, the next one will express it.

If none of them are appropriate, then we will pick the tallest one among the short ones and temporarily adopt that person's opinion. What do you think!"

"I have no objection!" Uchiha Dahai folded his arms and nodded.

This is a good way, and it doesn't waste time.

"I have no objection either!" The Hyuga clan leader responded.

Uta-ne Koharu's proposal is very formal and there is nothing wrong with it. Naturally, no one objects.

Seeing that no one objected, Utane Koharu nodded and said, "Well, let the Uchiha clan leader express his opinion first!"

If Tsunade was there in the past, the first speaker would naturally start from the Senju clan. If Senju was not there, then it would be the Uchiha clan, and then the Hyuga clan.

Uchiha Dahai glanced at Dazhuang beside him. At this moment, this guy looked ferocious.

People would want to stay away from him at first sight, but they would subconsciously think that this guy was useless except for scaring people.

Even facing him, they would have an inexplicable sense of superiority.

For example, my IQ is higher than his!

Although I can't beat him, I can beat him to death... and so on!

Dahai stood up, supported his hands on the table, looked at the Yamanaka clan, and asked: "Did your Yamanaka clan get any information about the two people killed by the Minister of An?"

Hearing this, the Yamanaka clan leader was stunned. He frowned slightly and subconsciously glanced at his companion, the Nara clan leader.

"Why are you asking this?" The Nara clan leader asked back indifferently.

Even the faces of the two consultants turned a few degrees colder.

The information obtained by the Yamanaka clan was directly connected to the top leaders of Konoha. What does Uchiha mean by this? Does he want to intervene in this matter?

Obviously, other people think so too.

Uchiha is the least popular clan in Konoha Village.

And Uchiha Dahai also knew about this, but he was not angry.

If he was angry, he would have been angry long ago.

He said calmly: "I have an idea, and I need the bodies of Akashi and Song Ming!"

The Nara clan leader was stunned for a moment, then thought, "Why do you want their bodies?"

Dahai did not hide it, and said directly: "When Chiyo learned that her daughter-in-law and son died in Konoha, what do you think she would do?"

The outspoken Inuzuka clan leader stood up immediately and said: "Definitely lead troops to attack Konoha, and the most likely route is the Rain Country.

After all, there are a large number of ninjas from the Sand Village! If they join forces, their combat effectiveness will be more than doubled!"

"That's right, but if we rush to send the bodies of Chiyo's son and daughter-in-law to the Sand Village, guess what will happen!"

After saying that, Uchiha Dahai sat down leisurely.

Hearing this, everyone present was stunned.

What would happen if the bodies were sent back?

The Nara clan leader stood up suddenly, and he looked at Uchiha Dahai, his face a little unnatural.

"Uchiha clan leader, what a good plan!"

Obviously, he figured it out.

It was because he figured it out that he felt horrified.

It's not that he hadn't captured the enemy's generals in previous battles, but no one had ever wanted to return them.

Because even if a ninja died, his body was a huge treasure.

A professional ninja could analyze the opponent's secrets from the autopsy, such as the ingredients of the secret medicine he took, such as blood ability, such as the muscle memory of the human body, etc.

And the most important thing is the brain.

Because even if a ninja died, his mind would record the information before his death. Although it might not be complete, as long as a few key points are obtained, a lot of things can be deduced.

For example, secret techniques, such as intelligence...

So no one has ever thought of returning it to the opponent.

And the idea proposed by Uchiha Dahai this time made him brighten his eyes.

This is an open conspiracy to kill people and destroy their hearts!

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