Mitomon En saw that the Nara clan leader understood, so he said: "Please explain it to us, Nara clan leader!"

Although the suggestion to return the bodies of Akashi and Song Ming to the Sand Ninja Village was proposed by Uchiha Dahai, they didn't want Uchiha to be in the spotlight.

I don't know if the Nara clan leader heard it, maybe he heard it, but he didn't care.

He explained directly: "Not only did Akashi and Song Ming die in our Konoha, but their bodies are still in our Konoha, which is equivalent to giving Chiyo of Sand Ninja Village an object of hatred.

She will definitely attack us at all costs, which is a great pressure for us.

After all, Chiyo is a top ninja in poisoning in addition to puppets.

But if we return the bodies of her son and daughter-in-law to Sand Ninja Village, witnessing the death of her loved ones will be a second blow to Chiyo. Although it may not necessarily make her seriously ill, it will always have an impact!"

As he said, he looked around at everyone, "And this move has two benefits. First, if the bodies of Akashi and Song Ming are in Sand Ninja Village, with Chiyo's status, Sand Ninja Village will definitely hold a grand ceremony. A big funeral, the whole village mourns the death of Akagisa and Shonai.

Then there must be someone to keep vigil, as far as I know, Chiyo's family only has a few people, Chiyo and her brother Ebizo, son Akagisa Shonai, daughter-in-law Akagisa Ho Nadeshiko, and grandson Akagisa no Scorpion.

Once the funeral is held, it can take three days at the shortest and a week at the longest, this is the first.

Second, as long as Chiyo can see her dead son and daughter-in-law anytime and anywhere, and can't lead people to attack our Konoha immediately, then this hatred will involve others.

For example, the third generation Kazekage, who ordered the dispatch of Akagisa and Shonai to attack our Konoha.

Strictly speaking, he is the culprit! "

Hearing this, those who didn't react for a while suddenly realized it.

The Yamanaka clan leader stroked his chin and continued, "At that time, there will inevitably be a gap between the Kazekage and the Elders. Even if they don't fight, they won't be as close as before.

Using two dead bodies to exchange for a spike and pierce the heart of the Sand Village, this proposal is great!"

For a while, the meeting room was silent, and many people's eyes were shining.

After the explanation of the Yamanaka clan leader and the Nara clan leader, Utatane Koharu and Mitomon En's eyes were also shining.

They saw another good proposal that was beneficial to Konoha.

But soon they were very upset because this proposal was proposed by Uchiha.

This is uncomfortable.

But in general, once this matter is done, the attack on their Konoha will be delayed for a few days, and there will be enough time to arrange countermeasures.

If the operation is done properly, maybe one of Chiyo or the Third Kazekage can be killed.

Of course, this idea is a bit whimsical.

But what if!

As long as there is a one percent chance of it happening, it is worth a try.

Thinking of this, Mitomonaka looked at the Yamanaka clan leader and asked, "Clan leader Yamanaka, have you collected all the information carried by the bodies of Akashi and Songming?"

"I was just about to report this to you!" said the Yamanaka clan leader, handing a scroll to the two consultants.

"Here is all the information that can be read from the two bodies, but because the brain is incomplete, I don't get much information!"

As he said this, he subconsciously glanced at the head of the Anbu, Hatake Sakumo.

To be honest, after the battle this morning, he realized how powerful the man known as 'Konoha White Fang' was.

I'm afraid his strength is already above the three ninjas.

Second only to the Hokage.

"Since it has no effect, please hand the bodies over to the head of the Anbu, and the Anbu will use the exclusive channel to deliver the bodies of Akasaki Matsuaki and Akasaki Honoko to Chiyo as soon as possible!"

"Okay, I'll go to the intelligence room now!" The Yamanaka clan leader stood up immediately and walked quickly to the door.

He also knew about this matter, but he couldn't delay it. He had to deliver the bodies before Chiyo left the village.

Only then can he achieve the situation described by the Nara clan leader.

"I'll go too!" Hatake Sakumo said, and he also stood up and followed the Yamanaka clan leader.

In the meeting room, no one stopped them. They all watched them go out, and they all looked at Uchiha Kaikai at the same time.

At this moment, they had only one thought in their minds.

What a damn evil Uchiha, the second generation really didn't say anything wrong!

We must stay away from them in the future, who knows when they will be calculated by them.

Uchiha Kaikai didn't care about their gazes, still folded his arms across his chest, squinting his eyes calmly.

He looked relaxed and at ease.

Although Uta-ne Koharu wasThere are many ideas, but as one of the hosts of this meeting, it is not okay to let the meeting room be quiet.

So she said: "Does the Uchiha clan leader have anything else to say?"


"Well, then, please let the Hyuga clan leader talk about his ideas next!"

The Hyuga clan leader glanced at the direction of the Uchiha clan, and he knew that this insidious plot, no, open plot, must have been thought up by the man who looked very fierce.

"I also have a suggestion, can we secretly unite with Yuyin and design a plan to rape Chiyo and the others..."

For a while, there was another dispute in the meeting room.

After all, the idea proposed by Uchiha Dahai was not related to the theme, and it was too unsolvable. For their Konoha, there were many benefits.

So no one discussed anything and passed it directly.

But the words of the Hyuga clan leader made the pro-war and pro-profit factions all have their own opinions, and they all felt that their opinions were the best.


Since such a big thing happened this morning, although the ninja school still had to go to class, it was obvious that many students had no intention of going to class.

The teachers were the same.

Although they were teachers, they also participated in the early morning defense battle.

They were so tired.

So they let the students make trouble, and they gathered together to talk about the difficult battle this morning.

Of course, there were also teachers from several classes who died in the battle last night.

This made the class he led very sad.

But in general, the whole ninja school was still lively.

After all, there were too many deaths, especially during World War II, and their teachers and even students were used to it.

Unless the death was a close person.

The five children of the future were lying on the playground. Sheng Shu looked at the blue sky and white clouds, with a smile on his face. "Future, do you think the teachers will be surprised if they know about our heroic deeds this morning?"

Future looked at him, "I don't know whether they are surprised or not, but didn't you realize your shortcomings through the battle last night?"

Hearing this, Kushina, who was chattering with Linghua, stopped talking involuntarily.


She smiled bitterly, "That's too much!"

Sheng Shu stopped laughing all of a sudden. He looked at the future with resentment. In such a good mood, why did you say such serious words?

Huh... Damn Uchiha...

"I don't have any shortcomings. I have always been so excellent!"

Hearing this, the four children rolled their eyes at him. This guy is so fucking shameless.

Minato changed his posture from lying on his side and looking at Kushina to another posture, like Mirai, with his hands behind his head, looking at the azure blue sky and white clouds.

"I have many shortcomings, the most fatal of which is lack of experience!" He was so weak after destroying only a few puppets last night.

It was because he was too wasteful before.

If he could save chakra, he could last longer and not be exhausted so quickly.

"Me too!" Kushina heard this and said the same as Minato: "I can obviously use the least effort to solve the puppets, but I always can't control it!"

She is the kind of person who lacks control.

"I'm different from you. I can't last long because of my physical condition!" Mirai said bitterly.

Although he is also a cheat, how can I say it? The cheat can't strengthen his physique in an instant.

For a while, the atmosphere was a little silent.

But soon, Minato smiled and comforted everyone, "But it's good this way. Knowing your own shortcomings, you will have a direction to strengthen your training in the future!"

"That's right!"

"So what are we doing today?" Nawaki asked, glancing at them.

Hearing this, Minato, Mirai, and Kushina looked at him speechlessly, "Nonsense, of course, take a good rest!"

They haven't recovered yet after getting up so early to fight this morning. After all, after the battle, the slugs went back because the time was up.

Nawaki:  ̄へ ̄

What did you say just now!

It almost made my blood boil!

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