After Mr. Kamimura taught a class inexplicably, he left inexplicably.

He always felt that Uchiha Mirai's eyes looking at him before class were strange.

As for what was strange, he couldn't tell for a while.

But in general.

As long as he didn't cause trouble, it would be fine.

This guy has been quiet recently, and he just prayed that he could continue to be quiet until they all graduated.

As soon as Mr. Kamimura left.

All the female classmates stood up, and the movement scared the male classmates in the class.

They all looked at their deskmates blankly, wondering what happened to them!

But soon they knew that these female classmates all surrounded Hinata Reika.

Xiaochun looked at Mirai's handsome face, and her heart couldn't help but beat, and even her breathing stopped.


Ah... How could there be such a perfect man in this world! He smiled slightly, and I felt the world bloomed!

Looking at so many people coming around, Wei Li frowned and said, "What's up?"

His words were cold, and most of them were dismissive of anyone who was not recognized by him.

His words brought all the girls back to their senses, and Xiao Chun hurriedly replied, "Well, we have something private to do with Hyuga Reika!"

Hearing that they were looking for her, Hyuga Reika was a little confused.

"You are looking for me!?"

Several female classmates nodded hurriedly, but because every time they saw Wei Li, their faces would turn red, their necks would become thick, their breathing would become rapid, and their bodies would twist and turn.

She was so embarrassed that she couldn't say anything, so Hyuga Reika didn't see anything.

Xiao Chun hurriedly suppressed the restlessness in her heart, and a warm smile appeared on her face.

"Yes, the teacher asked us to help the new students. After all, you skipped a grade to join our class, and your academic performance is one year behind ours. It just so happens that we have our own learning help area, so we want to invite you to join!"

As she said this, she also pointed to the people not far away, where there were two people who skipped a grade with Hyuga Reika.

Her appearance seemed to want to prove that she was not lying.

Mirai had to admire the girls at this moment. He already knew what these girls were planning, but he didn't expect that they were so good at acting that he couldn't see any problems.

"Please!" After saying this, Mirai stopped talking, with a playful expression on his face.

'Reika, Reika, I told you a long time ago that you should strike first. Now, you have no choice but to strike! '

Other female classmates were relieved when they heard Mirai's words. As long as Uchiha Mirai didn't interfere, it would be fine.

But Xiaochun smelled a hint of something strange from the male god's expression.

'Why did he say "please" instead of other words! ? ’

She is very smart, and she is in the top five in the class in all subjects, even Kushina can’t compare to her.

She is also one of the girls who can keep her sanity in the field.

Soon, her eyes lit up, as if she thought of something.

‘The male god doesn’t like Hyuga Reika either, but Hyuga Reika is Kushina’s best friend, and Kushina is the person that Minato male god likes, so he has to give Minato face, and that’s why he tolerates Hyuga Reika to be with him! ’

Just before class, Hyuga Reika was not only ungrateful, but also took advantage of her and drew a line on the male god’s desk.

So the male god’s tolerance for her is already negative.

The light in her eyes is getting brighter and brighter, and there is only one truth!

That is, the male god saw their thoughts, but the male god did not stop them, but let them do it on their own!

This, this, this…

Then what are you still doing, fuck her.

She was so fat and so withdrawn. When she joined her class, she didn't try to please her, the big sister, and avoided them every time.

Could it be that they were so unwelcome in her eyes?

Seeing that her own people were still trying to be nice to her, she, who thought she understood her future thoughts, immediately gave them a look.

Several loyal female brothers understood immediately.

Four people came out immediately, and pulled Hinata Reika out of her seat from the left and right.

Hinata Reika thought that since her classmates wanted to help her, she would just agree. When they gradually reduced contact in the future, they would naturally forget about her.

But when she came to her senses, she had been taken to the back of the classroom.

At this time, she had already noticed something was wrong.

"What do you want to do?"

"We don't want to do anything, we just feel that some people are shameless.

You can sit next to the male god, which is a great blessing for ten lifetimes.

But the male god who we hold in our hands and are afraid of melting, and hold in our mouths and are afraid of softening, is actually regarded as garbage by you."

"So, tell me what we want to do!"

As she said this, the other girls had alreadySmirking, he surrounded Linghua in the middle.

There were also caring people who closed the door.

Just as Kushina was about to get up, she was grabbed by the sleeve by the future. She frowned, "Let go, can't you see that Linghua-chan has been bullied!"

The familiar words and scenes made her speechless.

She was too familiar with it. Last time, she was the protagonist.

Minato finally came back to his senses from the excitement. He looked at the future with a face full of confusion.

"Future, what do you think? Linghua is our friend!"

How can you watch your friends being bullied and be indifferent?

That's still a human being!

As he said that, he wanted to get up and persuade them to stop fighting.

We are all girls. Don't hurt the harmony for a man.

Then he was also pulled by the future.

This puzzled him for a while. According to his understanding of the future, this guy is not so petty that he would not help.

Otherwise, how could he let himself go to save Kushina when she was bullied by Tsubaki and the others last time?

But thinking of the last time...

He suddenly looked at Mirai, carefully weighed his tone, and asked in a low voice: "Do you want to be a hero and save the beauty?"

Mirai: ヽ(ー_ー)ノ

"Save your head, I'm not such a boring person, and besides..."

As he said that, he looked at the surrounded Hyuga Reika, who was like a weak and harmless little rabbit shrinking her head, and smiled inexplicably.

"Besides... that guy is very strong!"

Minato: (ŎдŎ;)


No, man, why do these words sound so familiar to me!

He subconsciously looked at Kushina.

This made the latter look puzzled, "Why are you looking at me?"

"Uh, no, I just remembered something!" If I remember correctly, he said this to Mirai.











"What do you mean?"

The snotty man's eyes flashed with wisdom, and he looked in the direction of Uchiha Mirai.

"That guy is very arrogant. Do you think ordinary people can play with them?"

Everyone was stunned.

All subconsciously looked at Uchiha Mirai.

In their eyes, that guy is very Uchiha, arrogant, powerful, and does not take ordinary people seriously.

In the past, only Namikaze Minato could get along with him.

The current Uzumaki Kushina can be with them because she is very strong.

They have the most say in this regard.

So, they all thought that the little fat guy must be very strong.

Coincidentally, their thoughts are exactly the same as Mirai, except that one knows that Hinata Reika is very strong, and the other guesses that the other party is very strong.

The girls were silent.

The classroom is so small, and they are the focus. They heard what the snotty man said and what Mirai said.

All looked at each other, no one dared to shout.

Because they were all beaten by Kushina.

It was miserable at that time.

And I have to admit that the snotty man's analysis makes sense. If there is nothing special, Uchiha will accept her to join his small team in the future.

"What should I do?"

A female classmate hesitated and looked at her companion on the left.

The companion on the left looked to her left again, "I think what he said makes sense, why don't we forget it!"

The person on her left heard it and also looked to her left, "I'm a little panicked, what should I do?"

She looked at the girl on her left.

The girl on the left: "..."

Where the hell do I know what to do! I'm also panicked!

She was still in a panic, and the girl on the right also looked at her, "Big sister, we..."

Xiao Chun was silent. She looked at the two people on her left and right, and they all looked at her.

'Damn it, just die! ' Now the arrow is on the string and it has to be shot.

"Hit me, Uzumaki Kushina onlyis an exception. She is just a branch of the Hyuga clan. If she can beat one of us, how can she beat all of us? "


The eldest sister took the lead and started fighting.

Seeing this, the other sisters also followed suit and started fighting.

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