One minute later...

Kushina looked at the bruised and swollen Reika Hyuga, and immediately got angry. She shook off Mirai's hand and pointed at Reika Hyuga, who was squatting with her head in her hands.

She said coldly: "Is this what you call strong?"

Without waiting for Mirai to answer, she jumped over by stepping on Minato's shoulder.

With brute force, she quickly squeezed into the crowd and protected Reika Hyuga.

Even Minato looked at Mirai with some confusion.

"Brother, do you really think she is strong?"

He didn't doubt that Mirai was lying.

Although this guy was very arrogant, he would never lie, especially to him.

If he knew, he knew, if he didn't know, he didn't know, and if he couldn't say it, he would say he couldn't say it.

Anyway, Mirai was sincere to him and never hid anything from him.

Sure enough, Mirai just glanced at him and explained the reason.

"Do you still remember that you told me about my hollowness a few days after Kushina transferred to school?"

Minato thought about it and soon remembered this incident.

That time when he saw Mirai so hollow, he thought that this guy had done that with Kushina, and he even thought about quitting and helping them.

Although the facts proved that he was just overthinking.

"I was beaten by her that time, and I almost died in her hands!"

"Huh!?" Minato was a little confused. He didn't react for a while. This little fat classmate who was bullied actually beat Mirai like that! ?

How is this possible! ?

You know that Mirai is very strong. He can beat the ninja school without any opponents. All the graduated Genin have been beaten by him. Only he can barely suppress him.

But such a person was actually beaten by the unknown Hyuga Reika, and he almost died! ?

But Mirai couldn't lie to him, which means that this matter is true! !

In an instant, he stood up suddenly in shock.

Staring with a pair of big eyes, he exclaimed: "What!?"

All of a sudden, he became the focus of the whole class. They all looked at Minato, not knowing what he was shocked about. Even Kushina, who was protecting Hyuga Reika, was puzzled.

What happened to this guy? He shouted so loudly and was so shocked!

As the protagonist, Minato naturally noticed the changes in his classmates. He hurriedly smiled and explained: "Sorry..."

Before he finished speaking, the door suddenly exploded.

The poor door was kicked away by someone, and with a strong wind, it passed over the podium and hit the wall directly, breaking into two pieces in an instant.

It can be seen how strong the person who kicked the door is.

Then, a furious shout came, "Little bastard, are you going to rebel?"

As this furious shout came, a figure walked in step by step from the door with terrifying anger.

Behind him, it seemed as if he could see the illusion of flames burning the sky.

Everyone in the classroom shuddered uncontrollably.

Even Mirai couldn't help shrinking his neck.

It was the first time he saw Teacher Kamimura so angry.

After Teacher Kamimura came in, he saw the scene at the back of the classroom.

A group of girls in the class surrounded a little fat boy, who was now bruised and swollen, with tears streaming down his face.

Those white eyes were full of fear and terror, like a frightened deer, which broke his heart.

But the good thing was that Uzumaki Kushina stood in front of her and stopped the violent female students with both hands, preventing Hyuga Reika from suffering more harm, which made him a little relieved.

Although Uzumaki Kushina gave him a serious demerit last time, she was not the kind of person who would take the initiative to cause trouble.

She was also very helpful, which was good.

He suppressed his anger and walked from the classroom door to the back of the classroom step by step.

Xiaochun and the others were all silent at this moment. They were extremely frightened. The anger of Teacher Kamimura made them feel terrified.

This time the teacher seemed to be really angry.

Seeing the teacher coming step by step, they all subconsciously stepped back a few steps.

After a while, they let Hyuga Reika and the others out.

The teacher ignored them, but walked in front of Hyuga Reika, and the anger on his face turned into a touch of heartache.

He helped the little fat boy up and apologized: "I'm sorry, the teacher is late and you are wronged!"

Hyuga Reika was stunned, and she looked at Teacher Kamimura in a daze.

To be honest, she couldn't remember how long it had been since the teacher would stand up for her.

I remember that she was also bullied in the previous class, and the previous head teacher had stood up for her once.

Later, seeing that her grades were so bad, her status in Hyuga was not high, she was an orphan, and she was fat, stupid, and unpopular.

Gradually, the teachers gave up on her..

Although this was the result she wanted most, the consequence was that the classmates in the class became more and more unscrupulous.

Not only did they ask her to run errands, but they also paid for it themselves, and asked her to wash clothes and cook.

After a few months of this kind of life, those who bullied her got tired of it and gave up bullying her.

After all, bullying a punching bag is not fun at all.

So thinking back to the last time the teacher helped her out, it was still the last time!

And the teacher only lectured those people last time, unlike this time, Teacher Kamimura was very angry.

Teacher Kamimura would never be at peace if he didn't vent this anger.

She subconsciously replied: "I... I... I'm used to it!"

Looking at Hinata Reika's dull eyes, there was no liveliness in them before.

Teacher Kamimura's anger became several points stronger.

He helped Hinata Reika up and looked at her carefully.

Fortunately, these little bastards didn't hit him so hard, at most it was just a superficial injury.

But they had brought him so many serious offenses.

He took a deep breath, looked at Uzumaki Kushina, and praised: "Uzumaki classmate, you did a good job. When classmates are in trouble, you should help them!"

As he said that, he glanced at someone.

If that guy would take action, with his prestige in the class, how could Hyuga Reika be beaten?

Uchiha Mirai noticed his gaze and shrugged speechlessly.

Well, it's my fault, okay!

He thought Hyuga Reika would resist, but who knew she chose to bear it silently.

But now thinking about it, she has been bearing it silently for so many years. Even if her personality has changed a lot, it is still difficult for her nature to change in a short time!

The reason why she pretended was to show it to the Hyuga clan.

If she really exposed her strength like this, he could imagine what the Hyuga clan would do to her.

Even if Hyuga Souji's family died or was put in solitary confinement!

But there are other members of the main family.

Teacher Kamimura didn't even look at Mirai's apologetic eyes. He asked Kushina to help Reika go to the infirmary, and he looked at these cute-looking but ugly female students.

The disappointment in his eyes almost came out.

Unexpectedly, Teacher Kamimura didn't beat or scold them.

He suddenly sighed, and the anger he carried dissipated instantly.

His tone was cold and his expression was indifferent.

"Your class is the worst class I have ever taught, and you..."

"I have taught the worst students. There have never been any worse students than you in the past, and there will never be any worse students than you in the future. People like you, who beat others for a little insignificant desire, will only become the scum of Konoha even if you leave the Ninja School in the future.

Tell your parents to come to school tomorrow. You are not suitable to study in the Ninja School anymore!

I will not teach you anymore!"

As he said that, he turned and left, wanting to go to the infirmary to comfort the little white flower.

This blow must have hurt her a lot, and he must go to see her.

It was not until the teacher walked out of the classroom that the sluggish people in the class came back to their senses one by one.

"They are... ordered to drop out of school?!"

I don't know who said this, but as soon as this word came out, the class exploded instantly.

"Big sister... our... teacher doesn't want us anymore?!"

A female classmate stared at Xiaochun blankly, her face extremely pale.

Ninja schools are equivalent to aristocratic schools.

It doesn't mean that people who study are aristocrats, but students who graduate from ninja schools are almost all commanders of various teams.

Because there are many ways to become a ninja, but those who come out of ninja schools are naturally superior.

If they are expelled from school, wouldn't it ruin their bright future? !

In an instant, many female students were anxious.

Their faces turned pale and red.

Even Xiaochun, the leader, was the same.

If she was forced to drop out of school, how could she be a superior person and make a name for herself in the future?

No, absolutely not!

She gritted her teeth and chased after the teacher.

As soon as she moved, the people who had no backbone also moved in panic.

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