Minato handed the little gray cat to Linghua speechlessly.

The little gray cat seemed to have turned into a cat, not making any noise at all, and rubbed Linghua's chest very affectionately.

From time to time, it would make a clipping sound of meowing.

Why didn't he realize before that this cat was actually a little lecherous cat!

If he knew this at the beginning, he would directly become a beautiful girl like Kushina, then would he not be scratched!

But at this moment, Jiraiya and his friends' trial was over.

As Jiraiya let go.

Nawaki successfully used the [Light and Heavy Rock Technique] to control Jiraiya, and calmly took down the three bells, and handed two of them to Kushina and Ichiraku respectively.

I think through this trial, Jiraiya will understand Nawaki and his friends more clearly.

Seeing this, Mirai and others all returned to the village and handed in their tasks.

When Linghua reluctantly handed the little gray cat back to the fat aunt, the first task of their seventh class was perfectly completed.

After walking out of the reception room.

Linghua sighed and said, "I finally know why Xiaohu always wants to escape!"

When she handed the kitten just now, she could clearly see the look of despair in its eyes.

If he were Xiaohu, he would probably try every means to escape!

Weilai glanced behind him and saw that there was a certain distance, ensuring that the fat aunt could not hear him, so he asked, "How about I accompany you to steal it tonight?"

Hearing this, Linghua shook her head, "Let's not do it. That fat aunt is a big shot. It's better for us not to do such a thing!"

"Okay!" Weilai shrugged. He didn't have a kind heart and wanted to save the kitten from the dire situation.

He said that just now, mainly on the way back, he saw that Linghua seemed to like the kitten very much.

So there was such a saying.

"Teacher Orochimaru, it's still so early, what should we do next?" Minato turned his head and asked Orochimaru.

After all, Orochimaru has become his guiding jonin and has taught him for so long, so it's not too much to call him teacher.

"It's only eleven o'clock in the afternoon, why don't we go eat first, and then we'll take on the next task after lunch!"

"Okay!" Hearing that it was time for lunch, Linghua was the first to raise her hand in agreement.

Mirai and Minato looked at each other and had no objection.

So after a quick lunch, they came to the task hall again.

At this time, there were not as many people in the task hall as in the morning.

Orochimaru glanced at it and pointed out a task, "What do you think of this task?"

Mirai and the others looked in the direction of his finger and found that Teacher Orochimaru was talking about a weeding task!

The reward is 10,000 taels, and the time limit is five days!

"Five days..." Mirai was a little unhappy, after all, this time is too long.

Minato smiled and said, "Five days is just the normal time. If you think it's too long, you can use a technique. Of course, the premise is that you can't destroy the employer's crops!"

He used to do this.

"Can you do this?!" Mirai was stunned. He thought that tasks such as weeding required people to do it themselves.

But after Minato explained it, he finally knew why he was so fast.

Orochimaru said with a smile, "If you can finish it in advance, you can also take on the next task!"

Mirai glanced at Linghua and asked, "What about you? What do you think of this task?"

Linghua shook her head, "I don't have any opinion!"

"Well, let's do this task!"

By the way, can you weed by yourself! ?

After taking the task, Mirai and the others came to a farmhouse somewhere outside the village.

There are only two old people here. Judging from their ages, both are about fifty years old.

Ordinary people are not like ninjas, who can still be lively at the age of fifty.

Most ordinary people at this time, their hands and feet start to lose control, their whole body is full of diseases, and their bodies start to hunch.

No wonder he came to Konoha Village to issue tasks.

They are so old, they really can't stand the hard work of farm work.

After all, the average life expectancy of people in this world is only sixty or seventy years old.

"Hello, we are the Konoha ninjas who accepted your mission!" Orochimaru told the old man their purpose.

The latter obviously didn't know Orochimaru. When they heard that they were here for a mission, they immediately took the four of them to the rice fields.

"I have 23 acres of rice fields here. You know the mission, just pull out all the weeds in the rice fields!"

Although he had never planted a field in the future, he still had the common sense he should have. It was only the end of February.

Rice seedlings are usually grown in March., and will be transplanted to the fields in May.

How come the rice seedlings have been transplanted in the fields here?

Judging from its growth, it seems that it has been transplanted for more than a month.

But he didn't ask. It won't be too late to ask when no one is around, so as not to be treated as an idiot.

The old man continued: "Also, although I don't expect to be 100% weed-free, it is better to have as few weeds as possible, and try to control it to about 90%.

If it is lower than this value, I won't pay!"

Minato smiled and said: "Grandpa, don't worry, we are not the kind of clumsy people, we will definitely pull out all the weeds!"

The old man glanced at the three of them and felt that they were not that kind of people.

So he nodded and continued: "There is one more thing, that is, you can't pull out my seedlings, I will supervise you from a distance!"

"No problem!"

After explaining the matter, the old man walked aside and sat down.

Orochimaru looked at the future and said with a smile: "Okay, you know the things to pay attention to in the mission, let's start now!"

"Okay!" After Minato responded, he rolled up his sleeves and trouser legs. Because he was wearing breathable open-toed shoes, he could also wear them as sandals, so he didn't have to take them off.

After he went to the field, he carefully distinguished the seedlings and weeds, and pulled out the weeds very skillfully.

After pulling out just enough to hold it with one hand, he shook it in the water for a few times, washed off all the mud at the roots of the weeds, and then put it on the ridge of the field.

It took less than half a minute, and there were not many weeds in this rice field.

It can be seen that Minato is very familiar with crops.

He is also good at farm work.

Linghua took out a white cloth from her ninja bag, tied up her black hair, rolled up her sleeves and trouser legs, and went down to the rice field. Although she was not as skilled as Minato, she could still distinguish between rice seedlings and weeds, but she was not as fast as Minato.

The old man saw how Minato worked and knew that he was familiar with crops, and so was the girl.

‘They all look like 15 or 16 years old, and it seems that they have done similar tasks, so I don’t have to worry too much! ’ Thinking of this, he decided to get up and go home.

Orochimaru smiled and glanced at Mirai, "What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

After the old man left, Mirai asked, "Teacher, why can we plant rice in February?"

Orochimaru did not answer, but looked at Minato and asked, "Minato, do you know why?"

Minato, who was mentioned, stood up and replied, "Because the climate of our Land of Fire is a warm zone, especially the climate around our Konoha Village. Although the winter is very cold, it is very short."

When Mirai heard this, he couldn't help but slap his head and said with a wry smile, "I didn't think of this!"

This is a very simple question, but he has never thought about this aspect.

And he was misled by the common sense of his previous life.

Minato smiled and glanced at him, saying, "Future, it's normal that you don't know this. I didn't understand it at first, but I learned it when I was on a mission!"

Don't say that Future, a rich son, he is a civilian who doesn't know this, and the teacher has never taught him related things.

Besides, they have hardly left the village.

The last time he left the village was because of World War II, and it was already July.

And at that time, they paid little attention to crops. They were always on the road, walking through dense forests with no one.

Then they stayed in the Rain Country.

When they came back, they followed their teachers through dense forests and rarely passed through farmland.

Then Mirai entered a three-year recuperation period.

Since then, he has never left the village again.

It can be said that since he was reincarnated into this world, he has only left the village a few times.

Orochimaru smiled and concluded: "In fact, this rice was developed by the second generation. In December, farmers can grow seedlings in greenhouses. Because of the use of new genetic modification technology, the rice in our Fire Country has strong cold resistance. When the weather warms up, we can transplant the seedlings!"

"So the rice in our Fire Country can be harvested twice a year!" This is also the fundamental reason why other major countries are extremely eager to obtain the land of the Fire Country.

Because they don't lack food at all!

"Soga!" The future people nodded in understanding, they really didn't know this!

But think about it, the second generation Senju Tobirama is first a forbidden ninja, and then an inventor.

For the ninja world, his ninjutsu talent is far greater than his scientific research ability!

Future also learned from them and tied up her hair,He rolled up his trouser legs.

He went down to the rice paddy.

At this moment, he felt a sense of novelty.

The rice paddy was full of mud, and he felt uncomfortable every time he took a step.

After all, this was his first time in the field.

In his previous life, he lived in the city, first in the Tomato Orphanage, and when he grew up, he lived in every corner of the city, rarely appearing in the fields in the countryside.

Looking at the future's cautious and somewhat awkward behavior, Minato couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth.

Looking at his appearance, he remembered himself back then.

Although he is so skilled now, he was not much better than the future back then, and it was the employer, the old uncle, who taught him hand in hand!

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