Mirai stood in the gap between the seedlings, looking at them in a daze.

The seedlings in the rice field were all in rows.

If I guessed correctly, these should be the seedlings.

They were crops that the employer said were not allowed to be damaged, but he noticed that there were shadows of seedlings in the weeds pulled out by Shuimen and Linghua.

Could it be that they were also weeds?

He looked at them intently, and soon saw the subtle differences with his excellent eyesight.

The weeds pulled out by Shuimen and Linghua were lighter in color.

The seedlings planted in the rice field were darker in color.

Linghua looked at Mirai after he went into the water, but he didn't move much, but looked at the grass they pulled out, and his expression was obviously thinking about something.

She didn't need to think to know what Mirai was thinking.

Because she was also confused for a while at the beginning.

So he cleaned the soil from the roots of the weeds he was holding and placed them on the ridge of the field. He picked out a weed and came to Weilai and said to him, "This grass looks like a seedling, but it is not a seedling. It is called barnyard grass. Although it has medicinal value, it will compete with the seedlings for nutrients in the field. Rice can't compete with it at all, so it is classified as a weed!" Weilai curiously came closer to watch, and after a look, he found more differences. Linghua pointed at the barnyard grass and continued, "The barnyard grass leaves have no hair at the leaf opening!"

Minato also noticed that Mirai was at a loss. He smiled and said, "Look here!"

He pointed at a barnyard grass and a rice seedling and said carefully, "This is a barnyard grass. It is thinner and smoother than the rice seedling. The leaves are straight and have a faint reflection.

The leaves of the rice seedling are very rough. If you look closely, there are fluffs!"

After Minato and Linghua's hands-on teaching, and Mirai was not stupid, he could basically tell the difference after listening once!

"Oh, I understand!" Mirai nodded in understanding.

As he said that, he pulled out the barnyard grass hidden in the rice seedling.

Linghua said again: "The vitality of barnyard grass is very tenacious. If we just pull it out and throw it on the shore, it will not die. After all, this is a rice field, and there is plenty of moisture on the ridge. The most important thing is that the roots of barnyard grass are still covered with mud.

So when we pull it out, we need to wash it in water to wash off the mud on the roots.

In this way, its roots will be directly exposed to the sun and cannot absorb nutrients, so it will die soon."

"I see!" Mirai didn't expect that there is a lot of knowledge in the small weeding.

Long posture!

Minato saw that Mirai was taught by someone, so he stopped interrupting and started his weeding task with a smile like an old father on his lips.

On the ridge.

Orochimaru looked at Mirai with a surprised face and his unfamiliar weeding posture, and couldn't help laughing.

No matter how talented he is, he is just a child after all!

There are also things he doesn't understand. It seems that he will have to take on more tasks similar to common sense in the future.

Don't teach the future to be out of touch with the masses and make jokes like "Why not eat meat porridge?".

The future originally thought that the task of weeding would be boring, but unexpectedly, this task was not as boring as he imagined.

He can always find new things in the rice field.

For example, water celery that looks like celery, wild taro with strange leaves, duckweed suspended on the water...

For example, wandering little water snakes, water rats, frogs, fish, loaches, and even the future saw a few lobsters!

These are fine, he actually discovered that there are many kinds of barnyard grass.

For example, red rhizomes of red barnyard grass, long-awned barnyard grass, sponge barnyard grass, etc....

Linghua looked at the future's startled look, and for some reason, she felt that the future at this time was so cute.


This guy used to act very mature and knew a little about everything.

But this time, he was like a curious baby who was in contact with the world for the first time. He was very interested in any small things in the rice field.

This might be the contrast cuteness described in Jiraiya's book! ?

She looked around and found that the water celery on the edge of the field was growing well, so she suggested: "Minato, why don't we keep some water celery and take it back later!"

Hearing this, Minato, who had already cleaned up most of the field, stood up. He looked at Linghua and understood immediately.


Mirai asked curiously: "Isn't this thing a weed? Why take it back?"

Seeing the noble speech of the future, Linghua explained: "Water celery can also be made into a delicacy. You will know when you try it when you go back!"

Hearing that it can be eaten, the future is immediately curious.He pointed to the wild taro mushroom beside him and asked, "Is this edible?"

After all, it's called taro mushroom, so it should be edible!

Linghua nodded, "Yes, do you want to try it?"


"Okay, pull more later!"


So Mirai and the others pulled weeds for the whole afternoon.

When the employer came, he checked and was quite satisfied with the results of the future.

The employer didn't say much about the weeds they wanted, and let them deal with them themselves.

In addition, it was so late, so they didn't stay for dinner, and let them go back first and come back to weed tomorrow morning.

Mirai and the others went directly to Minato's house.

Kushina and the others haven't come back yet, probably because they accepted the task and haven't come back yet.

But Minato contacted the teacher and said that they would come back for dinner.

"Mirai, help me wash the wild celery!"

In the kitchen, Reika was wearing Kushina's apron and using her pots, pans, chopping boards and knives.

Minato was on the other side, washing and cooking rice with an electric rice cooker.

Yes, the electric rice cooker also appeared, and it was still one of Orochimaru's products.

It can be said that in the past three years, almost all the technologies that appeared in Orochimaru's laboratory were civilian technologies.

It greatly facilitated people's daily life needs.

"Okay!" Mirai responded. Although he was not very familiar with crops, he still knew how to wash and cook.

He handed the washed celery to Reika and watched her cutting vegetables curiously.

Seeing that the future was so interested in wild vegetables, Linghua couldn't help but popularize science to the future: "Future, if you want to eat water celery in the future, you need to pay attention to one thing. There is a kind of wild celery that looks very similar to water celery and celery, but it is poisonous. You can't eat it!"

"Toxic?!" Future looked at Linghua curiously.

Linghua cut the water celery into large pieces and said that she was going to make fried meat with water celery.

She explained: "Yes, the easiest way to distinguish is to see if there are hairs on its roots, stems and branches. Those with hairs and red are not edible and are poisonous!"

"Oh!" Future nodded. After Linghua said this, he felt that he had learned something.

I knew that there were poisonous vegetables among wild vegetables before, but I didn't feel it so deeply this time.

Minato took the hem of his clothes and wiped the water stains outside the inner pot of the rice cooker.

After confirming that there was not much water, he put the inner pot into the rice cooker and poured hot water on it.

He did not use his fingers to measure the water level. After so many years of cooking, he had already figured out the water level required for cooking rice in the rice cooker.

Cover the lid, plug in the power, and press the cooking switch.

His mission was completed.

When he turned his head, he saw the future surrounding Linghua.

He was like a curious little baby, listening attentively to Linghua's popular science.

'Hey... the future boy has also found someone he likes! '

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart.


You know, when he was in school, whether it was in the class or other classes, whether it was senior or junior girls, they all confessed to him, but he ruthlessly rejected them all.

It is said that not long ago, Mitomon Xiaochun came to him specifically to ask about the future, but he was not at home at that time, and it was Kushina who rejected Xiaochun for him.

He said that Mirai already had someone she liked, and hurt the poor girl completely.

He covered his red and swollen eyes and fled away.

For a moment, he was relieved.

‘Mirai can find a wife on his own, so Kushina’s worries won’t happen! ’

In the past three years, Kushina had told him more than once that their relationship was not normal, too gay.

He naturally didn’t believe it, because he and Mirai were good friends, the kind of people who would stab each other for themselves.

It’s just that Kushina kept whispering about this in his ear, and every time she would intentionally or unintentionally match Mirai and Linghua.

Now it seems that this is purely caused by Nana’s excessive worry.

Look, Mirai and Linghua get along so well, it’s obvious that he can’t be gay.

I’m not either!

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